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The boy next door isn’t next door anymore.

He’s in Vegas, preparing for the upcoming NFL season, and I’m still stuck in the small Midwestern town where we grew up.

We should be together, but people wanted us apart. They won. Secrets are uncovered and lives are forever torn apart.

Maybe it was a mistake to try to recapture what we once had after everything we’d been through.

But of all the mistakes I made in my life, he was my favorite, and I will never stop fighting for us.

FAVORITE MISTAKE is the final book in the VEGAS ACES: THE WIDE RECEIVER series. This series must be read in order.

206 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 17, 2022

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About the author

Lisa Suzanne

101 books2,757 followers
Lisa Suzanne is an Amazon Top Ten Bestselling author of swoon-worthy superstar heroes, emotional roller coasters, and all the angst. She resides in Arizona with her husband and two kids. When she's not chasing her kids, she can be found working on her latest romance book or watching reruns of Friends.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews
Profile Image for Elsa Gomes (BookishAurora).
2,173 reviews298 followers
November 9, 2022
⭒ Rating: 4,5 stars

Well, let me just start off by saying, I’m glad to have been wrong. I thought it would have been harder for these two to find their way back after that bomb drop, but that wasn’t the case and I’m really glad. They had been through enough already. They needed wins. And they got them! I’m so glad Savannah finally got what she deserved. After four seasons of mischief, I’m glad she was finally stopped.

Overall, this installment was super sweet. They finally got to just enjoy each other, being together, starting a family, and the happily ever after they deserved. Watching them become parents to a little girl was everything and what was even better was watching them meet their son. Gosh, I love how Lisa dealt with the whole thing. It was so heart-warming and just perfect. Make sure you read the bonus epilogue!

I loved that we got over 50% of the book of just them finally enjoying life together and doing everything they had been planning. We get to watch them really start their lives together, with every puzzle piece falling into its place and all headaches and heartbreaks going away or being healed. Favorite Mistake truly was just the perfect ending to this series.

On another note, I’m really excited for what’s next! And I loved the scene where we get to find out who’s next, I had been waiting both for that scene throughout this series and news about him since Ben’s series so I was glowing reading that scene hehe.

⭒ ARC kindly provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

♥ Tropes: sports, second chance, childhood friends to lovers, next-door neighbors

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Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,741 reviews530 followers
November 18, 2022

A much shorter book (179 pages) for the final installment in Tristan and Tessa’s story. Finally, we’re rid of the troublemakers and past problems are resolved. There’s round two of the Vegas wedding and finally the beginning of a happy-ever-after which is certainly well-earned.

An extended bonus Epilogue – zooming us three years forward from where "Favorite Mistake" leaves off. It’s so sweet and meaningful that I shed tears. An almost perfect ending to a favorite fun-to-read series.

Looking forward to more of this group of characters when it expands in 2023 with Fumbled (Vegas Aces: The Playbook #1).

November 11, 2022
Favorite Mistake (Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver #5) by Lisa Suzanne is part five and the final installment of a five-part contemporary second-chance sports romance serial. The story follows the relationship between pro footballer Tristan Higgins and his first love Tessa Taylor—the girl next door, his high school sweetheart, and the one who got away.

This book picks up where the previous one ended with Savannah showing up with Tiffany and Brandi to crash Tristan and Tessa’s wedding and blow everything up by dropping an ill-timed truth bomb. The cat is finally out of the bag—Tessa’s secret has been revealed—and Tristan doesn’t know how to handle the news. Is their relationship salvageable? Will he be able to forgive Tessa so they can move forward together? Or is this secret too big to move past it?

I loved the conclusion of Tristan and Tessa’s story! Things start out rocky, and they spend some time apart to work through everything. But even while they’re separated, underneath everything that’s going on, they never lose faith in each other, their connection, or their love. It was especially satisfying to see Savannah finally get what she deserved after all the trouble she caused throughout the Vegas Aces serials. Favorite Mistake answers any remaining questions, ties up all the loose ends, and delivers all the feels. It was the perfect ending to the Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver series.

*** I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC. ***
Profile Image for B. C. Booklover.
737 reviews48 followers
November 18, 2022
The angsty final chapter in Lisa Suzanne's Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver, is a hold onto your hats and batten down the hatches kind of emotional rollercoaster that takes her loyal fans for a quite a crazy ride. Favorite Mistake, book 5, concludes Tristan Higgins and his high school sweetheart Tessa Taylor's second chance, years later love story as they reconnect amidst secrets, lies, devious villains and tummy churning turmoil.

