facebookDay 2 [Unlock Your Trading Knowledge with Webull] Quiz 1 - Seedly

Day 2 [Unlock Your Trading Knowledge with Webull] Quiz 1

Answer the questions below and stand a chance to win a Nintendo Switch Gen 2 worth $399!

Q1: What are the advantages of Webull?

  1. In-depth Analysis Tools

  2. Easy-to-use app and desktop platform

  3. Community with more than 35M Global Users

  4. All of the above

Q2: What is a rule that sets the maximum price movement allowed for a stock in a single trading day is known as?

  1. Price limit

  2. Dynamic price limit

  3. Limit orders

  4. Stop-Limit orders

Q3: What is Initial Margin (IM)?

  1. When your Net Account Value (NAV) drops below the Maintenance Margin (MM) requirement.

  2. The amount required for opening new margin positions.

  3. The minimum amount of the Net Account Value (NAV).

  4. The cash balance, available margin, and collaterals you have available in your brokerage account to purchase additional securities or open new positions in a trading context.

Q4: Open-Ended Question -

How old were you when you placed your first trade, and what encouraged you to start trading?

The winner will be chosen based on:

i. highest number of correct answers on the multiple-choice questions; and

ii. most insightful and/or informative answer in the written format.

Good luck! ✨

For more info on the prizes and terms & conditions, visit here: https://bit.ly/3ru3z8b

This campaign is brought to you by Seedly and Webull. (https://seedly.sg/reviews/online-brokerages/web...)

Discussion (44)

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  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. I was 25 years old when I placed my first trade. I was encouraged to start trading because I wanted to take control of my financial future and potentially achieve better returns on my savings compared to traditional investment methods. Additionally, the desire to learn about the financial markets and explore different investment opportunities motivated me to start trading.

Q1. 4

Q2. 1

Q3. 2

Q4. Only start trading when I am 36, did not feel confident in starting trading and seems like a huge mountain to conquer. There are always stories of how you can lose all your money through trading, seems like a gambling trait. However, I come to learn through different information and exposure such as Seedly that trading can be done as an informated, educated and managed risk move. The cost of not investing our money is even higher as an inactive person in current high inflation econom.

  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 2
  4. I just started trading officially this year right after I can open my own trading account at 18 years old, but I used to buy stocks using my partner's account before I turned legal. It was actually my partner who influenced me to start trading, and I found that it was a good way of earning money as I did not have to work with people I do not like, but instead with numbers (even though I am not a big fan of them). I was also influenced by the fact that trading is also something that did not require a large sum of capital to start unlike a business, and I can even own shares of big companies because I can buy fractional shares using Webull.

Q1: 4

Q2: 1

Q3: 2

Q4: Actually I hardly trade and it was my dad who helped me to start trading when I was in 20s. With his experience, I learned from him and managed to receive good dividends each year.

Q1: 4

Q2: 1

Q3: 2

Q4: I was 25 years old when I first entered the world of trading. This was a ye...

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