(latest update May 22, 2024)

Saraphenia’s player loved this community and everyone in it, always thinking of others. As players, hers was my dear friend and a near constant in my life from 2018 on. As characters, Phenia and Leafi knew each other in passing during 5117, entered an engagement period more or less on a whim in a polyamorous circle during late 5118, grew closer and developed a more serious one-on-one bond over the years leading to their wedding in early 5122, and renewed their vows in 5124 about a month before her player left us.

People think of Leafi and me as vibrant and strong, but our strength isn’t ours alone, nor could it ever have been. Phenia and her player brightened our world, livened our days, spiced up our routine, gushed their joy, celebrated our triumphs, eased our burdens, and reminded us–sometimes with words and sometimes without–what we’re living for at all. We’re blessed that they gave their best attentions and affections to us, but they also reached and touched countless others.

Below are tributes and quotes I’ve collected from the main GS Discord server’s public general channel or that people have sent me with permission to commemorate Phenia and her player, who will be forever remembered, honored, and loved. This list will grow with more tributes to come from people who are still processing and at a loss for words (which I am too); many of the players below have indicated that they’ll have more to say in time. We also have our in-game celebration of life coming on May 24th, at which point I’m likely to include those comments here too.

Even so, rather than wait until it feels like everyone who wanted to say something has, I thought it better to publish this early to help ease us through the grief and update later as we go. I also hope that doing so honors what Phenia’s player would have wanted most for us: loving one another.

We invite everyone to share their favorite story, memory, thoughts, or general impressions of Saraphenia and her player in the comments below, at Phenia’s celebration of life, or by sending word to Leafiara or Julenne in any form: Discord, player mail, in-game thoughts or spoken conversations, and more. (If you leave a comment, please wait some time for it to be approved.)

Whether your words are happy, sad, funny, or bittersweet, she would have considered any story worth sharing if her loved ones considered it worth sharing–and, as the tributes will make abundantly clear, “her loved ones” encompassed everybody, whether she knew you deeply, knew you only in passing, or met you even just once as a newcomer. Her other characters included Alessia, Clarimostica, Ciyuka, Delfina, Felliciana, Naricia, Oleevia, Olisentia, Septuna, Sylthana, Sylvinarre, Tarlonis, Tersheah, Vandaleigh, Wixterwin, and likely others I didn’t even know about.

Lastly, additional tributes can be found linked from Leafi’s wiki page or on Phenia’s Memorial wiki subpage.


Julenne’s player (May 2)


(on the RYSK server:)

Saraphenia, Jules loves you. Thank you for everything you have done for me, for RYSK and our Town. You have overcome so much, now you can rest. I will miss you kissing me as I grin at you. You will be forever in our hearts. I love you Phenia.


(on  the main server:)

I am forever grateful for the impact Phenia had in my life. I am so proud of all she has accomplished. I am honored she served with us on the RYSK board. I am truly blessed to have called her my friend. She will be deeply missed.


Zeminar’s player (May 2)


…She really was such a kind person and a great friend.


Yardie’s player (May 2)


She was a sweetheart. The nickname Aelotoi of Love really suited her. That is how I will always describe her. Man, she was really fun to talk to and just kind and caring. I really enjoyed her company, and I am glad to have gotten to know her.


Really hurts to hear she’s gone.


Delindra’s player (May 2)


She interacted with me a few times when I was just returning as a player and I really appreciated her kindness and help. This is a big loss. I hope those closest to her keep their memories close in comfort.


Stormyrain’s player (May 2)

I’m so sorry to hear this. And it’s a good reminder that this community really can make the difference for people, as a fun and enjoyable place to be regardless of the reality of the world/life. That should be the thread we all share, always.


Lylia’s player (May 2)


She was known and loved by so many, and her loss will be deeply felt. What a mark she left, though, not just in one world but many.


Tsalinx’s player (May 2)


I’m so sad to hear the news. When I came back in 2017 she was very kind to me and I remember hunting Bonespear with her. I always remembered her kindness when I’d see her around, usually just in passing.


Dendum’s player (May 2)


She was fierce.


She did many great things, she was a founding member of the thorns and instrumental in getting signatures for the vote, she was an early member of RYSK and instrumental in its incredible popularity and rise to one of the largest organizations in the game.


I think though she was always loudest and proudest about her friends and loved ones…. especially you Leafiara.


She will be missed.


Kippe’s player (May 2)


It was always a delight to speak with Saraphenia. I am so sorry for your loss, specifically, Leafi and our loss as a community. 💜


Kiyna’s player (May 2)


That’s… damn. I’m really sorry to hear this. Saraphenia was always a charmer, gushing with energy whatever she did. Not gonna be the same without her… heart goes out to you, Leafi. You and all the many who knew her better than me.


