USC Information Sciences Institute’s Post

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Join us in congratulating our graduating ISIers! ⁠ Julie Jiang is earning her PhD in Computer Science, which she obtained under the supervision of her advisor, Emilio Ferrara. ⁠ ⁠ Q: Why did you choose ISI? A: I visited ISI during the Viterbi PhD visit day in 2019. It was a fun two-day event where I got to learn about some of the research going on at ISI, but more importantly, I met some amazing professors and current students I really wanted to work with. Everyone was excited to talk about their work, share their experience, and discuss new research ideas. It was the kind of energy and vibe I was looking for in my PhD program. Oh, and definitely LA. The beautiful ISI building in Marina del Rey was an easy sell. Q: What’s the most impactful project you worked on at ISI? A: For one project, we worked on the idea that social approvals were a motivating factor for online hate speech. Using computational methods, we investigated empirically how hateful users behave on Twitter, and came to the conclusion that social approvals (e.g., likes) may reinforce a hateful person's toxic behavior. This could have an immense impact on how we address online toxicity. Q: If you could use your skills to invent anything in the world, what would it be, and why? A: A smart alarm clock that learns and monitors my behavior with machine learning so that it can distinguish my true intentions in the morning when I accidentally press "stop" but actually go straight back to sleep or when I accidentally press "snooze" but am already up and awake. Following graduation, Julie is planning on traveling then working as a research scientist at Meta working on high-impact projects! Congrats, #grad! ⁠ #graduation #computerscience University of Southern California USC Viterbi School of Engineering

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