Zeenat Lakdawala Masterclass April 2023

​Healing The Sacral Womb - Activating the Divine Goddess

Please join Zeenat Lakdawala and me as we talk about Healing The Sacral Womb - Activating the Divine Goddess as well as live Q&A and processes.

Join Zeenat on the show today to:
  • Find out how the World’s first Light Language Cosmic Divine Feminine Coaster to Shift and Renew Sacral Womb Energy
  • Know how to re-establish a connection to our body, our inner guidance, and our emotions are the most reliable indicators of emotions and experience Pleasure, Fertility, Expansion, Creation, Strength, And Well-Being NOW!
  • Activate, Balance, & develop Sacral Chakra - to improve Sexuality, Movement, Sensation, Receiving, & Nurturing a healthy relationship with SELF
  • Heal and Accept the body as a passage of wisdom & tap into higher consciousness
  • Explore the innate body wisdom and healing powers, to Open Your Heart & Awaken the Goddess Within!
  • Get ready to work deeper into the core projects of Sacral Womb - abortion, miscarriage, dead weight, abuse and trauma
  • Activate & Adorn The Essence Of Your Soul! Say YES to Your Divine Feminine Power!
ZEENAT's package A
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • Facebook Group
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  • BONUS - MP3
ZEENAT's package b
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • 4 x Live 45 Minute Group Energy Sessions with Q&A
  • Email Support
  • Facebook Group
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  • BONUS - MP3
ZEENAT's package c
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • 4 x Live 45 Minute Group Energy Sessions with Q&A
  • Email Support
  • Accelerated 30-minute, Private 1:1 Session! for the first 20 buyers
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  • BONUS - MP3
Payment Plan Available
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Inner Circle Members, don't forget your 10% or 25% off!

If you're an Inner Circle member, don't forget to use your PROMO/DISCOUNT code for 10% or 25% off this offer. No other discount will apply. If you're not yet a Stellar YOU Inner Circle member, and would like to find out how you can get up to 25% off this and all offers, click below.

Heal The Womb Trauma and Embody Your TRUE SELF!

Are You Ready To Birth A New Reality And Thrive In Your Original Divine Blueprint?

Shift Your Reality With The Renewed Sacral Womb Energy And Experience Pleasure, Fertility, Expansion, Creation, Strength, And Well-Being NOW!

In Zeenat’s most recent LIGHT LANGUAGE DIVINE FEMININE GODDESS POWER Activation, you will experience:

  • Shift in thoughts, beliefs, and thereby behavioural patterns behind every physical condition
  • Reclaim the Emotion Centre - Right To Feel!
  • Heal and accept the body as a passage of wisdom to tap and attend to higher consciousness
  • Explore the innate body wisdom and healing powers
  • Release ancestral baggage of feeling unworthy, helpless, & hopeless
  • Re-discover your Divine Feminine Power
  • Open Your Heart & Awaken the Goddess Within to Attract Healthy Relationship at Personal and Professional Level
  • Transform Relationship with Self and Others by Embodying the Divine Masculine and Feminine energy

All of life begins in the Sacred Womb where you are the creator of your world. When your Womb is hurting, energy or chi in the body is not enough for you to birth new life or create new experiences. You are trapped in the life of others, or of the past, which did not create anything beyond this point.

The important thing to know and acknowledge is that we are unique and it's true that how you feel and respond to yourself and the world around can’t be equated with another person. Our connection to our body, our inner guidance, and our emotions are the most trustworthy indicators of how we are perceiving and are being perceived by the world.

The lack of self-awareness and acknowledgement of needs leads to denial, causing illness and diseases in women, as she has not addressed the PAIN of her denied intimacy, exposure to trauma, lack of recognition & acceptance, not being enough, a hindrance to expression of creativity, etc.

It is easy to therefore get into the patterns of addictive/abusive relationships, or shape into a control/rescuer, self-sabotaging, dependent, self-sacrificing, judgmental woman.

Our world is moving at a jet speed and we are propelled to move forward with it. The new beginning and the awakening of the DIVINE FEMININE is making a wave and it is here to stay. This change and transformation are permanent as it is here to change the way we perceive our body, mind, and soul.

Globally, women suffer from numerous illnesses and diseases blocking their progress. These symptoms include chronic pelvic pain, vaginitis, painful intercourse, ovarian cysts, genital warts, endometriosis, and cervical dysplasia.

