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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement: methodology and validation report
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Vitae is supported by Research Councils UK (RCUK),
managed by CRAC: The Career Development Organisation
and delivered in partnership with regional Hub host universities
The Vitae Researcher
Development Framework and
Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report

Page 2
Vitae is supported by Research Councils UK (RCUK),
managed by CRAC: The Career Development Organisation
and delivered in partnership with regional Hub host universities
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Published by the Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC) Ltd.
By Dr Julie Reeves, Professor Pam Denicolo, Dr Janet Metcalfe, and Jonathan Roberts
ISBN: 978-1-906774-37-0
Material from this document may be reproduced for non-commercial purposes providing ‘The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher
Development Statement: methodology and validation report’ is acknowledged. If material is required for commercial use, please contact Vitae in the first instance.
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited

Page 3
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
1. Overview
2. Context and rationale for the development of a framework
3. Advisory group and project group: guiding principles
3.1 Project aims
3.2 Project scope
4. Design and methods
4.1 Phenomenographic approach
4.2 Semi-structured interviews and focus groups
4.3 Analysis
4.4 Clustering
4.5 Literature and expert reviews
5. Consultation and validation
5.1 Sector consultation
5.2 Expert panel validation
6. The launch of the Vitae Researcher Development Statement
and Vitae Researcher Development Framework
Appendix 1: Guiding principles for the Vitae Researcher Development Framework
Appendix 2: Membership of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework Groups
Appendix 3: Interview structure
Appendix 4: Consultation responses
Appendix 5: Palette of terms
Appendix 6: Validation interview questions
Appendix 7: Select bibliography

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
This report describes the development process, design,
refinement and validation of a development framework for
researchers. The framework identifies the characteristics of
excellent researchers across the full spectrum of researcher
careers. The purpose of the framework is to support the
development of individual researchers while enhancing our
capacity to build a workforce of world-class researchers within
the UK higher education research base.
Design and methods
Within an iterative, interpretive design, the methods used in the
project were: semi-structured interviews with researchers,
focus groups, literature reviews, sector wide consultations,
specialist reviews and advice, expert panel review, validation
and feedback. The interview data was analysed using a
phenomenographic approach.
The tangible results were the Vitae Researcher Development
Framework (RDF) and Vitae Researcher Development
Statement (RDS).
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework consists of
four domains, 12 sub-domains and 63 descriptors
encompassing the knowledge, intellectual abilities,
techniques and professional standards to do research, as
well as the personal qualities and skills to work with
others and ensure the wider impact of research.
Each of the 63 descriptors contains between three
to five phases, representing distinct stages of
development across the whole research career.
The Vitae Researcher Development Statement
is a summary reference document for policy
and strategy development. It contributes to
researcher training and development in the
UK by providing a vital statement to support
the implementation of the Concordat to
Support the Career Development of
Researchers1, the Quality Assurance
Agency (QAA) UK Quality Code for Higher
Education, Chapter B11: Research degrees2
and the Roberts recommendations3 for
postgraduate researchers and research staff.
The Researcher Development Statement is
endorsed by over 30 key organisations4 and replaces the
Research Councils’ Joint Skills Statement (JSS)5 as the key
reference statement for the development of postgraduate
researchers’ skills and attributes and for researchers
employed in higher education.
This project has established a comprehensive development
framework that is flexible and is relevant for the range of
researchers in higher education. The framework is grounded
in research being based on interviews and focus groups with
over 100 researchers and additional advice from specialists
and stakeholders; it was validated by an external independent
advisory group of expert, established researchers. The
resulting framework captures the knowledge, behaviours,
personal qualities and attributes that the higher education
sector, overall, has identified as significant for researchers;
while the core of the framework has been determined and
defined by the research profession. The Vitae Researcher
Development Framework has been designed to be used by
individual researchers and the people who support them.
The Vitae Researcher Development Statement is the strategic
reference statement for policy makers and institutions.
Income and funding generation
Financial management
Infrastructure and resources
Career management
Continuing professional development
Responsiveness to opportunities
Reputation and esteem
Critical thinking
Problem solving
Inquiring mind
Intellectual insight
Argument construction
Intellectual risk
Communication methods
Communication media
Public engagement
Society and culture
Global citizenship
Health and safety
Ethics, principles and
Legal requirements
IPR and copyright
Respect and confidentiality
Attribution and co-authorship
Appropriate practice
Preparation and prioritisation
Commitment to research
Time management
Responsiveness to change
Work-life balance
Research strategy
Project planning and delivery
Risk management
Team working
People management
Influence and leadership
Equality and diversity
Subject knowledge
Research methods: theoretical knowledge
Research methods: practical application
Information seeking
Information literacy and management
Academic literacy and numeracy
influence and impact
The knowledge and skills to
work with others and ensure
the wider impact of research.
Knowledge and
intellectual abilities
The knowledge, intellectual
abilities and techniques
to do research.
Research governance
and organisation
The knowledge of the
standards, requirements
and professionalism to do
The personal qualities and
approach to be an effective
Domain D
Domain A
Domain C
Domain B
Knowledge base
Finance, funding
and resources
itive ab
Professional and
career development
Working with others
l q
CareersResearch andAdvisory Centre (CRAC) Limited

