Newport concludes Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World with a reminder that working deeply is a skill for getting important stuff done. We can learn and hone the skills needed for deep work by putting in the effort. The author suggests that deep work is not a moral or philosophical statement, I am not sure. Aristotle stated the most important virtue is wisdom. Deep work is required to develop wisdom. 

Adopting the ideas of Deep Work takes wisdom and courage (two of the four cardinal virtues of Stoicism). For example, after reading Drain the Shallows (Rule #4) it would be easy to push to eliminate all shallow work. Wisdom would counsel that our mission is to do the only necessary shallow work. I admit that editing the audio for the Software Process and Measurement Cast is not deep work, but it is required to publish the podcast. Reducing shallow work requires the courage to say no. A first step to reducing the intake of shallow work is to stop reflexively saying yes to work that does not move us closer to our goal. Yes’itus is a disease that I struggle with and is one of the Eight Work Entry Antipatterns. Saying yes, indiscriminately. leads to starting work that can’t be finished efficiently. Deep work suffers when this happens.

During my two reads of Deep Work, I have tried several experiments. The bottom line? I have increased both the number and length of deep work sessions. The most potent technique has been scheduling sessions on a yellow sticky and then writing down the length in my notebook. Avoiding temptation has been helpful but committing to a block of time on the sticky has been very powerful. Even more interesting is that I have been getting into flow states more often and blowing through the scheduled end times. I feel better about what I am accomplishing. 

Next week we begin Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (Buy a copy and read along – I have read parts of this book, not the whole therefore I am going into this read with imperfect information. My biggest worry, however, is learning to pronounce the Author’s name. I am wise enough to have already started practicing!

Remember to buy a copy of Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World and read along.

Week 1: Logistics and Introduction 

Week 2: Deep Work Is Valuable 

Week 3: Deep Work Is Rare 

Week 4: Deep Work Is Meaningful 

Week 5: Work Deeply 

Week 6: Embrace Boredom 

Week 7: Quit Social Media 

Week 8: Drain the Shallows