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feminism and preferential treatment





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The big flaw in that article is that the author completely fails to recognize that it’s not “men” who benefit from hook-up culture but “some men.”

The strategy could work but only if a strong majority participated and very few ever broke ranks. The regime of societally/religiously enforced monogamy was built up over centuries, even millenia, and I don’t see it being replaced within our lifetimes. It could be rebuilt though after a really spectacular collapse.

Although, there are examples of societies “re-moralizing” themselves, e.g., randy Regency England gave way to the Victorians. But there still was a lot of cultural and religious capital in that country back then to draw from and build on. It’s just not present in the West any more.

So, no.

11Bastiat Blogger November 8, 2012 at 5:04 pm
It’s a really interesting situation. As a general statement, the guys on campus don’t have much in the way of current resources to exchange for sex. Obviously the men could signal that they are good horses to bet on and engage in LTR patterns that consider economic prospects and future resources, but that story would involve “marrying the college sweetheart” and this is very difficult to buy into given the volatility of post-college travel, employment, etc.

The traits that would make a great husband are clearly less valuable if there is little chance that the guy is going to become the husband, and I think members of both genders are pretty fatalistic on this score. It’s perhaps akin to: Option A) spend 6 months with a fun, highly entertaining BMOC guy—then break up; Option B) spend 6 months with an ambitious, hard-studying, serious guy—then break up. Option B would make sense if you removed the near certainty of the relationship shelf-life, but I think this shelf-life really is a key part of the current feminist-approved lifeway for young professional women.
Creado el 26/10/2022 8:32 por ***
Última modificación realizada el 26/10/2022 8:32 por ***