7 Natural Remedies For Cancer

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My Discovery of Natural Remedies for Cancer Treatment

The word inflammation was part of our daily vocabulary. My husband just finished his cancer treatment that involved chemo & radiation. Throughout treatment we learned that radiation creates a lot of inflammation in the body, taking time to heal. In addition, his immune system was affected from the medication administered.

It was a Wisconsin wintry day with plans to attend an essential oil class. I was determined to attend, however, weather conditions presented challenges as I recently had foot surgery and was required to wear a walking boot. Unable to drive, it was my husband's plan to drive me. Still recovering himself he questioned if it was in our best interest to go out in the weather and for me to hobble through the snow. I insisted as it felt right for me. 

The education presented at class spoke to every concern in my mind at that time. Imagine dealing with stress, sleep issues, weakened immune system, inflammation and learning there are products that can support the body in all these ways. I felt a profound sense of hope after leaving that class. I knew these pure essential oils were going to change our lives.

My oil kit arrived a week later and my personal research began. Imagine reading a research article about an oil that has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. After three months supporting my husband during his cancer journey, anything that can positively support the body was worth looking at. I also learned a new word: apoptosis (the death of cells). THIS was a day of discovery! A light bulb moment.

Understanding Why Natural Remedies Work for Cancer

Diving into the education of natural remedies became a part of me. We were experiencing healing in many ways from that box of oils I invested in. In addition I became part of an online oil community. I was learning the significance and the science behind natural remedies while healing from a life altering event. Working in the medical field for over 20 years I knew medicine was used as a reactive approach to an ailment. These natural options opened my eyes to a proactive approach and soon became my focus. 

Natural Remedies For Cancer: Essential Oils

Essential oils are the essence of a plant, distilled and prepared for use in our home. Highly potent chemical compounds are hidden in the roots, seeds, flowers, and bark of the plant. Essential oils give the plant its scent, protect it from hazardous environmental conditions, and even assist it with pollination, among other important functions and benefits. Click here to learn more.

Using Essential Oils in our Home

Did you know that your sense of smell is the quickest way to benefit from essential oils? Smelling an essential oil uses the olfactory nerve to send messages to the brain. Those messages are converted into memories and emotions which in turn trigger past emotions and provide feelings of joy, peace, etc.

Immediately after receiving my oils I put them in the diffuser that came with my kit. I put a few drops of Lavender oil with water and almost immediately felt a sense of calm and serenity. This would soon be our go to oil for nighttime and when emotions were high. I learned that the On Guard oil blend supported our immune system and had powerful cleansing properties. I would diffuse On Guard in our living space to keep the air clean and purified. This oil was instrumental in building up my husband’s immune system through diffusing and topical use.

Relief of Treatment Symptoms

Using essential oils topically is another way to support the body. I had purchased a reference book and learned details about each oil. My husband was experiencing an upset stomach one day and my thoughts quickly went to oils. I looked up his ailment in the book and found the DigestZen blend in my oil kit. I applied the oil on his abdomen and within minutes he had relief. We looked at each other in amazement!

Beginning of a new Holistic Lifestyle

We quickly learned the power of essential oils and how important they would be in our health and wellness. Aromatic and topical use soon became part of our daily life. The ‘daily immune’ blend was rolled on the bottom of our feet at bedtime and I soon had a diffuser in every room in the house. Implementing these essential oils offered a sense of empowerment and I felt more control in our health than I had in months.

Here is a quick reference to the oils we used frequently:

I remember a conversation with my husband in the early stages of his treatment about the nausea he experienced from the chemotherapy. He had medication prescribed by the oncologist, however, he didn’t take it because it gave him horrible headaches. Imagine the relief he would have gotten if I had essential oils early on. Peppermint oil in particular would have been a great option for both the nausea and headache.

In addition to the daily immune oil blend I began to incorporate other oils topically to proactively support cellular health. These oils include Myrrh, Hawaiian Sandalwood, Wild Orange, and Lemongrass. Using a pure essential oil that is tested for quality and purity is essential when using for therapeutic purposes.

Having alternative options to health and wellness doesn’t have to be complicated. Having the tools you need for immune support, sleep issues, calming, etc. can be found in a simple oil kit. You can find the basics to get started with natural health here. When you purchase this kit, I will send you the daily immune recipe in addition to a bonus oil for a ‘calming’ blend.

The custom kit will get you all the necessary oils to support the immune support and cellular support.

Purchase this kit here and receive $10 off an hour session with me or $30 off one of my cancer support packages.

In addition to your purchase of essential oils you will receive continued education and customized support along your natural health journey.

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P.S. One of the ways I support others going through a difficult time is to offer complementary education on the use of natural options including essential oils. This education can be in person, a group setting or individually, or online. If you are interested in learning more about how natural remedies can support your journey contact me here.


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