Sailing Fort-de-France Bay

Sailing Fort-de-France Bay: Wish You Were Here

Sailing adventures up and down the calm seas that caress Martinique’s west coast are a prime pursuit for visitors to The Isle of Flowers. A good many of those adventures start at Marina Pointe-du-Bout across la Baie de Fort-de-France in Trois-Ilets. From the oft-times bustling boat haven, sailors strike out through the bay toward the open sea. Along the way sailing Fort-de-France Bay, they get to enjoy scenic views like this. Downtown Fort-de-France, its waterfront highlighted by the glittering Lumina Tower. The Pitons du Carbet rising dramatically off in the distance. And to think, this is just the beginning of the adventure..?!

Wish you were here sailing Fort-de-France Bay?

Last updated by Steve Bennett on .

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