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ConCafe con Eradio Valverde

ConCafe con Eradio Valverde

By Pastor Eradio Valverde

A daily devotional from the recommended lectionary texts for each week. It contains encouragement, inspiration, and challenges for better living and loving!
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The Inclusive God

ConCafe con Eradio ValverdeMay 01, 2024

Understanding the Kingdom of God

Understanding the Kingdom of God

The writer of Mark wants us to understand what Jesus said about our being members of God's Kingdom. Listen and learn!

Jun 09, 202407:31
Give Thanks to Our God!

Give Thanks to Our God!

Psalm 138 outlines how we can, and should, live a life of gratitude towards God. Listen and be blessed!

Jun 06, 202405:07
So You Wanna King?

So You Wanna King?

The prophet Samuel warns Israel about being just like everybody else. Would they listen? Nope. They wanted a king, "just like everybody else!" Listen and learn!

Jun 05, 202408:09
Keep On Keepin' On!

Keep On Keepin' On!

The Apostle Paul was one of the, if not the first hippies! Okay, he wasn't, but his message does say 'Keep on keepin' on!' Listen and learn!

Jun 04, 202406:24
The Family of Jesus

The Family of Jesus

Mark 3:20-25 speak of the true members of Jesus' family. Are you included? Listen and learn!

Jun 03, 202406:48
Fully Known and Still Loved!

Fully Known and Still Loved!

The psalmist lays out his heart about how awesome it is to be fully known by God and still loved. He also poured out his love towards God as should we. Listen and be blessed!

May 30, 202405:35
God, Are You Sure?

God, Are You Sure?

The prophet Samuel's call story may be like yours too. Listen and learn, then become a blessing to others!

May 29, 202408:14
Light of the World

Light of the World

Paul addresses the paradox of finding life within death. Hint: It's the death of Christ that brings us light and life. LIsten and be blessed!

May 28, 202405:51
Finding Rest in Christ Jesus

Finding Rest in Christ Jesus

Mark 2 stresses what's truly sacred about the Sabbath and what it means to find rest in Christ Jesus. Listen and Learn!

May 27, 202409:33
Listen for the Voice of the Lord

Listen for the Voice of the Lord

Psalm 29 undergirds the scriptures of Trinity Sunday. Listen and be blessed!

May 23, 202405:31
Send Me!

Send Me!

Isaiah's story may by your story. Listen and check it out. Has God called you to do something you haven't yet done because you're afraid? Be blessed!

May 22, 202409:23
Our LIfe As A Child of God

Our LIfe As A Child of God

Paul addresses the life we can have is trust and live in Christ Jesus. Listen and learn!

May 21, 202406:32
Nick At Nite

Nick At Nite

John 3:1-17 tells the truth about God's love and God's desire for you. Listen and learn!

May 20, 202411:22
God is Awesome!

God is Awesome!

The psalmist adds his Ode To God in this moving psalm, further setting the scene for Pentecost Sunday. Listen and be blessed!

May 16, 202405:52
Dry Bones

Dry Bones

The famous passage from Ezekiel 37:1-14 speak of the power of God to make alive what was once dead, and powerful that which had lost all power. Listen and Learn!

May 14, 202406:01
Fired Up!

Fired Up!

Acts 2:1-21 is the powerhouse of the Gospel. Listen and learn!

May 13, 202410:27
The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday; what should we know about it? John's passage helps us prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits for His coming! Listen and be blessed!

May 13, 202407:45
It's Your Choice

It's Your Choice

Psalm 1 affirms that all of our choices determine a lot. Where are you today? Is it because your decisions? Listen and be blessed.

May 08, 202404:53
Who Will Take Your Place?

Who Will Take Your Place?

The story of the Twelve needing a new member begs the question, who will take your place in the work you do for God? Listen and Learn!

May 07, 202408:38
Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance

1 John tells us there is no greater testimony than that of God. And what is that testimony? Listen and learn!

May 07, 202405:16
In The World But Not Of The World

In The World But Not Of The World

John 15 contains Jesus' prayer for His disciples. Listen to His concern and see how it applies to you and me as well. Listen and Learn!

May 06, 202407:17
Sing A New Song!

Sing A New Song!

Psalm 98 says to get away from stale, old, moldy ways of praise to that which truly bears our hearts' witness to the awesomeness of God and His love and Salvation. Listen and be blessed.

May 01, 202408:08
The Inclusive God

The Inclusive God

God is a God of love and the God of all People. Learn how much so.

May 01, 202406:33
Faith, Love, and Victory

Faith, Love, and Victory

The writer of 1 John sincerely believes in the power of love to conquer the world. Hear this, we conquer the world with love not to rule it but to stop the world from ruling us! Listen and learn!

Apr 30, 202407:23
Faith, Love and Victory

Faith, Love and Victory

The power of love to conquer the world? Yes, God's love will allow us to conquer not control the world; but the world cannot control us. Listen and learn!