These are directly related to the way women have treated themselves or have been treated by the external world whether it is when they were a child, teen, young adult, or an adult, till date. The body's only job is to communicate the dis-harmony, and this expression is their last resort to bring our attention to the unconscious core wound.

Walk with me into the NEW HIGH VIBRATIONAL ERA - with a brand new Light Language energy that has been downloaded in form of a Cosmic Coaster and Transmission for the very first time!

The LIGHT LANGUAGE DIVINE COSMIC GODDESS POWER ACTIVATION Coaster and all the Language of Light MP3s are infused with the energy of Mary Magdalene, Goddess Nuit, Goddess Durga, Goddess Kali, Quan Yin, Goddess ISIS, Goddess Laxmi, Lord Shiva, and Goddess Parvati.

The energies of these Goddesses, Gods, and all Light Beings have come together to mainly focus on working on the Sacral Chakra - which takes care of Sexuality, Movement, Sensation, Receiving, & Nurturing. It is here to align you to your higher purpose and higher dimension going up to the 16th Dimension! It is going to encourage you to drop the mask of
  • Denial
  • Scarcity
  • The illusion of control
  • Crisis orientation
  • Blame
  • Negativism
  • Defensiveness
  • Perfectionism
  • Dependency
  • Dishonesty & Dualistic thinking

This LIGHT LANGUAGE DIVINE GODDESS POWER Activation was received by Zeenat during her visit to the United Kingdom this year. She was initiated to bring this masterpiece that works deeper into the core projects of Sacral Womb. Each element of this NEW Advance Creation is yet another work filled with information that will assist in Releasing and Activating DNA and deep healing at all body levels.
  • Embrace The Divinity You Are! 
  • Activate & Adorn The Essence Of Your Soul!
  • Shift into Higher Vibration!
  • Connect Within As You Tap & Heal The Wound to Heal All Bodies
  • Unblock, Embrace & EXPAND EXPAND EXPAND!!!

