Kings, Judges, Priests: Training for Reigning with Christ

The way you live now determines the quality of your life after Jesus comes to rule earth for 1000 years. All believers will be saved, but receive different rewards. Learn in this course how to qualify for special millennial rewards as kings who extend His kingdom, judges who teach His justice, and/or priests who reveal His glory. See descriptions for the 5 videos below.

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    The First Day of the Millennium—and the Last Day

    1st video, 12 min. What assignments will Christ give you, and me, and other believers at the beginning of our rule for that 1000 years? How will we restore to Paradise the nations left in ruins by the Antichrist? What will the end look like?

    Millennial Transformation of Jerusalem, Israel & the Nations

    2nd video, 16 min. When Jesus returns to His temple in Jerusalem, how will people be able to approach His glory? Why will unbelievers need to bring sacrifices? How will we qualify, as glorified believers, to take His glory and His kingdom to the nations?

    Millennial Kings Extend Christ’s Kingdom

    3rd video, 16 min. How will we heal lands ruined by the Antichrist’s wars & resulting plagues? How will we disciple nations, so they will never again learn war? How will nations transition from the Antichrist rule to Christ’s government of peace?

    Millennial Judges Prepare Way for Last Judgment

    4th video, 17 min. How will Jesus determine what kind of glorified body to give each raptured believer for the Millennium? How will we then judge non-glorified people so that they will pass God’s tests, and qualify for rewards at the Last Judgment?

    Millennial Priests Show Way to the New Jerusalem

    5th video, 19 min. In our glorified bodies, we will more freely approach the glories of Christ in His temple, and of our Father in heaven. How will we bring mortals closer to these glories? How will churches change so believers can keep going from glory to glory?