Finding The Best Rentals in Mexico

Mexico has seen an extreme boom in the number of people relocating from Canada and the U.S. in recent years.

Mainly after the pandemic because there was a surge in the number of people who either became remote workers or decided life was too short and retired earlier.

Now, what does this have to do with finding the best rentals? Let me explain

Search Where The Locals Search

Time and time again, I’ve seen the rising costs of rentals advertised online. And it begs the question, “who are they advertising these rentals to?”

They’re not for locals- they are targeting foreigners. Foreigners whose dollars afford them a higher cost of living in Mexico. Your dollars have significantly more purchasing power in Mexico. But that doesn’t mean that just because you can afford it, you’re not overpaying.

This is why I want to share how to find the best rentals in Mexico.

If you’re looking for inexpensive rentals, you won’t find them on the various expat groups. These groups are not meant for locals. They are meant for English speakers to have a platform to share information.

You have to search like a local would search. That includes learning some common keywords when you start your search.

Keywords such as:

Rentas baratas (name of city)
Rentas económicas (name of city)
Departamento barato (name of city)
Casas baratas en renta (name of city)

And I also want to point out that it doesn’t matter if you’re living in Puerto Vallarta, San Miguel de Allende, Ajijic, Los Cabos, or any of the popular places in Mexico. You can find affordable rentals in those cities too!

But if you’re looking online and you’re only finding the most expensive rentals, you might not be looking in the right places or with the right keywords. You have to search how a local would search.

Where Can You Find Affordable Rentals?

Word of mouth is the best way to find affordable rentals in Mexico. Plenty of great rentals in Mexico are NOT advertised online.

Although we also recommend Facebook groups and Facebook marketplace. However, remember that you’ll likely need to know Spanish to speak with whoever is advertising a rental. Or at least know someone who can translate for you.

If you don’t know anyone, this is when having a realtor help you find a nice rental in Mexico.

Handy Cheat Sheet For Renting in Mexico

Expectation vs. Reality

You may also need to be realistic with your expectations.

If you need to live facing in an ocean-front, modern high rise- you’ll pay more. Or, if you want to live in one of the trendiest neighborhoods of any city, there will be more competition, and it will be harder to find the most inexpensive rentals.

To give you an idea, I went to a Facebook Group for locals in San Miguel de Allende where you can find rentals in ALL budgets. I found this rental in “Los Frailes,” which is a very nice neighborhood of San Miguel de Allende.

The house is a 2 bedroom 1 bath. Has a patio. And is unfurnished.

Rents for $7,000 MXN a month. That’s about $350 USD or $470 CAD

And that’s not uncommon to see in many local Facebook groups.
disclaimer- I don’t know the landlord- so please understand this is an example only

You Really Can Live A Better Life for Less in Mexico

So, I hope this helps you get creative. And see how living like a local will reward you.

And if you’re not looking for budget rentals, this will also help you find the nicest place for your money. Maybe even elevate your lifestyle without breaking the bank.

Either way, learning some Spanish and learning a few other tips will help you be ahead of the game.

Mariana Lange

Mariana Lima-Lange was born in Mexico and immigrated to the U.S. when she was a child. She spent every summer visiting family throughout Mexico and is very knowledgeable about Mexican culture, lifestyle, and traditions. She is fluent in both Spanish and English.

Reader Interactions


  1. Ron Petronella says

    Hi Mariana,
    I’ve been to Mexico several times on vacation. Eventually, every time I got the crud. upset stomach and diarrhea. Can you avoid that from happening?

    • Mariana Lange says

      You should take something to prevent the issue- like a prebiotic to increase your stomach’s flora. Or a de-parasite
      But the main thing you can do to avoid it is not eat very greasy foods

      • Lindsey says

        I’ve found that activated charcoal capsules will clear this up very quickly.
        They are cheap and can be bought at any vitamin store in Canada.
        Not sure if they are available in a Mexican vitamin store.

        • Mariana Lange says

          Yeap- charcoal is also common in Mexico for stomach issues.
          It’s known as “carbon activado”

        • Dominic says

          Can I bring vitamins, herb, or prescription drugs on the airplane?