PACKAGE A - Value $1502
Special Offer $207

Select Columns Layout
Item 1: World’s First Handcrafted Light Language Cosmic DIVINE FEMININE GODDESS POWER Coaster
Item 1: World’s First Handcrafted Light Language Cosmic DIVINE FEMININE GODDESS POWER Coaster - Value: $377 - Physical Item Will Be Shipped
Our body is superior and is in a constant mode of upgradation, it replicates its cells daily and we create a whole body once every seven years. The interesting thing is that the cells are recreating your present based on your level of consciousness. The need, therefore, is to change consciousness by releasing and healing at the cellular level so that you create a new reality for your present.
The Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic DIVINE FEMININE GODDESS POWER Coaster has been fully loaded with Light Language codes and instructions that are being channelled for YOU that is embodied in the form of Vesica Piscis and through the circles and lines in form of triangles, this unique hand-made grid has been laden with the guided colours of red, orange, and prominent gold to remind us that through us all of creation comes.
The codes and instructions on the Cosmic DIVINE FEMININE GODDESS POWER Coaster will work with you forever (it has no shelf life). You tune into the energy and it starts and continues to do its work even when you are not actively working with it.
The cosmic and earth energies through this Coaster will create a vortex of energy to activate and balance your Sacral - the creation centre so to bring in the alignment and balance through the cell healing and DNA activation.
Zeenat will intuitively select the frame colour for you. It is easy to use at home or carry when travelling.
Light Language Sacred Geometry Cosmic Coaster dimensions: 5 inches × 5 inches and it takes 25 working days for it to reach you! Please note: Though the Cosmic Coaster may not be with you physically, the energies start working with you from the minute you've placed your order!
Add Light Language Cosmic Divine Feminine Coaster — $127
Item 2: Powerful Light Language Booster MP3s
Item 2: Powerful Light Language Booster MP3s - Value: $667 - 6 MP3s - Total Runtime: 60mins
The Light Language MP3s have been downloaded to assist the physical, emotional and mental body in complete alignment. It will serve as your additional guide and support as you start releasing and healing your old consciousness from your Womb, the nervous system and the organs associated with the same. Each Light Language MP3 embedded with the apt frequencies of 417 Hz, 396 Hz, and 528 Hz will further enhance your experience and assist in the release and flow.
This will be the preparation for moving you from 2D to 5D! One of the best ways to listen to these light language downloaded codes and instructions is by placing the water on the Cosmic DIVINE FEMININE GODDESS POWER or placing it on your naval area. Go with the flow!
Regular listening to the MP3s and drinking charged water or placing the coaster on the naval will bring in the expansion of your DNA that will help to transmute and ward off energies of self-sabotage, not enough and make you sensitive about your sacred temple. It will further allow growth and more receiving in areas of life.
The following audios included are
1. Divine Feminine Healing the WOMB - Releasing the Legacy
We are by the virtue of creation carrying imprints to heal and expand our consciousness for us to evolve and expand. These imprints are compounded by our birth and our family saga of their own experiences. This has a direct impact on our energy, repeated patterns, health of all our bodies and wealth and there is a need to consciously acknowledge and move to pass the same for you to break the ceiling and create a new reality that is birthed through your womb.
The subconscious is a storehouse of information and it can access all information it also has the power to uncreate what is not surviving you. To tap into this Divine force to rework and influence all experiences of you and your family lineage and to work through being a victim requires strength and courage. These two key attributes are readily available as these are an essential part of you. It surfaces based on how you perceive yourself and allow yourself to be perceived.
You have the choice to be what your mother and seven generations of grandmothers from your both parents have gone through or to step up and know that you can re-draft and re-create.
The Healing the Womb - Releasing the Legacy Light Language MP3 will assist you in
  • Overwriting the past of the seven generations stored in the womb
  • Balance and maintaining the energy flow or Chi in the body
  • Improving acceptance of self and becoming more forthcoming
  • Enhance relationship with Self and others
  • Grieving and healing with ease
  • Allow a safe space for the body to breakdown and find the breakthrough points with ease
2. Divine Feminine Mary Magdalen Releasing Trauma & Abuse
This is a special gift blessing from Mary Magdalen and this amazing and powerful Light Language MP3 came through as I was working with her energy at Avebury in the United Kingdom during the Summer Solstice this year. The energies are so gentle as I worked through with her on Micheal and Mary Leyline.
As she bestows her gentle energy on to my me the veil of deception, trauma, and abuse of all humankind flashed through and the veil of ignorance as it lifted made the womb more pure and sacred and through the voice of this sacred place the Light Language MP3 will create the same healing to assist you in the healing of the trauma and abuse that put you ages away from your progress and the way you refused the embodiment of your soul your higher self.
This Light Language is here to assist you to
  • To move past the redundant and non-contributing energy from the lower frequency that is causing internal and external disharmony to internal balance
  • Awaken the aspect of your dormant self
  • Nurturing and the loving energy to balance the Divine Feminine
  • Relax overcharged internal organs, especially Liver, kidneys, ovaries, pelvic floor etc
3. Divine Feminine Releasing Blame
All diseases or illnesses exist to bring attention to the core wound that one is carrying and it is also to trust the wisdom of the body to know that there is an imbalance in the emotional body that needs healing.
The aspect that creates ill health is the unconscious that has been denied and the balance has been destroyed. In the situation of taking responsibility, one must know when it is yours and when it has to be let go when it's not yours. REMEMBER - taking responsibility does not mean that you have to be blamed. When you take responsibility you are acknowledgement and awareness of things and are in a better position to respond.
