Fishing Before The First Big Frost Of The Year [Fishing Report]


If you’re fishing before the first frost of the year, what should you prepare for?

Before cold fronts, our goal is to get out of the wind and follow fish to backwater creeks and drains with the tide.

Take a look at all the footage from this trip below!!

Fishing Before The First Frost [VIDEO]

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Equipment Used On This Trip:

Creek Fishing Strategies

This trip welcomed us with a strong NW wind which made for a chilly boat ride out to the spot!

The concept of this trip was to move with the incoming tide and follow the fish into the creeks and deeper troughs using live bait and artificial lures.

Structure, deep bends, and long troughs in creek systems are areas of major focus.

Slip floats and live bait are excellent for those deep bends and troughs.

Artificial lures are best for longer stretches and around structure.

Most of the fish we caught on this trip were near structure like fallen trees or broken branches.

Keep your offering close to the structure and adjust your depths to find where the fish are staged.

Deeper troughs provide incredible ambush zones for trout to stage and hunt.

The fish will sit there and wait for bait to pass over them and pluck off any easy meals.

The types of spots we fished on this trip are ideal, textbook creek fishing zones – especially in the winter!

Look for big bends, long troughs, chokepoints, and grass lines.

These features will point you in the direction of these fish and you’ll get tight lines in no time.

If you can, have both live bait and artificial lure presentations out there with you.

You’ll be prepared for anything!!!

Please go ahead and let me know what you think down in the comments!!

Is there anything you do differently when fishing creeks?

Finding The Fish Help

In order to help make sure that you are targeting the right areas based on the latest feeding trends and upcoming weather forecasts, make sure to use the following 3 resources because they will save you a ton of time.

1. Weekend Game Plans (updated weekly)

These regional game plans will show you exactly what types of spots to target in under 10 minutes… just click the video to start, and you’ll be informed on what to do on your next trip.

➡ Weekend Game Plan Lessons

2. Smart Fishing Spots Platform (updated every 15 minutes)

This exclusive software literally shows you where the most fish are likely to be feeding based on exactly when you’ll be fishing. It factors in the tides, wind, and weather to help you quickly see which areas to target throughout the day.

➡ Smart Fishing Spots App

3. Community Reports (live feed)

The Insider Community platform is what you can use to see what is biting near you, and you can get to know other members who fish in your area. Plus, you can use it to keep a log of your catches so you can use past trips to help predict future catches.

➡ Community Platform 

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Wyatt Parcel
1 year ago

What a great trip! Nothing beats a bit of fishing from the bank!

Steven Free
1 year ago

Man that’s weird because I watch ch 12 news here in Jax fl where I live and fish and we really haven’t even chilled off yet in fact Tim deagan who does most of the weather reporting said that this whole week and probably most if not all of next week we will still be warm talking highs in the mid 70s to low 80s and lows in the high 50s and low 60s in fact the ocean has even warmed to 69 degrees so I don’t know where in Georgia you live and fish but here in northeast Florida and southeast Georgia it’s still pretty warm just saying

John Hibberts
1 year ago

Nice presentation. Now got to find some creeks!


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