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Learn how to play the piano quickly and by yourself !

Complete guide to learn the piano by yourself with anime music ! 🚀​

Lessons - Exercises - Repertoire

Included : 20 sheet music from your favorite animes 🎵​

Available in French & English ⭐​

What is it? 👀​

This ebook is the only method you'll ever need to successfully learn how to play piano, regardless of your background, knowledge and skills.

Who is it for? 🎹

This method is made for beginners and people who want to learn how to play the piano by themselves because they want to be proud of themselves and also save money (without calling a teacher).

How? 🔑

It contains a step-by-step guide to learn how to play the piano from scratch. You'll have access to all the pieces and exercises that will make you progress as a pianist.

When? 🕙

You can take it at your own pace and start it whenever you want, therefore, it is designed to guide you for at least a few years. Moreover, you'll also get free access to futures updates.

Why? 🎼

The goal is to allow any determined person to make their dream come true, learn how to play their favorite piano pieces and become an autonomous pianist. All this, while having fun and without going through the often boring classical music.

And it works ! 💥

Thanks to this method, my students are able to read and understand music, and they're also already playing their first pieces in only a matter of weeks.

Advantages 🚀

A personalized coaching !

You'll have access to a personalized coaching to achieve your goals. I'll be available at each step of your learning process and you can ask me direct questions via my email address. You'll then be sure to go in the right direction.

From start to finish !

From your first notes to the most complex pieces, through music theory and sight-reading, every aspect will be covered. You'll become a versatile and autonomous pianist and you'll be able to play all the pieces you want. Thanks to my students' feedbacks, I can guarantee that all the subjects necessary to your success are inside this book.

Practice makes perfect !

It isn't just a theoretical training, it contains all the exercises to assimilate all the notions very easily and improve faster. You'll have access to exercises, techniques, pieces and tips and much more.

The best strategies !

Constantly updated, this method will get you past the difficulties that every beginner encounters. You'll save a lot of time. With the strategies and exercises in this method you'll reach your goals and learn your first pieces in a matter of weeks.

Five years ago, I made the best decision of my life.

I stopped listening to the little voice in my head, took my courage in both hands, and I started to learn the piano at the age of 23.

To my surprise, you don't need to start music lessons at 5 years old, nor to have musicians in your familly nor to have a gift, to learn how to play the piano. Thanks to anime music, in a few week of time and with a little bit of work, I learnt my first piece.

Since then, I learned hundreds of pieces, and played in front of hundreds of people. My Youtube channel now has over 80 videos, nearly 20,000 subscribers and over 7 million views. But today, what makes me proud the most is to help dozens of people realize their dream and teach them how to play the piano.

The Program 💣​

Piano Basics!

  • How to position yourself correctly to be sure to play correctly and avoid injuries.
  • Understand the instrument in front of you : the piano will no longer hold any secrets for you.
  • Learn the notes' names quickly : THE most efficient way to do it.
  • Learn how to use the pedal to embellish your playing and transmit your emotions.
  • Use the right fingers : the thing to know to avoid mistakes and play with more fluidity.


  • Understand music theory : sheet music will no longer hold any secrets for you and you'll be able to play anything you want.
  • Learn how to read in Treble & Bass clef to decipher and learn any piece.
  • Develop your sense of rhythm to play with more precision and dynamism.
  • Learn all the different symbols to never be surprised and understand all the music.

Music Theory

  • Master intervals to understand the music better and improve your learning.
  • Develop your chord knowledge to understand harmony and what you're playing to further enhance your progress.
  • Understand degrees to play in every key and start improvising.
  • Discover the magic chords' power chords to play dozens of songs easily.

Your Repertoire!

  • Discover 20 anime sheet music to learn the piano and play the pieces you like!
  • An increasing difficulty level from Beginner to Master to accompany you as you improve.
  • Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail, Naruto, One Piece and many more...


It's time to make your dream come true ! ⭐

Start piano and play all the pieces you want while developing musical knowledge. Then you'll become the pianist you've always dreamed of being!