We may not have been in control of childhood but we are in charge of it at this moment. You must give yourself the space to feel, transform and heal your wounds. The longer wait or search for the perpetrator to blame for what happened to you the faster the depletion of your body's energy or life force or chi.
This Light Language Releasing Blame MP3 will help
  • Release stuckness and immobility
  • Release toxic pain and resentment of ancestral baggage
  • Respect and release emotions that are stuck and are ready to move on
  • Forgive and understand self and release the option
  • Thrive and become the source of personal wellbeing
  • Release the energy of victimhood
4. Divine Feminine Releasing Shame
While some may experience early childhood or adolescent abuses and trauma the rest may be carrying imprints across time and space, or through the womb one carries forward parents' beliefs and behaviour all of this may set destructive beliefs around your worthiness, abundance, value and love creating disharmony in the mind and body. One finds itself giving away rights and also setting a ceiling to receiving and asking in every aspect of life - health, wealth, happiness and joy. Beliefs operate at a subconscious level by keeping themselves alive through experiences in conscious reality.
The first three chakras or the energy system that impacts the growth and development of women is SHAME, wherein she is made to feel that she has no rights and that asking or having a need is unacceptable. She is made to feel inferior and worthless for being a woman, her body, her menstruation cycle, and her genitalia. She is weighed down by relationships with herself and her family or her partner.
Shame compromises organs, including the uterus and ovaries also emotionally, or psychologically affects the vaginal area. Shame around sexuality can cause vaginitis, pelvic pain, etc There are other illnesses and diseases such as gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, and aggressive cancers (self-sacrificing and less aware of their needs and feelings)
This Light Language Divine Feminine Releasing Shame MP3 will help
  • Break the ceiling to acceptance of self
  • Tap into the heart to heal by releasing, grief, guilt and shame
  • Release self-criticism and judgement
  • Release shame of self - body, needs and desires
  • Trust the inner guidance of your body
  • Embrace and accept entitlement when desires are fulfilled
  • Express creativity to attract joy
5. Unleashing Creativity | Birthing | Healthy Relationship- Healing the Fibroids & Endometriosis
In our existing culture women are subjugated to one or another kind of abuse resulting in blockages and loss of power that creates one of the common pelvic disorders called fibroids. The fact that a fibroid or Endometriosis or alike tumour is present in the physical form shows a lack of self-value, anger, and unprotectedness.
It grows and shapes up as there is a lack of expression of one's creativity, reproduction (creation) and healthy relationships. You have denied giving birth to your thoughts and expressing your feelings when you are stuck in a dead job or relationship and have given up when Fibroids take birth as you are unable to give birth to anything new.
This Light Language Unleashing Creativity | Birthing | Healthy Relationship- Healing the Fibroids and Endometriosis MP3 will help
  • Release and break the generational or ancestral mould to fibroids
  • Release energetic cause and release blocked energy from the pelvis
  • Release pain and stuckness
  • Renewed energy and Feel confident to express with ease and fearlessly
  • Enhance immunity system and hormones
6. YES to Saying NO!
When a woman cannot say NO and is violated either in a relationship or at work the entry point in her body experiences dis-harmony. The areas include - the vulva, vagina, cervix, and lower urinary tract. The lack of healthy boundaries and walking the path of old beliefs weigh her down. The areas mentioned above hold a huge amount of cortisol released when experiencing stress of abuse, violation, and disrespect leading to physical impairment in creating dysfunctional urinary tract infections. Most UTIs are the body’s way of saying that it is ‘pissed off 'by concurrent disharmony and unexpressed anger.
This Light Language YES to Saying NO- UTI! MP3 will help
  • Releases toxic relationships and beliefs
  • Set healthy boundaries
  • Release anger and excess stress
  • Express needs with ease
Item 3: Facebook Private Group Support
Item 3: Facebook Private Group Support - Value: $100 - Online Community
It's important to express and share your experiences therefore with every one of Zeenat's programs, you become part of her exclusive private community on Facebook.
In this group, you are part of a big community and as the agenda of the group is the same as yours, you will tend to receive insights, support and TOGETHERNESS for you to buckle up and move forward.
Group energy always helps one to bring in comfort and a sense of working in a safe environment. You will get the needed push and support from me and the group when things show up or when you are unable to move.
Zeenat will be in the group to answer your questions, do some impromptu energy work based on the group energy, laugh with you, encourage you, and be honest with you. All these are only available within the group.
When you share your success however small it works as a motivator for a fellow group member who knows this can happen to them as well.
The group will accept members and become active post-May 1, 2023
​Item 4: Pre and Post-Program Survey to Map Progress
Item 4: Pre and Post-Program Survey to Map Progress - Value: $107
One more tool that has kept you connected deeply with the program is the survey/feedback form. By filling out the questions you can assess where you are in the journey. The intention is to map your progress via the program for you to know how you have travelled from point A to B.
​Expiring Bonus (limited time bonus)
Expiring Bonus (limited time bonus)  - LIGHT LANGUAGE MEDITATION - GODDESS POWER UNLEASHED - Value: $407 - Run time: 40 mins
that will assist in taking a journey
  • To connect with the high priestess within you
  • Tap into the infinite begin that you are
  • Create the possibility to manifest
  • To create harmony in this duality and create the NOW with ease
  • Expand your consciousness and take control of your reality etc
The process of Listening to the Light Language Transmission
  1. Start listening from today for 3 days
  2. If you miss a day you need to start the process again