Tayler’s player (May 2)


I’m so sorry to hear this, I didn’t know her very well, but she was always so full of energy whether it was noon or 4am, and she was a lot of fun to be around.


Leafiara (as a character, May 2)


Saraphenia, Aelotoi of Love,


We will miss you, but we will keep your spirit with us always. You touched lives in the Black Hand Trading Co, the Black Thorns, the Claws of the Drake, the Drakes Vanguard, Fenog’s Regulars, House Onoir, Ord an Dragan, the Parliament of Rooks, Twilight Hall, and, of course, your beloved Raise Your Stout Krew in which you were a board member and had an immeasurable impact on its incredible growth in such a short time. I’m probably even underestimating how you touched other groups in which you weren’t a member or that I didn’t know of.


Organizations aside, you reached out to even the most unknown people on the streets. You found them in numbers I never understood and elevated them in ways I never matched, but I’m recommitting my efforts to try. My wedding ring will never leave me and, as long as I wear it, I’ll work to honor your legacy. You’re my inspiration to be so much better than I’ve been and to give to the world as you gave to it–by meeting people where they were, which was just how you met me, instead of waiting for them to come to you.


I’ll have vastly more to say at your celebration of life and for years to come. I have so many plans and so much to share about the precious time that I’m blessed we had together.


For now, thank you, Phenia, my Dragonfly. My greatest source of strength was, is, and will always be your love, passion, and energy. As I wrote in *your* wedding ring, you have my whole heart for my whole life and until eternity. I love you and we will reunite one day.


Leafiara Autumnwind, proudly and forever the wife of Saraphenia Autumnwind


Eladarmi’s player (May 3)


You are greatly loved and missed. Thank you for being my friend dearest Saraphenia. With Great Munay, Eladarmi


[Note: Eladarmi also sent two songs for her, but due to sheer vertical space occupied, I’ve reserved them for the end of this post.]


Jastalyn’s player (May 3)


I really got to know Phenia during her wedding to Leafiara. The thing about Phenia that first enthralled me with her was her excitement, and it continued to enthrall me each and every time I experienced it. She was always so animated, she made you forget about anything that might have been bothering you before crossing paths with her that day. I can still feel the elation she shared on her wedding day and many days after when she talked about how her training was going, how when she made the decision to become a Monk, how much she wanted to be Frost Queen, and how she was running for council.


It was so endearing each time she related her Mother and Daughter experiences with me. It was an honor to share her milestones with her, seeing them through her eyes. But, the biggest honor was when she called me ‘Mama’. Our lives were busy in so many different ways, but she never failed to keep me updated on the important things. The love that Phenia and Leafiara shared was inspiring and endearing.


Her beautiful soul impacted so many lives and will echo through time. May we all aspire to live up to her example of unconditional love.


Pukk’s player (May 3)


Saraphenia was my unwavering source of positivity and belief. Whenever I found myself sinking into doubt or was sad and she was there, she lifted me up with her cheerfulness and faith in my actions. She was a beacon to me at times, guiding me through some dark moments with her encouragement. She made a difference in my life, as a player and as Pukk. I will miss her greatly.


Falvicar’s player (May 4)


There’s a lot of fun memories – whether it was you [Leafi], her, and the rest of the “gang” going out hunting bandits to her teaching Falvicar the rope trick (I can’t remember the word off hand). She’s always been fun, and a pleasure to have for company. She’ll be missed.


[Note: “Rapiao” was the word.]


Saevia’s player (May 5)


She wouldn’t want us to give up. Nor would she want us to focus on the negative over the positive. She’d want us to keep on living and not stay stuck in the past or on those who’ve gone on before us.


Emperia (as a character, May 5)


Emperia asks, “Was it a favorite memory or story…?”
Emperia says, “I think that for me, it is her showing me kindness when I first arrived.”
Emperia says, “She could have walked past, but chose not to.”
Leafiara says, “That’s so her.”
Emperia says, “It…it really is.”
Emperia says, “I’ve seen her do that with several other people, as well.”


[Note: Emperia indicated that she might get a more formal statement together at a later date, but to use the above if not. If she sends more, I’ll update.]


Xess’ player (May 6)


I recall meeting her at a table to discuss her change to the so and so of love all while thinking “Well this ones kooky” Haha. Good times.