We were left hanging with jaws dropped and worried thoughts running through our heads after the wild events that unfolded in the last pages of No Mistake. What a cliffhanger! How would Tristan and Tessa react to the bomb that his ex and her cronies dropped on what should have been the happiest day of their lives? They wanted nothing more than to gleefully destroy the possibility of T and T's happy ending, but would they succeed? I was wondering that myself as I began reading book 5.

The promising day blew up into utter chaos, leaving Tessa alone, teary eyed and full of remorse and Tristan on the run, unable to wrap his head around why she would hide such life changing information from him for all those years. The biggest question was, could or would he ever be able to forgive and trust her again after feeling like half his heart had been ripped out of his body? 

Leave it to the Queen of Angst to make us sweat those details until Tristan and Tess find their way back to each other and settle into the life that was meant to be all along. Sweet, sweet endings and heartfelt happily ever afters are another guarantee Lisa Suzanne gives her readers after she drags us through mud and then back into the sunshine again.

Such great characters- old and soon to be favorites as well, plot twists and excitement brewing when little hints of something new that might be coming next in this world are teased. Hmmm, something new and different happening in Las Vegas's world of sports, coming in 2023? I am soooo on board with that!
Profile Image for Destany.
323 reviews14 followers
November 7, 2022
I was given an eARC copy of this book from WordSmith Publicity for an honest review.

I needed a few days to process this book. I can't believe we're at the end of Tristan and Tessa's story. I was teary-eyed through a large portion of this book, and that bonus epilogue did me in. The emotional rollercoaster has pulled into the station, but I'm finding myself wishing there were a few more elements of vertical loops and cobra rolls. I will miss TnT. But I know we'll see them again.

After the bombshell Savannah and her new crew of the Mean Girl Posse dropped at Tristan and Tessa's wedding, I do not blame Tristan one bit for needing time. But that boy has a solid head on his shoulders because he talked to the right people, he made the right amends and he fixed his mistakes. Watching how he dealt with Savannah and everything he did for Tessa and their baby... It just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. The way Tessa didn't jump to the worst possible conclusion with everything, and she held faith in Tristan showed her growth across the series - and cemented them as my second favorite Aces couple. (C'mon, did you think I'd let them bypass JD5 and Kia? haha)

There was a bittersweet tone to the back half of the book, and I literally couldn't put it down. I think I read it over the course of about 6 hours (with breaks for my mental health, of course). It truly was the perfect ending. Savannah got what she deserved AND Jack Dalton made an appearance, so this is a dang near perfect book.

I am thankful that Lisa isn't done with the Aces Universe. I'm not sure what I'd do without this fictional team in my life haha I have my suspicions about what's gonna go down in Travis' book, and I CAN'T WAIT. I am the Aces biggest fan!
1,458 reviews19 followers
November 15, 2022
Favorite Mistake is the conclusion of Tristan & Tessa's story.......and our dynamite couple finally got their hard-fought happily ever after! I don't think Lisa Suzanne has put any other couple through more than these two, and no matter what happened to them - they always found their way back to one another. I didn't blame Tristan for needing some time away from Tessa after the bomb that was dropped on him at the end of book 4, but once he got some perspective about what she must have gone through all those years ago, I knew he would forgive her.

So many things happened in this one, but one of the best things was Savannah finally getting what she deserved. Even though what she did set some things in motion that ultimately worked out positively for Tristan and Tessa, there was no way she could talk herself out of the trouble she found herself in.

Every one of these Vegas Aces series just keeps getting better and better, and I'm so thrilled that we'll be staying in this world as we find out who will be getting his happily ever after next. Plus the spinoff series for the Vegas Kings baseball team - so excited to see who will be kicking off that series! If you've read all the Vegas Aces series, you know who it is and will be just as happy as I am that he's finally going to get his story told!

And don't forget to pick up the bonus epilogue once you're done reading - you definitely don't want to miss out on it!
Profile Image for Amy [Book Addict Reviews].
2,341 reviews168 followers
November 21, 2022
I’m sad this is the end of Tessa and Tristian’s story. These two have gone through a lot over the years, both together and individually. There have been secrets shared, things that could potentially ruin everything between the two of them, but will be the strong enough to get through it all together?

I absolutely loved these two. The conclusion to their story tugged on my heartstrings and made me feel all the emotions, but it was completely worth it. Their love and connection to each other is strong and unbreakable. They aren’t going to let anything come between the two of them.

This entire was fantastic and addictive. I can’t wait to return to this world.

If you’re looking for a second chance, sports romance check this book and series out!
Profile Image for Doris.
2,853 reviews113 followers
November 11, 2022
Fantastic Ending to a Great Series

To say that the first part of this book was heartbreaking would be under statement because the loss that was felt was heart wrenching. This author sure knows how to wring out every feeling and made this book/this series one that I won’t soon forget.