PACKAGE B - Value $3109
Special Offer $307

Everything in Package A
Everything in Package A:
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • Facebook Group
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  •  BONUS - MP3
Item 5: 4 Live Group Calls 45 minutes
Item 5: 4 Live Group Calls 45 minutes  - Value: $1607 - Via Webcast
Wednesday, May 3, 10, 17 and 24 at (please do check the time I am looking at 7 p.m. IST)
6:30 am Pacific / 7:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Central / 9:30 am Eastern / 1:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm CET / 7:00 pm IST

There are Four (4) Live Group Energy Calls in this package that has been curated especially for this program to guide you through your journey to embrace your body and respect your choices and know that the WOMB | SACRAL is the centre of high importance and that you have the power to manoeuvre life with ease and support yourself through the transition of time to make the future for your daughter/s | grand-daughter/s a passage to liberate them and set them and yourself free.

The Live Group Calls are based on the group energy (whether you are present for the live call or will listen in to the replay). These high-powered calls are loaded with information as well as Light Language download and instant healing to participants.

Each class will be 45 minutes and we will be using the InstantTeleseminar platform. Attending live is as powerful as the replay. The call replay is active immediately post the Live call.

These Group Energy Calls will create:
Activate Root Chakra
Relaxed & Calm
Self- Allowance
Activate Sacral Chakra
Release Lower Energies
Heightened Creativity
Self- Acceptance
Activate Solar Plexus
Release Physical Pain
Improve Self Worth
Gain Personal Power
Feel Loved and Lovable
Lighter & More Grounded
Healthy Boundaries
to name a few…

Call 1 & 2 - Sacral Womb Clearing | Healing of Organs with Light Language
Wednesday, May 3 & 10, 2023, 6:30 am Pacific / 7:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Central / 9:30 am Eastern / 1:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm CET / 7:00 pm IST

Our Sacral energy is the powerhouse of relationships. It is about the partnership with people and money. It is also a centre of sensation & feeling, emotion and pleasure, intimacy and connection, movement and change and without this, we are numb and have no drive. The womb signifies birth and creation, it works with the water elements and allows us to experience passion, sexuality, desires, need, movement and connection.
On the call you will be able to
  • Release toxic energy from the physical organ that is associated with this womb that has been accumulated over a long period
  • Set a healthy relationship with your body and allow the energy to build up
  • Bring in wholeness to your body, mind and spirit
  • Awaken and expand your consciousness
  • Enhance flow and move, to feel and to yield flexibility and aliveness
Call 3 - Healing Emotional Body with Light Language
Wednesday, May 17, 2022,6:30 am Pacific / 7:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Central / 9:30 am Eastern / 1:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm CET / 7:00 pm IST

This is for our emotional experiences including thoughts, feeling and emotions. You can have a tangible sensation but we cannot do hold the same in our hand. The astral body has the main 7 chakras housed in them and you can have them either active or passive or balanced. It also includes the nervous system, hormones, sensation, water.
They deliver emotional energy for you can create context and meaning through your experience of the situation. Surrounding this is the aura that surrounds you and speaks about the state of your emotion
  • Heal your personal energy field by balancing your chakra through the aura vice-verse
  • Connecting with your emotions and allowing them to express
  • Allow releasing excessive charge on the emotions and create alignment

Call 4 - Yes to Creation of More Money Energy
Wednesday, May 24, 2022, 6:30 am Pacific / 7:30 am Mountain / 8:30 am Central / 9:30 am Eastern / 1:30 pm GMT / 3:30 pm CET / 7:00 pm IST

This will be a Light Language meditation with the energies of Goddess Laxmi to bring in the required shift whereby which you will be guided to
  • Release old belief around Money
  • Raise your vibration to that of Money and release the misconception that surrounds
  • Release the need to mimic family beliefs around money and abundance.

Item 6: Email Support
Item 6: Email Support - Value: $67
Zeenat likes to keep in touch with her program participants and through her various programs she maintains contact via emailers that will support you through the journey of optimum weight and self-love. The email support consists of tips and suggestions however the frequency and the number are intuitively guided as she has experienced that they exceed more than the one in her program.