Saesyra’s player (May 6)


I came back to Gemstone this past year, and when Saraphenia learned I was newly returned she generously gave me a pile of silver to ease me back into the game. This was plenty alone, but afterward she took the time to roleplay with a group of us for a while after, hosting us in her home and creating such an inviting atmosphere that I still think of regularly and fondly. She was so generous with her money, time, and with true kindness that I almost couldn’t believe she was real. I’m so happy to have met her, and have tried hard to match her generosity since. Although we hardly crossed paths after, I still think about her kindness regularly and will appreciate it always. All my love.


Omahice‘s player (May 6)


I am so sorry … she was so sweet and nice when she tattooed us young ones. Meeting her and you [Leafi] was a bright spot in my early adventure.


Darphin‘s player (May 6)


I knew her more in passing, we didnt hang out. but ive seen the effect she had in her willingness to help the community. very few of us havent been touched in someway for sure.


Fehala’s player (May 8)


I may be late in reaching out with my contribution to Saraphenia’s memorial, and for that, I am deeply sorry. It was only recently that I realized I also knew her, just as a different character. When I returned to Gemstone last October, I met her as Sylvinarre. She played a kind-hearted, young Aelotoi who was eagerly adopted by the group of friends I was introducing to the game, who Fehala fondly referred to as her ‘fledglings’. In our small Discord chat, she was so helpful, always with a cheerful word to say, or offering other words of encouragement. All of us who had the pleasure of knowing her during that brief period are truly saddened by the loss of her bright presence.


She spoke very highly of you [Leafi]. It was evident to all of us how much she treasured your friendship and wisdom. I regret closing our Discord group after many moved on to another game, because I wish I could revisit those messages and share them with you now. She held you in the highest regard and wanted everyone to know how creative, helpful, and knowledgeable you are.


Grief can be overwhelming, like a relentless wave that threatens to pull you under. Right now you are navigating a storm, but do not forget the chain of hands extended out from the shore to help guide you home. Saraphenia touched many lives, leaving behind a legacy of kindness and friendship that will always resonate with those of us lucky enough to have known her, even briefly.


Mandy; Fehala’s Muse


[a brief followup afterward:]


I will miss her exuberant ‘Hiiiiiiiiiii!’ in my head when she would notice I was on. I’m so, so sorry for your loss.


Teddyboy’s player (May 10)


I am so deeply heartbroken, she helped me when I returned back in 2021, always had good vibes and very cheerful. We would chat briefly in passing, She showed me how to highlight names, I couldn’t figure out how she would give me a hug a kiss on the cheek and disappear so fast.


In real, my dad once said you’re only here to leave memories for the next leave some good ones. ❤️


Rioja (as a character, May 11)




Condolences and hugs both in spirit and in person. I didn’t have many interactions with Saraphenia, but I do have one small moment to share. I think she was a bard at one time? I was gifted a crown that I could not keep, so I gave it to her as it suited her more than it did me, it was copper with gold leaves interwoven throughout. She was a ginger like you and me (we gingers have to stick together, after all!) A short time later, I bumped into her and found she was still wearing it. If I recall, she was writing little ditties about her kicking butt and singing whilst at it. Or sing one into a lull then kick their butt. Hehe, I don’t know.


So while I didn’t have many interactions with her, it’s her spirit of playfulness that sticks out. A world is made bright when there are those that bring a lightness to it. She along with her light will be sorely missed.





[Note: Phenia was indeed a bard at one time. I can’t speak to at what point she might have had red hair, though…]


Evii’s player (May 14)


[For her tribute, Evii’s player simply sent in a log of when her character met Phenia, which can now be found here along with half a dozen additional memories from me that her log brought to mind.]


Anonymous character from the Black Thorns (unknown when first shared, but discovered May 15)


They called her the Aelotoi of Love


But she will always be known to the Black Thorns as the Fierce Wings of Freedom


We will miss your voice


We will carry it forward


Rest now for you have earned it.


Leifa’s player (May 22)


To know Saraphenia was to experience a rare and extraordinary form of goodness. She was the epitome of kindness, the personification of grace, and the embodiment of all that is good in Elanthia. From the moment I met her, she had a way of making me feel valued, appreciated, and a part of the story. I saw her do this countless times with other folks in our realm. She had an uncanny ability to see the beauty and potential in everyone she encountered.


Her kindness knew no bounds. She treated everyone with respect and compassion. She had a way of brightening even the darkest of moments in Elanthia with a funny joke, an impromptu song, or perhaps announcing something genuinely warm and sweet. Her impact on those who had the privilege of knowing her is profound and lasting. Saraphenia leaves behind a legacy of love, kindness, and generosity that will continue to inspire us for generations to come.


Rest in peace, our sweet friend. You will be deeply missed, but not forgotten.