Along the way Tristan and Tessa has many ups and downs and the twists and turns made this/these books ones that I couldn’t put down. As soon as they hit my kindle, I devoured them. Now I look forward to the next player to step up in the outstanding Vegas Aces series. I highly recommend this book as well as the rest of the books in this series.
Profile Image for lowkeyreader.
4,814 reviews45 followers
November 20, 2022
I enjoyed the conclusion of Tessa and Tristan’s story. But only after the drama at the beginning of the book was resolved and finally they can live their HEA. It had a few emotional moments but I loved how both of them handled it. I think it was really sweet and heartwarming.
318 reviews
November 13, 2022
First off I love ALL the characters in the various Vegas Aces series. They are all likeable and so supportive of each other. They take care of their own and welcome all into their circles. The women, especially Elle, are so warm and fuzzy. I would be proud to call her a friend.
With this being the last book in the series I see how Tristan and Tessa have grown as characters and matured. Tristan was always very likeable but I think he finally learned a bit to think of others, aka, Tessa's feelings more than his own. There were things about him in these books that I didn't like, for example, the sex club. After just one visit he was afraid of Savanna finding out and blabbing about it, of Brandi and what her intentions might be and of what Tessa's reaction was going to be. It was a big gamble to take and in the end Brandi did "bit him in the a**". He gave too much power to Savannah then Brandi and Tiffany. He should have told them where the bear sh*ts in the woods a long time ago. Shame on him for letting Savannah go so far that she deeply hurt Tessa and not once but numerous times. He didn't even remember sleeping with Tiffany but he gave her the power over him by not facing her and saying "it didn't happen!" And then there is the way he reacted to Savannah's big reveal at the end of book 4. He thought of himself and not Tessa. Come on! Tessa was pregnant by a guy who didn't bother with a condom, then wanted her to get rid of it after repeatedly treating her like trash (shame on her for taking it from him). Then she had the secret she was carrying for the last 7 years. Yes she should have told him sooner but I can understand her hesitation. She was afraid of his reaction and losing him. Theirs was a fragile relationship, a lot of it caused by their lack of communication.
This book is the perfect wrap-up for this series. It took Tristan a while to get to the right place and I did want to reach into my tablet and pull him along at a faster speed but at least he finally "saw the light". Tessa deserved a good man who would love and cherish her. I loved how he stepped up and made the baby his own. The parts about their child born 7 years ago were very well written and sweet.
The birth of Tessa's second child brought a few tears to my eyes. There were parts of this book that made me move to the edge of my seat, parts where I was frustrated and other parts where I was smiling at their happiness. A good author makes you feel emotional over their book. Mission accomplished!
Thank you, Lisa Suzanne, for another wonderful series in the Vegas Aces series. Tristan and Tessa's story is my favorite out of them all. Bravo! I look forward to the next 2 series she is teasing us about. I remain your loyal reader.
Profile Image for Maddie (Bookaholic_Dreamer).
805 reviews58 followers
November 17, 2022
Favorite Mistake the final book in Lisa Suzanne’s Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver series is here.
The story picks right up from the cliffhanger in Honest Mistake, and given the explosive ending it left us with it was no surprise that Tessa and Tristan’s story had us diving in deep yet again following the conclusion to their emotionally charged whirlwind journey.

With all the truths being out there from secrets exposed, it meant the ultimate final test for Tessa and Tristan.
Figuring out whether their relationship could handle and overcome their biggest obstacle yet to lead to their HEA that they have been long since awaiting for.
Particularly when it came to Tristan, considering the bombshell revelation he was made aware of.

This finale had us diving in deep to the emotional and angsty side one last time, something Lisa definitely made sure of given the paths both Tessa and Tristan travelled upon, facing a lot of tough decisions to be made. Though mainly when it came to each other, with having to decide once and for all whether they were on the same path after all the chaos and destruction they endured and faced.
And whether it was worth going back to each other, despite it all.

Even with all the truths, Lisa still managed to throw in some surprises. Which was completely unexpected to say the least. Yet continued to have you falling in even more deeper, seeing where exactly the journey would take you.

There were a couple of issues for me, the fact that IMO it seemed like not everything was said and done in feeling like some loose ends still remained.
And on top of that, the ending did feel a little rushed with how quickly everything came together IMO.
Given how it was a Five Part series, it would’ve been nice to see the ending play out a little longer and slower. Allowing for some more detail to be provided. Whilst tying up some of the loose ends.

In the end Favorite Mistake was still a great read, making Tessa and Tristan’s Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver series an overall fun and enjoyable time with reading.
A job well done to Lisa Suzanne, not only has she won me over as a reader. 
She has me looking forward to reading more of her books in the future, especially Cooper Noah’s Vegas Kings series and Travis Wood’s Vegas Aces: The Playbook series.

