Tarot Orackle Deck

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Special tarot and oracle cards are now on sale!

Special tarot and oracle cards are now on sale!

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What is a Tarot and Oracle Card ?

One of a set of cards primarily used in tarot games and in fortune-telling, tarot decks were invented in Italy in the 1440s by including to an existing four-suited pack a fifth suit of 21 specially illustrated cards known as trionfi (triumphs) and an odd card known as the fool (il matto). Oracle cards vary in design, but a number of decks tend to be about 30-44 cards long. Devotional Oracle Cards Source Oracle Cards Oracle Cards Oracle Cards are cards unique to 20thcentury self-help authors Helen Schucman (1877-1961) and Marion Woodman (1902-1993). They message cards meant to be used when reading is straight to solo for guidance or as a spread or combination with a Tarot card.

Oracle Decks For Spiritual Guidance

Using oracle decks can be a great way to work with your spiritual guidance and help you to get the answers that you need. Whether you want to know the future, the past, or just how to handle a certain situation, an oracle can be the answer.

Whether you're looking for answers, inspiration, or guidance, the Light Seer's Tarot is an uplifting deck that offers a new spin on traditional tarot archetypes. Its 78 cards depict people from diverse cultures, lifestyles, and experiences. Each card has a clear, detailed explanation of its meaning, and advice on how to make the most of each situation.

The creator spark is a powerful message that you have the ability to manifest your dreams. You can activate it by focusing energy, willpower, and desire. You can also activate it by consciously shaping the material world with your craft.

The World card is one of the most positive tarot cards. It signals the completion of a period of life or a large project. Its joyful energy can help you to navigate towards your desires without excessive force.

The Sun card represents wholeness and is a reassuring sign of unfolding beauty. It also shows you the perfect version of yourself. It can be used to encourage you to follow your heart, even when you're feeling overwhelmed by your life.

Strength is a ninth Major Arcana card in the tarot deck. It represents the ability to stay calm and controlled in stressful situations. It also represents forgiveness, perseverance, and openness. You can use it to remind yourself to be open to others and to accept them for who they are. It can help you to stay focused, logically think through a situation, and to be patient.

The page of swords is a prominent part of the spread. It is also a card that often appears when relationships are going south. It symbolizes the ability to heal deep-seated wounds. It can also show you how to keep the balance of light and shadow in your life.