Love, Leifa


[Leifa’s player additionally sent in a log of when her character encountered Saraphenia on her player’s first day back from a hiatus through most of 2021. It can be found here along with some of my own commentary for perspective.]


Eralice’s Player (May 22)


[For her tribute, Eralice’s player sent in a miniature tale of when her character met Phenia, which can be found here.]


Eladarmi’s Songs (May 3)


★-Rising Beyond: Saraphenia’s Epic Overture


[original, written before her passing]


(Verse 1)
In a land where stories weave and wind,
A tale of strength and love we find,
Grand Lady Saraphenia, Autumnwind’s grace,
From bard to monk, a journey to embrace.
Born a slave on Bree’ne’s distant shore,
She rose above, her spirit soared,
Almond eyes like stars, so deep and true,
Olive skin kissed by sun’s golden hue.


Failed as a bard, yet lessons learned,
Her mentor’s wisdom, once spurned,
But life’s twists and turns, they found their way,
From the shadows to the light of day.


(Verse 2)
Waist-length hair like midnight’s stream,
Regal diadem, a monarch’s dream,
Fire opal shards, they blaze and gleam,
A symbol of strength, a warrior’s theme.


Tiny butterflies, they dance on brow,
Tattoos tell stories of then and now,
Ebon-lined dragonfly, plum and free,
A soaring eagle, a lute’s melody.


Oh, Grand Lady of love’s endless flight,
From humble beginnings to radiant heights,
With wings of silver, and heart so bold,
You shine through stories, your tale unfolds.


Frost Queen’s aura, a councilor’s might,
Wehnmir’s Landing bathed in your light,
Married to Leafiara, goddess so dear,
Love’s boundless essence, always near.


(Verse 3)
Monk in battle, fierce and strong,
You fight for right, for justice long,
Mistwood lily charm, leaves of gold,
Your wings of courage, a sight to behold.


In every mark, in every ink,
In every scar, and every link,
Your spirit’s fire, it blazes bright,
Guiding us through both day and night.


Oh, Grand Lady of love’s endless flight,
From humble beginnings to radiant heights,
With wings of silver, and heart so bold,
You shine through stories, your tale unfolds.


So let us honor with voices raised,
The path you’ve trod, the love that blazed,
Grand Lady Saraphenia, your story true,
A testament to love, forever anew.


[a part 2 followup written after her passing]


(Verse 1)
Amidst the whispers of the wind and trees,
A legend fades, yet memories seize,
Grand Lady Saraphenia, in tales enshrined,
Her legacy endures, her spirit defined.
From humble beginnings, she soared on high,
A beacon of hope beneath the sky,
With every step, she left her mark,
In hearts and minds, through light and dark.


Though she’s passed beyond mortal sight,
Her essence lingers, a guiding light,
In every leaf that dances on the breeze,
In every story told with reverence and ease.


(Verse 2)
Gone is the fire opal’s blazing gleam,
Yet in our hearts, it’s a constant beam,
Her courage, her wisdom, forever alive,
In the echoes of tales, we continue to thrive.
The Frost Queen’s aura, a memory grand,
Her love for Leafiara, across the land,
A warrior’s spirit, fierce and true,
In our memories, Saraphenia, we honor you.


Each scar, each tattoo, a tale to be told,
A life lived bravely, a legacy of gold,
Through battles fought and victories won,
Your spirit endures, bright as the sun.


Oh, Grand Lady, your wings may rest,
But in our hearts, you’re forever blessed,
With every verse, with every rhyme,
Your legacy echoes through space and time.


We raise our voices, our hearts entwined,
In songs of honor, your legacy defined,
Saraphenia, Grand Lady of love’s endless flight,
Forever remembered, in our hearts alight.


(Verse 3)
Though the mistwood lily may fade from view,
Your spirit blooms in all that we do,
In every act of kindness, in every stand for right,
We carry your torch, your guiding light.


In the tapestry of life, you’ve woven your thread,
A legacy of love, where legends tread,
With each new dawn, we’ll sing your praise,
Grand Lady Saraphenia, in eternal rays.


Oh, Grand Lady, your journey may be done,
But in our hearts, your story’s just begun,
With wings of silver, and heart so bold,
Your spirit lives on, in stories untold.


So let us gather, in solemn grace,
To honor your memory, to find solace and embrace,
Grand Lady Saraphenia, in our hearts you’ll stay,
A legend, a hero, forever and a day.


Leafi reports on current events in and around Wehnimer’s Landing, where she can often be found dashing about day and night! She also hosts public Town Hall meetings in the Landing and helps with numerous TownCrier projects behind the scenes, including entirely too many proposals that create more work for Luxie. Does this lass’s troublemaking know no end?