*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Alex.
44 reviews
May 29, 2024
series rating: 3/5
spice 3.5/5

I'm going to review the entire series here, because, honestly, this series could've been one or two books. Tessa and Tristan were high school sweethearts, sharing all their firsts, but the relationship comes to an abrupt end when Tessa moves away with no explanation. Several years later, Tessa is working as a nurse for a pediatrician in Chicago and Tristan is playing professional football for the Vegas Aces. Tessa begins a relationship with one of her superiors though they agree to keep it a secret. Tristan, meanwhile, is in an unhappy marriage, to a teammates former wife, and is trying to divorce her, but she has "dirt" on him that she uses as blackmail/changes lawyers to delay proceeding, at a teammates encouragement he starts to explore BDSM, and discovers he likes aspects of voyeurism/impact play and aftercare (this has very little to do with overall storyline of the series).

Tessa's fathers dies suddenly and she heads back to her hometown to attend the funeral, and learns that her very religious father has had multiple illegitament children, and meets two of them. Tristan also attends the funeral, but can't stay as he has a game. A few weeks after the funeral, Tessa discovers she's pregnant, and before she can tell the doctor, he ends the relationship. When she does finally tell him, she learns that he's married with children already, and tells her to have an abortion. Tessa refuses, quits her job and moves back home. Tristan also decides to spend the off-season at his parents home, and the two reconnect.

Books 2-4 focus on Tessa and Tristan rekindling their relationship, as well as his fight to divorce his wife. Tristan also wants to know why Tessa left all those years ago, but whenever she tries to confess something stops her. We (the reader) know Tessa's big secret - which is revealed early on in book 1 - at 17 she became pregnant and her father sent her away and forced her to give the baby up for adoption. Tristan also becomes very involved with Tessa's pregnancy and tells her that he will be the baby's father, and they get engaged. Through these books, we learn that Tristan's wife has been looking into Tessa and also that Tessa is being stalked by someone, she believes it's her half-sister.

At the end of book 4/start of book 5 Tristan's wife reveals the information about the baby Tessa gave up for adoption at the wedding ceremony, and Tristan leaves Tessa at the alter. Its later revealed that the baby is the same patient that Tessa had felt a strong connection with in book 1. The little boy has a genetic disease and Tristan is able to save him by donating blood marrow.

These books were a very easy read, I finished all 5 in about a day and a half. They weren't great, but not horrible. They were intriguing enough to keep me reading, but had too much extra stuff that I would skip over constantly. I think that this story could've been much better served if it was more concise and edited into a single novel, or possible a duet. The first book itself could've been 1/4 smaller - this is Tessa and Tristan's story, we don't need the entire first book solely focusing on another love interest who is clearly garbage. The sex club aspect really only served to introduce a single character, and they weren't around enough to be considered a love interest in my opinion.
Profile Image for Nicola.
387 reviews
November 24, 2022
Favorite Mistake is the fifth and final book in Lisa Suzanne's phenomenal Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver series and we finally find out whether Tessa and Tristan can have that happily ever after they've been fighting so hard for.
Favorite Mistake picks up right where No Mistake ended on that heart-breaking cliff-hanger and because of the jealous, manipulative women who are determined to break Tessa and Tristan up for good, decided on their wedding day was a great time to reveal the truth of what happened all those years ago has left Tessa and Tristan's relationship in tatters. Understandably Tristan is left hurt and angry, he has a little boy he knew nothing about and the girl he was minutes away from marrying has kept it from him for years, but what hurt Tristan the most was that she hasn't told him since they've gotten back together, they're building a life together and they're about to have a baby together, how can he trust her after everything he has just found out?
"I will always love her. But I think this is one of those instances where the old cliché about whether love is enough comes into play. I'll be honest...I don't know if it is. I don't know if I can get past all this."
Can Tessa and Tristan find a way back to each other after everything they've been through and move past the many obstacles and people standing in their way and finally be a family like they've always wanted? Or will the secrets from the past be too much to forgive and forget?
Read Favorite Mistake now to find out!
I LOVED Favorite Mistake, I could not put it down and read it in one sitting! Favorite Mistake was the perfect ending to Tessa and Tristan's rollercoaster story and the fact that they finally got to meet their little boy was the ultimate icing on the cake for me. Even though I'm a little sad that this is the end I cannot wait to see what Lisa does next in her Vegas Aces world.
I received an arc of Favorite Mistake and I am voluntarily leaving my review.
Profile Image for Jenn  M..
569 reviews12 followers
November 6, 2022
It's finally here! T & T have been put through the wringer but defy all the odds and finally find their HEA!

