Hoping for a better tomorrow.

Dorcas Kpabitey
3 min readDec 13, 2021

The past few weeks haven’t really been my best. I felt so many things, and literally put some parts of my life on hold. All I wanted to do was get into a hole and come out when everything was alright. I was in some sort of denial as well. I was hoping to just wake up to normalcy one day. I didn’t get that, sadly.

My phone was stolen again (second time). The message it probably sent across was that I wasn’t extra careful. But that’s not it, or maybe that’s it. I just know that ever since the first case, I’ve always tried to be extra careful but my extra wasn’t really extra, I guess.

I had some spare phone options at home, but I hesitated because I somehow felt my stolen phone would be returned soon. Aside the fear of losing another phone again, I really hoped I’d get my phone back so I didn’t want to get stuck with another phone. Well, the phone was never returned so I decided to take one of what was at home.

I couldn’t really get the scene of my phone being stolen out of my head. I wished I could turn back the hands of time to make everything work in my favor, but I couldn’t. Also, I got tired of complaining, so I stopped at a point. I was getting tired without really doing anything.

I did nothing for my personal development because I didn’t really care about what happened or what didn’t. All I did was to let the days pass without doing anything that mattered (especially if it had to do with a phone).

Well, one thing led to the other and I gradually started doing some of the things I used to do. I realised that if I wanted things to get back to normal, then I had to take the first step. I had to put in the effort, so I did. The pace was slow and inconsistent but I was trying.

Now, instead of grieving over what’s lost, I’m trying to be thankful for all the good things I have. I still think about those moments sometimes. However, it’s not what’s driving me anymore. I’ve decided to choose the good and move with it.

I thought of a number of ways to end this and I settled on this: to emphasise a few things I learnt that could also serve as takeaways.

  1. Bad things may happen, but it doesn’t mean life ends there. There’s hope for tomorrow.
  2. When changes occur, you’re unlikely to get your “normal” back. Sometimes, you may be able to get things just as they were. But what if you don’t? – One way to still move on and keep things going is to manage what you have and adapt to change. Gradually, you’ll get used to it and it’ll become your normal.
  3. For anything to change, you need to take the first step. Nothing will progress if you don’t make the effort.
  4. Remember, “Small progress is still progress”. Give yourself time.