Apr 30, 202407:23
Faith, Love, and Victory

Faith, Love, and Victory

What power is ours when we love God and let God love us and when we love all people. Listen and be blessed!

Apr 29, 202407:23
Stay in Love with God and All Others

Stay in Love with God and All Others

John hits hard in chapter 15:9-17 about the importance and power of love. Listen and learn!

Apr 28, 202407:18
A God For All People

A God For All People

The Psalmist knew the awesome love of God, and so shold we, and we should be willing to share all about it with all who would listen! Listen and be a blessing!

Apr 25, 202404:56
All You Need Is Love

All You Need Is Love

Love is the foundation of the Church. You either build on it or destroy with it. Which do you do?

Apr 23, 202410:50
Live in Jesus

Live in Jesus

John 15:1-8 speaks of our need to stay connected with Jesus (His own words!). Listen and reflect and connect!

Apr 21, 202408:41
I Shall Not Want

I Shall Not Want

The Psalm. You know the number! 23. The 23rd Psalm is the one. Listen and be blessed.

Apr 17, 202409:22
The Power of the Name

The Power of the Name

Acts 4:5-12 speaks of the awesome and still present power of Jesus' name. Do you know it? Listen and learn!

Apr 17, 202407:04
Embraced by God's Love

Embraced by God's Love

1 John 3:16-18 speaks of God's incredible love. Listen and be blessed!

Apr 16, 202406:60
El Buen Pastor/The Good Shepherd

El Buen Pastor/The Good Shepherd

John 10:11-18. Power.ful. Jesus lays it out - HE IS THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Nuff said? Listen and be blessed!

Apr 14, 202407:52
Peace in God's Presence

Peace in God's Presence

The psalmist knows all about prayer in the facing of difficulties and worries; listen and learn!

Apr 11, 202405:57
Embrace Repentance

Embrace Repentance

Peter calls on God to heal a lame man, the crowd goes wild; says to the crowd: Ya think that was great? Here's something greater - Jesus died for you even after you killed Him, so repent. Listen and be blessed!

Apr 09, 202407:31
God's Love is Awesome!

God's Love is Awesome!

How awesome to know you are loved by God in a "Lavish" way! Listen and be blessed!

Apr 08, 202406:31
Doubting Again? Thanks, Thomas!

Doubting Again? Thanks, Thomas!

Luke's account on the Upper Room appearance of Jesus differs a bit from John's, but it still is powerful. Listen and learn!

Apr 08, 202408:21
Living in Unity

Living in Unity

Psalm 133 speaks of the importance of living in unity! Are you a person who spreads unity? Listen and learn!

Apr 04, 202408:25
United and Generous

United and Generous

Acts speaks of a time when all believers loved and gave like no other time in history! What's stopping us? Listen and learn!

Apr 03, 202408:24
Complete Joy!

Complete Joy!

1 John 1:1-2:2 is all about having joy in our fellowship with God and others. You have? Listen and learn!

Apr 02, 202408:11
Easter is For Doubting?

Easter is For Doubting?

John's gospel tells of Jesus' first visit to the frigthened disciples locked in the Upper Room. Listen and be blessed!

Mar 31, 202411:42
Good Friday

Good Friday

Why is this day Good? Listen and learn!

Mar 29, 202417:32
A New Commandment for Stinky-Footed People

A New Commandment for Stinky-Footed People

Thursday of Holy Week changed the Passover and it should change us, too! Love One Another is a new commandment! Listen and be blessed!

Mar 28, 202408:47
One of You Will Betray Me!

One of You Will Betray Me!

Judas was not the only one who betrayed Jesus. I was, too. And guess what? So were you! Listen and learn!

Mar 27, 202412:04
Monday at the Office?

Monday at the Office?

Did Jesus have a tantrum at "the office?" Listen and Learn!

Mar 24, 202406:05
I Took Jesus As My Savior

I Took Jesus As My Savior

A childhood song touched my heart and reflects my faith in Jesus. Have you?

Mar 20, 202411:23
My Favorite Palm Sunday Hymn

My Favorite Palm Sunday Hymn

Do you have a favorite Palm Sunday hymn? I do! It's in the United Methodist Hymnal, 279. In my opinion it's a marvelous hymn that, sadly, many churches do not sing; some don't even know it exists.

Mar 19, 202409:44
Are The Gates Still Open?

Are The Gates Still Open?

The psalmist says the gates of the righteous are the gates that Jesus truly wants to enter in; are you righteous? Are your gates open? Listen and be blessed!

Mar 19, 202406:45
Triumphant Parade

Triumphant Parade

Palm Sunday! What an incredible day then, and for most believers, is now too! Celebrate He Who is our Lord, Savior and King! Listen and be blessed!

Mar 17, 202411:17