Favorite Mistake is the 5th and final book in the Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver by Lisa Suzanne. This entire series encompasses the continuing saga of Tristan Higgins and Tessa Taylor, so this series MUST be read in order- but this time there is no cliffhanger and Lisa wraps this story up beautifully.

4.5 ⭐

My heart felt like it stopped at the end of book 4, No Mistake, and that is exactly where this book picks up. Favorite Mistake starts off with high energy, big feelings and some anxiety inducing moments. My heart shattered for both Tristan and Tessa- all the secrets that have been looming over their relationship are all exposed and some of them in a spectacularly dramatic fashion.
Thankfully, Lisa doesn't keep us in despair for too long and started paving the road for these two to find happily ever after, justice and more- but of course not without throwing some heat and a little spice at a certain super secret club.

I really enjoyed the way that this series has played out. The ups and downs over the course of the series all feels worth it once you hit that epilogue and bonus epilogue. Tristan and Tessa are perfect for each other and despite the fact that they are fictitious characters they are definition of soulmates- proving that true love will endure and overcome all. The heart tugging twists from their past find new life in their present adding a dash of drama just when it seems like things are going perfect. Luckily, everything works out.

It's not the end though... Lisa delivered an amazing ending to T & T's story- but she has teased and set the stage for not only the next Vegas Aces star but another ALL NEW team with a familiar character from the last Vegas Aces series. AND I AM HERE FOR ALL OF IT!
Profile Image for Sheila.
469 reviews9 followers
November 14, 2022
Favorite Mistake
When Savannah delivered her devastating news Tristan was stunned as was everyone in the room. Obviously, the wedding was off. Tessa did not get to tell him first, that was her mistake. She had many opportunities. Tristan did say that what ever happened in the past should stay there because he had secrets too. When you find out you are a father and your son is seven years old, what do you think, how do you feel? Tristan leaves. All Tristan ever wanted was a large family with Tessa. How could she hide this from him?
Savannah, Tiffany and Brandi confront Tessa with the evidence. How did they get the information? It was a sealed private adoption. Tristan gives the information in an envelope to his mom and leaves. He needs to process.
Tessa is devastated, pregnant and left at the altar. She discovers that Brandi, the sex club worker, was the one impersonating her on the JustFans website. She initially blamed her half-sister, Stephanie. She and her mom travel back to Fallon Ridge. Could this be the end of the T N T relationship?
Savanah, Tiffany and Brandi are mean destructive people. Savannah has tried to ruin two of the Dalton men and Tristan just to stay in the money and spotlight. Will she finally be stopped?
Will Tristan and Tessa finally meet their son?
Lisa Suzanne is a Master Storyteller! She neatly and cleverly tied up all the ends. It was a heart-warming reunion between Tessa and a small sick boy that she knew from the Chicago Pediatric Clinic. Finally, she and Tristin get their happy ending. This was a story filled with hope, sadness, betrayal, and love. So many emotions. This is a book you cannot put down, book hangover worthy.
Profile Image for Kayla Busch.
343 reviews5 followers
November 14, 2022
"After seven long years apart, seven years of heartbreak and darkness, the sun is shining once again. There are rainbows of hope in an endless sky".

It is so bittersweet that we are at the end of this series. While I am thrilled that Tristan and Tessa got their HEA, I am so sad to see this fantastic series come to an end! This whole series is phenomenal and I highly recommend checking it out and the others in Lisa's previous series.

At the end of book four I was left reeling after everything that went down at the end of the book and in this book, it picks right back up where book four ended. I honestly had some moments of doubt that Tristan and Tessa would be able to recover from everything that was revealed, but I never should have doubted them. This book is heartbreaking at times but the love Tessa and Tristan have for one another is so beautiful. Together, they both have faced a lot of loss in their lives but throughout this book they had many gains. This book is about Tristan and Tessa building their everlasting love, gaining new friends and family members and healing from the loss they both had to face. Lisa is a fantastic storyteller, and this whole series will suck you in and keep you captivated until the very end. I have truly loved seeing not only Tristan and Tessa find their HEA but I have also loved watching their friends fall in love and get their HEA's. I can't wait for the next two series that Lisa will be writing next year! I am so ready for Cooper Noah and Travis Woods stories!!!!!
April 11, 2023
While the ending was happy, and there's definitely enough interest left for more books in the same vein starring similar characters, for me, there was not enough resolution for the things pertaining to this particular couple.

There was a lot of build-up and behavior that got explained entirely away. One example is Tiffany's obsession which leads to her actions. There was a cop on the case, and somehow... the voicemail where she admits what she's done isn't enough to press charges? She just floats off into the blue with another character?