          How can I find a realtor in Mexico before I get there?

          • Mariana Lange says

            Hola Dominic
            Yes you can bring your vitamins and prescriptions with you to Mexico. Make sure they are properly labeled
            If you’d like our recommendations for realtors across Mexico, you should consider buying our complete Mexico Relocation Guide.
            When you purchase our COMPLETE Mexico Relocation Guide, you get instant access to the steps for moving to Mexico as well as our complete directory of vetted contacts.
            See our reviews and what’s included in the guide here

            Saludos, The Mexico Relocation Guide team

      • Don says

        Drink bottled water only!

    • Ronnie says

      I’ve spent extensive time in Mexico. The only time I got sick was when I ate a salad. So, I only eat food that has been cooked now, unless I’m washing and preparing it.
      That, plus bottled water.

    • Carl in UP says

      Try 10 drops of Iberogast for upset stomach or two pills of Treda for diarrhea. This has been a life saver for me.

  2. Tim says

    Hi Mariana – quick question, are apartment rental leases typically for an entire year in Mexico(as they are usually here in Canada unless you pay for the privilege of a shorter term)?

    I ask because I am planning a visit to Mexico for 2 or 3 months to test the waters for longer stays and eventually buying. I would like to spend a few month here and there to get a better taste of where I would like to spend more time in the country. I have looked at some Spanish rental sites (trying to find places a local would) and it is not clear in most cases the minimum rental term.

    Many thanks. Love the site!

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Tim
      Finding a rental for 2-3 months is not out of the question, but you’ll usually pay a premium. Although, you can always negotiate that by paying all of it upfront. But I would only do that if you have the cash and love the place and neighborhood.

      Otheriwse, I would recommend renting on
      Or you could also go on local facebook groups and post that you are looking for a short term 2-3 month rental and see what people comment.

      • Tim says

        Thank you! Lo aprecio mucho.

  3. Elizabeth Rollison says

    Is there short term rentals ie: 1 month.
    to see if one would like to stay longer

    • Mariana Lange says

      Yes of course. For anything under 6 months we recommend

  4. Pat Oshea says

    Please advise best beach destination beyond Merida..Gulf Coast towns
    No longer interested in Pacific Coast towns
    Beyond the Pink Flamingo area outside of also.

  5. Angele says

    Bonjour! I am looking for a 2 bedroom place to rent – hopefully near a beach in Hutualoco in 2024, November to March 2024. I have 2 small dogs (schnauzers) so must be pet friendly. Amenities: air conditioning, pool, furnished, close for walking to shops and restaurants. I cannot afford your guide but would like a contact so I can find a place to rent. I am Canadian and would like to be close to other Canadians. Thank you. Angele

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Angele
      Sorry but we are not a real estate company
      We do, however, have a complete directory of realtors that could help you find the rental you are looking for in Huatulco
      When you purchase our COMPLETE Mexico relocation guide, you get instant access to our tips and advice on moving to Mexico. And you also get our directory of contacts.
      Check out what’s included here


  6. Gary L Rounds says

    Hello, Mariana
    Love your almost daily emails. Eventually I’d love to move to Mexico. One question, is an electric bike or a motor scooter considered a “vehicle” and excluded as something someone who is NOT a permanent resident can have in Mexico?

    Keep up the valuable info.


    • Mariana Lange says

      If the scooter needs a license plate, then yes, that is considered a vehicle.
      Electric bikes normally don’t need license plate. But I don’t know the full extent of all electric bikes and their street legalities

  7. Shirley Piazza says

    I am looking for long term rentals, 1 person, lady 73, what is best affordable place. I want to live in Mazatlan or Puerto Viarta unless you can suggest better areas. I have 3,000/month, but would like to live on 2,099 per month.
    1 bedroom, great healthcare, driving my car. Can you help .. I live in Florida, West Palm Beach and am a Senior

    • Mariana Lange says

      Hi Shirley!
      Your income should be plenty for you to live comfortably. However, it may not be enough for you to qualify for residency. The minimum requirement for residency in 2024 is $3,450 USD a month in proof of income
      Unless you have savings that can help you qualify
      See the requirements for residency here

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