PACKAGE C - Value $3516 

Special Offer $377

Everything in Package A & B
Everything in Package A & B:
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • Facebook Group
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  •  BONUS - MP3
  • 4 x Live 45 Minute Group Energy Sessions with Q&A
  • Email Support
Item 8: Accelerated 30 Minute, Private 1:1 Session with Zeenat!
Item 8: Accelerated 30 Minute, Private 1:1 Session with Zeenat!
These are exclusively for the first 20 buyers only
Being Claircognizant helps Zeenat to understand and know her clients' blocks and this helps her to take them into the deep clearing and releasing work where they can move forward in all aspects of their lives.
While working with her clients, she uses different modalities that help and assist in healing and growth. Her biggest achievement when she does her one-on-one sessions is to empower her clients so that they can do their healing with the tools that she brings down and also through the work assignments that she gives her clients to work on, between her sessions making them more self-reliant and confident.
She helps and assists her clients:
  • to heal and manifest more money
  • fulfil careers with new jobs/roles
  • open to receiving financial freedom
  • find a life partner
  • move from stuckness to creation
  • have a healthy approach towards physical and emotional bodies
  • release grief and sadness
  • release Fear and Guilt that block growth
  • release Traumas from this or any other lifetime
  • and much more...

Calls can be done via Skype or Facebook Messenger or Whatsapp. You can record the call for you to re-listen.


Grounding gives me a sense of direction and calms at work. I have noticed when I work with the coaster I seem to be going along with the flow with no resistance. I use the Sacral and Throat in my personal space while working (at my table) and relaxing (next to my bed).  The Sacral is like my creative booster and keeps my energy level high and with it coming into my space I have seen a positive shift in personal work opportunities and money. Around a year back I would find it hard to speak for myself and find myself in situations where people would get the best of me and keep pushing till all healthy boundaries are crossed. I started using the Throat Coaster over a year back and I have seen that I have a stronger approach to handling these issues. I have a sense that I'm connected with my higher self and receive guidance as to what needs to be said and done when in need.  SK - India

Experience after DNA activation has been amazing. I feel as if the connection with the divine has opened up suddenly.one day during meditation I was guided to a star close to the earth, on asking what it meant, I was told I am a star seed (I had heard this word starseed first time during a discussion between Prashant n Savita after the DNA activation session). I had no idea about starseeds. In my next meditation, I asked them to give more details. I was told I belong to the Pleiades, a cluster of stars close to earth and Prashant is a Sirian. I couldn’t believe how clearly I was getting the answers. In the next session, they told me there was a meeting I needed to attend. After the meditation, I fell asleep in the same room (I meditated in a separate room), at night I thought I was in a half-awake half dreamy state, I don't know how to describe it. I felt the presence of many energies in the room, I could hear a heavy male voice addressing the meeting. The morning when I woke up I remembered only one thing, the heavy voice saying Hathor. I immediately google searched and was surprised to know Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of love same as goddess Isis (I recollect during DNA activation you had mentioned about the presence of goddess Isis) also during meditation a few times I have seen an unknown goddess blessing me and an eagle coming and sitting on my hand. I now know it is goddess Hathor and her eagle-headed son Horus. Every day it’s like pieces of a puzzle fitting each other. Today morning I saw goddess Hathor and beside her was standing Shirdi Saibaba blessing me. And after some time I was guided to read,a place in Egypt named Sias, goddess Hathor is known as Sias Neith A perfect way of showing everything is connected and all is ONE Thank you, Zeenat for helping me awaken.  - M -India

Your light language replays are my go-to on everything .. they clear whatever needs to be cleared to move forward to make the better choices in life on everything... it is wonderful... to start being the truth of oneself .. awesomeness!  Thanks, everything is improving as the layers are removed so I /we can become our authentic self... you / your light language all the light beings frequencies are helping us break through tremendously ... Thanks to all the organic light beings and Zeenat for being and bringing your light to all of us so we can remember who we truly are.. finally yayyyy! I broke through ! in sooooooo much gratitude beyond and forever... JH - USA