Another example is the FMC's half-sister. There were serious stalker vibes, and it's explained away by the FMC not having a relationship with her. It's as if the author was going to pit her against the FMC with Savannah and decided not to.

The other thing that needed more resolution was the whole kink aspect the author was going for. There was certainly not enough research done on this subject, and I'm afraid of the ramifications of writing about it as the author did. In the real world, a dominant that doesn't provide aftercare is called abusive because that's not what kink is about (unless previously agreed upon). I do understand the MMC had no idea of Troy and Sapphire's relationship, but if he were at a club like that, he would certainly learn more about safe kink. For anyone reading this, I encourage you to talk to someone in real life about kink if you are interested. Do not go off media portrayals, and certainly not this one.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Hannah.
164 reviews
November 5, 2022
Perfect Mistake follows Tristan and Tessa after the cliffhanger ending of the last book. Tristan learns shocking news about their past and has to learn to cope with it. He quickly realizes that he needs to get some aspects of his life sorted out so he can have the life he wants with Tessa. The conclusion to their story was perfect for them both.

After the ending of the last book, I already knew this one would ah we lot of heart wrenching moments in it. Close to the first half of it has Tristan trying to find his way and Tessa just trusting him to do so. Tessa has to live with the fact it might not ever happen, but she has faith in him, which pays off for them both. Every little thing they go through together only makes them stronger.

I’ve really loved this second chance romance series. Tessa and Tristan are both amazing characters and seeing how they work through all the hurdles thrown their way is incredible. This book was emotionally charged and everything worked out for them in the end. You know I had to immediately read the extended epilogue and I highly recommend it.

I love how Lisa’s stories just build on each other and the little community they have from them. I absolutely can’t wait for not one, but TWO new series starters coming soon. After what Travis revealed in this one, I can’t wait to see how things play out for him.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,126 reviews18 followers
November 7, 2022
“We fix our mistakes…even when they weren’t ours to make.”

Favorite Mistake is the emotional, heartfelt conclusion to Tristan and Tessa’s story. We finally come full circle. All secrets have been revealed and now Tristan and Tessa are caught in the aftermath. Will their love survive?

“I’m giving him the space he needs to find it in his heart to forgive me.”

The pain that Tristan and Tessa were going through while they dealt with their secrets wrecked my heart. Tristan had to do a lot of soul-searching and reflection to understand why Tessa had not told him her secret while Tessa had to just have faith that their love would bring Tristan back. This installment will give you all the feels with the many twists and turns.

“…in this time of darkness, it’s that light that will keep me fighting.”

Both Tristan and Tessa do a lot of growing throughout their story and they are stronger versions of themselves by the end. They have faced numerous obstacles and have been challenged around every corner, but their love has remained steadfast.

Full of heartbreak, longing, joy and so much love, Favorite Mistake is a wonderful and captivating conclusion to Tessa and Tristan’s journey. Now I’m so excited for the previews of their next two series. I absolutely cannot wait!!
Profile Image for Eileen (Bangor Belles) Robinson.
1,161 reviews28 followers
November 10, 2022
After the Bomb drop in the previous book, I have to admit i was pretty nervous going into this one.
Tristan is reeling, Tessa is heartbroken, and The Witches lead by Savannah are gloating.
My own heart was in shreds.
Needing time out Tristan has returned to Vegas his mind and heart shattered, he clings to his one constant. Football.
I really didn't know how they could get past this, BUT I REALLY NEEDED THEM TO SORT IT OUT!!
This was a really emotional read, the secrets revealed were life changing, my emotions were on edge with each and every page. I already loved Tristan, but now even more so. There was so much hurt in his heart yet he still thought of others before himself
Tessa even though heartbroken, was determined to be there for Tristan no matter what the outcome.
Their Emotional brush and coming to terms with the past. Their faith in their love for each other,
I cried, i laughed, I cheered when Tristan let a little of his bad side out to play, with is witch hunt!! GO TRISTAN!
This series has held me captive from beginning to end, the good the bad and the ugly has been an emotional ride that was worth every single moment!! I am both happy and sad that it has come to a conclusion, even if though was perfect!! T&T forever!!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
492 reviews8 followers
November 14, 2022
5 perfect-conclusion stars!

I just want to say - I am so glad this book didn't just wrap everything up on the last two pages. We got to see Tristan and Tessa find their way back to each other and be happy for a good chunk of the book! I appreciate that we went on such an emotional journey with them and that we got to enjoy some of the happily ever after instead of just being told about it with a "the end".

