Why Must You Take Vitamin K2 Supplements with Your Diet

Many people have atherosclerosis, where plaque builds up in the inner walls of the arteries. Sometimes these plaques can come up and block the arteries. It leads to a heart attack. Here is where Vitamin K2 comes in and removes the calcium from the blood vessels. Vitamin K2 from AOR vitamins play a role in the healthy functioning of heart health, which is close to calcium.

Vitamin K Clears the Arteries’ Pathway

Vitamin K is effective in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition where the arteries of a person harden. It is a significant contributing factor in causing heart disease. It happens when plaque builds up on the artery walls.

Vitamin K in the AOR supplements clears the arteries by reducing the amount of calcium deposited in the walls of the arteries. The vitamin also reduces the threat of heart disease by preventing vascular calcification. Vitamin K2 activates the MGP protein in the body, which keeps the calcium from building up, thus reducing the heart disease risk.

Vitamin K is Good for The Brain as It Protects It from Alzheimer’s Disease

Some studies show that Vitamin K may ward off Alzheimer’s. The vitamin could protect against aging-related cognitive declines often associated with Alzheimer’s and dementia symptoms.

Alzheimer’s is a degenerative brain condition resulting in cognitive decline and memory loss. There is no cure for it. However, studies show that Vitamin K protects the brain from the damage that potentially leads to Alzheimer’s. Vitamin K potentially slows down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

One of the best-known functions of Vitamin K is blood clotting. Blood in the veins and arteries that travel to the brain plays a huge role in cognitive functions. Vitamin K helps in cognitive ability and helps the brain carry out functions. It also prevents Alzheimer’s disease. 

The Function of Vitamin K in Osteoporosis

Not just blood, Vitamin K also plays an important role in bone health. It helps to convert the bone protein osteocalcin from its inactive form to its active one. Osteocalcin is a major collagen protein that keeps calcium in our bones. Lower levels of Vitamin K can lead to osteoporosis. One can add Vitamin K to their diet through leafy green vegetables.

Helps Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis deal with chronic inflammation of the bones and muscles. It especially affects the joint of the person. RA has been proven to be an autoimmune reaction. The body produces antibodies as a reaction to the components of the joint tissues.

However, our body develops autoimmune diseases due to genetic factors, lifestyle, abnormal bowel permeability and nutritional factors, food allergies and microorganisms. One can call RA a multifactor disease where environmental, genetic and dietary factors combine to contribute to the disease.

The immunosuppressive function of Vitamin K2 prevents rheumatoid arthritis. It helps to improve the arthritis condition by reducing the risk of diabetes. Arthritis patients who take Vitamin K2 supplements from AOR Canada experience less inflammation.



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