Zeenat's work is very subtle and yet powerful in its own way! I have closely worked with all of her Cosmic Coasters and I believe it's not me who decides which one I need to use but, I let my intuitive self pick the Cosmic Coaster that wants to work in my space. When the work is done the Cosmic Coasters naturally switch places and the new ones show up. This cycle continues and that's one reason I love them because they are so easy to work with. They have helped me in clearing debt easily, overcome my creative blocks, generate work and new clients, keep a constant flow of money in my space, choose healthier food and keep myself hydrated (they remind me to refill my glass in the midst of busy working hours) and most importantly show me ways to self-love! These are miracle tools that I have been using for over years and I have seen a HUGE shift in my energy.  Zeenat is truly a gifted soul and she pours in a lot of energy to reach out and offer help to the ones who need it the most! She genuinely cares and the Light Language codes that she is able to channel through her are really meant for your highest good! - SK - India

Thank you for all the downloads and activations. Just letting you know that your energy "work" is so unique and priceless. You touch the Heart and Soul of everyone around you and beyond . . . helping us with our "life changes" . . . helping us shift into higher frequencies and dimensions . . . helping us unveil our authentic Self . . . all coming from a sincere and loving Heart. - TL - USA

I feel calmer since using the coaster and more empowered. I feel more in charge of my experience of life. It is helping me to make positive changes. I have received more gifts and compliments out of the blue. I feel I have released some blocks around self-esteem and I'm not judging myself as much. Thank you for your wonderful program. - JM - USA

I love the coaster and also the MP3s are very relaxing. I have probably released some resistance to sugary food which used to make me feel really bad physically but now does not have much effect. - MS - USA

I have significantly improved listening to the mp3s and with the coaster - I am more aware when I eat or begin to overeat or snack when my body is satisfied. My body inches have gone down quite a bit and my clothes fit better. Most importantly, I am feeling so good in my skin, more content and confident. I speak so kindly to myself and my body is now showing me better results from the strength training I've been doing. I built a house and moved in with many repairs for the builder to fix and that is finally getting done after 5 months! Many of my neighbours have become like family and my intuition is so much stronger - what I sense or feel is spot on. I am just very happy with myself and really loving my body now. That is a great gift!  - KP - USA

Very enjoyable, but I couldn't attend the live sessions. I am still listening to the replays daily. I have released so much and I am sure there is more to come. I love the coasters, 1 is under my water pitcher and 1 under the bedside glass. - CO- USA

I have been using Zeenat’s coaster grid for a few months now and it has definitely helped in bringing balance into my life, especially between masculine and feminine. I make sure to put a glass bottle on the grid and drink from it at least twice a day, morning and evening. Thank you, Zeenat, for introducing this simple yet miraculous Sacral coaster into my life. Lots of love! - SG - Canada

My experience has been positive and I do feel a rebirth in my relationship with myself, especially with my sacral area. It does not hold pain, trauma, guilt, shame, aggression, control, and jealousy like it used to. It still holds fear though, especially with the thought idea of having another child or showing up and standing in my full power to the world, and trusting that good things will follow. I do not reject that idea like I used to, but I'm fearful of my ability to carry it to full term and provide a healthy, optimized environment for it. I suppose those are similar feelings to birthing my business endeavours. This program has provided powerful healing and lessons for me. A lot of traumas specifically related to that area, both physical and emotional, were cleared. I feel a rebirth in who I am and the way I show up in my relationships. I am stepping more in my power.  - JY- USA

Zeenat, the energy transmissions and all other works she has done with/ for me have been a real lifesaver. Sometimes, whether it is a new moon or no moon or retrograde time or general overwhelming time, she will send this message about how there is an energy transmission that night or around the corner, and it is very soothing. I have said YES to a lot of energy transmissions in the last 1.5 years and I am so happy that I said YES to them. The timing is always amazing and they really make a lot of difference. Mostly, I am overwhelmed or confused or conflicted or just dealing with so much and feeling helpless before the times of these energy transmissions, and her work has really benefited me. The downloads really work wonders and the messages are completely true and helpful. So, it gives an insight as to why I am experiencing what I am and also provides comfort and support in terms of how to deal with it. I don't understand the codes or the light language, but the explanations and the support provided is amazing. They make a world of a difference and have really really helped me in my healing journey. Zeenat has also worked with me using other modalities and I am so grateful for all the work I did with her. She has really really helped in my healing journey and last year would not have been easy without her. I am experiencing a sense of ease, confidence, and happiness in the last 6 months and I owe this to all the work I have been doing with Zeenat. I am forever grateful and honoured to be working with her! - S S. K - India