Favorite Mistake picks up right where No Mistake ended - with the wedding crashers! Finally, Tessa's secret was revealed to Tristan. He doesn't know how to react at first and needs time, which I get here. Tessa withheld this from him for a long time. They spend time apart to process and work through everything, but it's clear the love is still there. And, Tristan's head and heart don't lead him astray. It was incredibly satisfying seeing Savannah get what was coming to her after she ruined so many lives throughout the Vegas Aces series.

Tristan and Tessa get what they deserve after so many trials and tribulations, and the epilogue (+ bonus epilogue!) will have made the entire rollercoaster worth it. This book was a perfect conclusion to their story, and I look forward to reading more Vegas Aces!
Profile Image for Edie L..
1,864 reviews8 followers
November 17, 2022
Favorite Mistake by Lisa Suzanne

We are finally at the end of the road with Tristan and Tessa and oh boy has it been one heck of a crazy ride. There has been so much trying to keep these two apart. So many ugly nasty people trying to do they’re darned to work together against them and yet they failed. T & T forever and like dynamite they blew everything and everyone up and showed them that no matter what they tried to throw their way they were stronger together and together they were to powerful to stop. I was happy that Savannah finally got some kind of punishment yet I don’t know I thought she should have been more maybe humiliated or hurt for all the pain she caused not only these two but the two brothers as well. Then I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t get to see any more about Stephanie and have her and Tessa maybe grow a relationship as sisters and get to know what happens with their little brother too. Also I was very disappointed that they didn’t get more of a relationship with Logan though that one is a very tough situation. The whole Logan thing broke my heart. Overall I enjoyed this whole series and the five books and highly recommend them to anyone.
253 reviews
November 21, 2022
Tristan and Tessa had everything they wanted within their grasp but the secret Tessa had been hiding came out to the light. Tristan can't believe that after he told Tessa everything he was hiding she would go and keep something so big and important away from him. Tessa isn't prepared to hit bottom once again after everything she's had to deal with since she left Fallon Ridge all those years ago. She returns home with her mom and isn't sure what she's going to do with herself now. Tristan is heartbroken after not only losing Tessa but everything he has wanted since he can remember. As the days go by Tristan comes up with a plan to get Savannah out of his life for good. All Savannah has done is ruin his life from the moment they met so she has to go. Along the way, Tristan realizes that Tessa didn't have much of a choice when she left Fallon Ridge as a teenager. He knows that Tessa needs to be in his life but first he needs to get Savannah out. As the days turn into weeks Tessa loses hope for a future with Tristan and begins to think about why he was with her. Will Tristan get back to Tessa before it's too late? Is Savannah going to finally get what's coming to her? I received a free copy of this book from the author and reviewed it voluntarily.
76 reviews3 followers
November 5, 2022
Wow, I cried A LOT, have tissues ready!! At the end of book 4 the wedding is disrupted by the three that keep trying to keep Tristan and Tessa apart. They have the adoption records of their first baby. Tristan runs away and comes back later to talk to Tessa. But he leaves again to see his parents. After time apart his co wide receivers give him something to think about. Then he develops a plan to get what he wants. Savannah finally goes to jail for at least a few years. Brandi gets kicked out of the club, and Tiffany sulks off but later says she’s leaving Fallon Ridge and moving to Vegas to live with Brandi. They get back together in time to reach out and help their son (that savannah found, only good thing she did) who is sick and needs a bone marrow transplant. It works and he does well. Tristan is home with Tessa when her water breaks. They have Fallon and move to Vegas to live with Luke and Elle until their home is ready. Tristan’s dad is doing well and they have a 10th birthday party at the complex after a game and they finally get to tell their son who they are. Don’t forget to read the bonus epilogue!! Can’t wait for the next series and Travis’s series.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lenalee N..
Author 5 books3 followers
November 15, 2022
Favorite Mistake brings the Tristan/Tessa story to a satisfying conclusion on multiple fronts: of course, our two leads find their way back to each other (which we knew they would because we know we can expect an HEA from Lisa Suzanne), and Savannah is dealt with. We also have some intriguing possibilities for future stories for peripheral characters we've met and loved in the Vegas Aces series (Travis, Cooper) as well as hints that we may not have seen the last of other characters that we've met but haven't necessarily loved (Brandi, Tiffany). I really appreciated the fact that although the angst that ended No Mistake carries over to the beginning of Favorite Mistake, it doesn't go on for an unnecessarily long amount of time. And perhaps the nicest part is that the question that Tessa has been wondering about for seven years - and that Tristan began wondering about at the end of No Mistake - is answered in a very satisfying way, ESPECIALLY in the bonus epilogue! All in all, our first Vegas Aces series that doesn't feature a Dalton sibling (although they do pop in from time to time as supporting characters) comes to a close with a final book that was worth the wait.
247 reviews
November 17, 2022
Conclusion of Tristen’s and Tessa’s Love Story:Lisa Suzanne’s Wide Receiver Book 5.

