Behind Closed Doors: What Employees and Guests Really Think About Indoor Air Quality in Schools, Hotels, and Corporate Offices – Exclusive Survey Results Revealed! 
April 22, 2024

In the last quarter of 2023, Fellowes conducted an annual survey of workers in the U.S. and Canada to understand the state of air quality in the workplace and perceptions of the air they breathe while at work.  

Explore the startling revelations from Fellowes’ Indoor Air Quality Survey. Despite the pandemic’s harsh lessons on the impact of indoor air quality to individuals’ well-being, only a small percentage of respondents perceive their workplace air as very clean. 

Additionally, teachers have observed negative performance results in students, and hotels may be missing significant revenue opportunities by overlooking their indoor air quality. 

This underscores the urgent need for employers and building operators to prioritize indoor air purification. Delve into all the survey results highlighting the reasons why clean air is not merely a luxury but an essential component for employee and guest health, well-being, and retention

Exclusive Survey Results Revealed!




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