This is a very long journey. But I feel and am witnessing changes for the better. I am pleased that I can speak and finally be heard I will continue this always. It is the way forward for me at last! It is definitely not easy and very painful from time to time but that is what must be done. I thank you, Zeenat, for the guidance. Again I say that I acknowledge, I accept, I heal and I surrender.  My bank balance has increased and my savings. I receive discounts often online, my food choices are incredibly beneficial now, my partner has slowly improved, and I am looking at myself and what’s going on around me with a new understanding. This all makes me feel at ease much more. Thank you so much for this help and guidance. Yes to more healing and light! - KN - UK

Zeenat Lakdawala

Meet Zeenat Lakdawala - Spiritual Artist & Energy Healer
Zeenat Lakdawala is a distinguished spiritual artist and energy healer. Being the creator of the "World's First Light Language* Sacred Geometry Crystal Grids" and a Transformational Energy Healer with over 10 years of experience, she is a featured international speaker and has worked with 1000s of clients globally. Zeenat has a high connection with the supreme consciousness from where she receives information from various Higher Dimensional Beings that assist her in bringing the most benevolent Language of Light in the forms of “Codes, Instructions and Sacred Blueprints.” This helps in the awakening of the dormant soul and high vibrational shifts that allow one to healing, renewed motivation, power, growth and abundance.
As a multi and inter-dimensional energy conduit, she works with clients to assist them to move from a lower vibration to a higher vibration; to experience 'Bliss' both in the spiritual and physical realms. While working with her clients, she uses different modalities that help and assist in healing and growth.
Zeenat the Founder of SoulSearch® expresses through different -tools such as Light Language Grids and Coasters & SoulSearch Sounds™, to assist you in your core healing and to achieve the highest good in areas of good health, more wealth, more money, abundance, prosperity and healthier relationship.
Zeenat is claircognizant which helps her to know her client's block. This facilitates guiding them into the deep clearing and releasing work where they can move forward in all aspects of their lives.
She has been referred to as a "Miracle Worker" and her clients receive resolution and are able to release money stuckness from the core which helps them to feel better and be in a great space to receive with ease. She believes in the power of ‘YES’ and we create our reality in every minute of the NOW!
Her biggest achievement when she does her one-on-one session is to empower her clients, allowing self-healing with the powerful tool of Light Language and other modalities and also through the assignments that she provides them, between her sessions making them more self-reliant and confident.
Zeenat’s exceptional creations-
  • SoulSearch Grids and Coasters are handcrafted and come from the integration of four technologies entailing Light Language Sacred Geometry Crystals and Colors. By working closely with her Grids & Coasters one experiences a shift aligning the energetic body/space and achieving and manifesting goals, healing entire bodies - physical, emotional, and spiritual. The core purpose of her work is to assist the energy system in activating the DNA and changing the crystalline structure that brings the required advancement. Zeenat has created over 100 such Grids to help heal and manifest more money, love, wealth, and abundance, release stuckness and protect all subtle bodies. 
  • SoulSearch Sounds™ are divine codes in sounds and tones that will harmonize and tune your higher self. It is another medium in which Zeenat uses her voice to bring the Sacred Light Language codes and instructions to harmonize and tune to connect with the higher self. Through her voice, she helps transcend your vibrational energy to the frequency of your higher self. 
Her guidance over the years has brought many of her clients closer to their original divine blueprint by helping them transfigure the capacity at which they work. Coming from all walks of life and experiencing an immediate shift in energy, Zeenat has received some beautiful testimonials
ZEENAT's package A
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • Facebook Group
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  • BONUS - MP3
ZEENAT's package b
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • 4 x Live 45 Minute Group Energy Sessions with Q&A
  • Email Support
  • Facebook Group
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  • BONUS - MP3
ZEENAT's package c
  • Light Language Cosmic Coaster
  • Powerful Energy Booster MP3s
  • 4 x Live 45 Minute Group Energy Sessions with Q&A
  • Email Support
  • Accelerated 30-minute, Private 1:1 Session! for the first 20 buyers
  • Pre and Post Program Survey to map progress
  • BONUS - MP3
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