Favorite Mistake: Wide Receiver book five by Lisa Suzanne is the final book of her 5-book sports romance series. Tristen and Tessa’s attempt to marry in Vegas was destroyed by Savannah, with her two sidekicks:Brandi and Tiffany revealing Tessa’s secret teen pregnancy. Tristen feels betrayed by the one woman he always loved which causes him to go into a downward spiral. Tessa is decimated which has reduced her to a hollow shell of herself. Favorite Mistake has taken all the drama, the tears with heartbreak and wrapped it up in the most beautiful ending one can imagine. The series impacted me the most with the heart-wrenching circumstances that tore Tristen and Tessa apart during their senior year of high school. Seeing how two people moved on after losing their first love only to find their way back together turns their story into a mind-blowing sports romance. Lisa Suzanne’s Wide Receiver 5 book football romance series will stay on the reader’s heart and mind long after reading the last page.
Profile Image for Terry.
1,296 reviews
November 6, 2022
5 Stars for all these mistakes!

Wide Receiver: Favorite Mistake is the conclusion to Tristan and Tessa's story ... and what an ending it is. All the secrets come out and Tristan and Tessa have to deal with the fall-out. I couldn't put this book down. The twists and turns had me sitting on the edge of my seat. Ms. Suzanne sure knows how to stir up all kinds of emotion in a person .. rhere were times I was mad, then I'd be laughing and the next minute I'd be saying WTF! And as in all her books, the steam is off the charts! I love how the Vegas Aces series has been developed with multiple books for each couple. I don't want to say too much about the story and ruin it for others ... but I highly recommend this series. Each series in the Vegas Aces can be read as a standalone, but it's much better if you read from the very beginning to get the full effect from background information. Travis's book is next and I can't wait!

I received an early copy courtesy of the author in exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Kelchickbooklover.
1,518 reviews55 followers
November 7, 2022
What a terrific ending to yet another fantastic, gripping and emotional series by Ms. Suzanne. The Wide Receiver is Tristian and Tessa's story and what a story it is. We've seen them go from finding one another again after seven years apart, Tristan dealing with our favourite female Savannah, insert sarcasm), family secrets revealed and new friends made. In this, the final installment in The Wide Receiver series all the secrets that were held close to the heart are out in the open and it has T & T rethinking their lives and what they have lost and what they have found. When Savannah drops the biggest bomb of them all, what will happen with T & T? Will they find out who all the people are that have been determined to keep them apart and will they be surprised?

Yes T & T get their HEA but the road was one full of heartbreak, twists and turns and surprises. Ms. Suzanne always gives us a series that there is no way that you can stop at just one book. The cliffhangers, characters, storyline and waiting for the HEA are the reasons that her books are a must-read.
390 reviews4 followers
November 7, 2022
Favorite Mistake, Vegas Aces: The Wide Receiver book five by Lisa Suzanne is the final book of her 5-book series. Tristen and Tessa’s attempt to marry in Vegas was destroyed by Savanna; with her two sidekicks: Brandi and Tiffany revealing Tessa’s secret teen pregnancy. Tristen feels betrayed by the one woman he always loved which causes him to go into a downward spiral. Tessa is decimated which has reduced her to a hollow shell of herself. Favorite Mistake has taken all the drama, the tears, and heartbreak and wrapped it all up in the most beautiful ending one can imagine. This series impacted me the most with the heart-wrenching circumstances that tore Tristen and Tessa apart during their senior year of high school. Seeing how two people moved on after losing their first love only to find their way back together turns their story into a mind-blowing sports romance. Lisa Suzanne’s Wide Receiver 5-book football romance series will stay in the readers’ heart and mind long after reading the last page.
240 reviews2 followers
November 14, 2022
Favorite Mistake is the final Episode in the Vegas Aves: Wide Receiver Saga. It is so full of angst and will give you all the feels more than once. It is quite the ending to the Tristan and Tessa story. It will have you hooked from the first pages. I could not put this down until I finished the book. There were times when I wondered how they would finally get their HEA (knowing that Ms. Suzanne always delivers one) but Ms. Suzanne does not disappoint.

This is by far my favorite of all her book series I have read so far and I have read a lot of them. This story was a true roller coaster ride with so many ups and downs, twists and turns and most wonderful characters. Tristan is almost too good to be true and Tessa is so very strong. They are just so perfect together and have known they belonged together since they met at age 12. This series is definitely not one to miss.

I have been a fangirl for a while now and this series just amped it up 110%. I look forward to seeing how well she does with Baseball, she has Football down quite well. Can't wait for the next series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 191 reviews

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