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
11 ‘Research Career Mapping Tool Report’, CRAC, 2006, page 7
12 ‘The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for their Recruitment – Report of proceedings’, UK Research Office, 2005, page 3,
13 The annual Vitae Policy Forum is an event which engages invited representatives from UK higher education institutions in debate about policy issues in researcher
14 The Rugby Team (now known as the Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG) is a sector-led working group, drawn from a range of HEIs and other relevant stakeholders, with
a mission to ‘propose meaningful and workable ways of evaluating the effectiveness of skills development in early career researchers’,
1. Overview
Researchers make an important contribution to the UK
economy, both in sustaining our research base and as leaders
in the workforce. This document reports on the development
and validation of the Vitae Researcher Development
Framework (RDF) which underpins a major new approach
to developing world-class researchers.
The framework has been developed by and for researchers
working in higher education as an aid to planning,
promoting and enhancing professional and career
development. It articulates the knowledge, behaviours and
attributes of successful researchers and encourages all
researchers to realise their potential.
The associated Vitae Researcher Development Statement
(RDS), endorsed by the UK higher education funding bodies,
Research Councils UK, Universities UK and other UK
organisations, provides a policy reference for researcher
development strategies. Together with the Vitae Researcher
Development Framework it supports the implementation of
policy related to researchers’ professional development in
the UK.
2. Context and rationale for the
development of a framework
The importance of developing highly-skilled researchers and
promoting the value of research careers to build research
capacity and ensure economic and cultural prosperity has
been well-recognised.6 The 2005 launch of the European
Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the
recruitment of researchers7, and the revision of the UK
Concordat to Support the Career Development of
Researchers8 in 2008, are evidence of a growing requirement
in the UK and Europe to establish the career of ‘researcher' as
a valued profession.
Implicit in the researcher development agenda is an
understanding of the skills that researchers need to develop.
For postgraduate researchers this was articulated in the 2001
Joint Skills Statement (JSS)9 developed by the UK GRAD
Programme (now Vitae) and the Research Councils. For
research staff there was no UK equivalent statement. The only
UK reference was the Joint Negotiating Committee for Higher
Education Staff (JNCHES) academic role profiles for research
roles10, but this focused on job descriptions rather than
personal and professional skills development.
The 2006 scoping study for Research Councils UK (RCUK), for
a research career mapping tool to enable researchers to
access key information, advice and guidance about research
careers, identified the potential importance of a general UK
framework for researchers and research careers.
The Research Career Mapping Tool Report11, 2006, noted:
“A fundamental issue that has repeatedly emerged throughout
this project is the lack of clarity about what constitutes a
research job/career, and about the defining characteristics of a
‘researcher'. There is no overarching ‘framework' on which to
contextualise the mapping of research careers.”
The need for a framework for research careers had also been
recognised at the 2005 UK Presidency conference launching
the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of
Conduct for their Recruitment12. The outputs from the
conference stressed the need for ‘substantial cultural change
in the way researchers are perceived, managed and conduct
themselves. The recognition of research as a profession – with
researchers recognised, as well as recognising themselves,
as professionals – is a key aspect of this change in
A proposal by the 2008 Vitae Roberts Policy Forum13,
subsequently endorsed by a working group called the Rugby
Team14 (now the Impact and Evaluation Group – IEG),
emphasised the importance of developing an overarching
competency framework/model of professional learning that
built on the Joint Skills Statement. Whilst the Joint Skills
Statement was recognised as a valuable initial guide to setting
out the skills that doctoral researchers would be expected to
develop during their research training it was accepted that
there was a need to extend researcher development beyond
the doctoral experience to cover the full range of the research
In March 2009 Vitae began the management and funding of
the development of a framework for researchers, in
collaboration with the higher education sector and other
stakeholders. This paper provides details of the design,
process and refinement of the research that led to the
generation of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework
(RDF) and the associated Vitae Researcher Development
Statement (RDS).

Page 6
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
15 Åkerlind, G. (2005). ‘Variation and commonality in phenomenographic research methods’. Higher Education Research & Development, 24(4), 321-334.
3. Advisory group and project
group: guiding principles
An advisory group and project group was established in
March 2009 to further the aim of developing a framework for
researchers. The project group included members from the
Impact and Evaluation Group and other key stakeholders,
along with representatives from the sector. An advisory group
chaired by Professor April McMahon, University of Edinburgh,
was established to represent key organisations with an interest
in researcher development.
The guiding principles for the project are included in
Appendix 1. A membership list for the Advisory Group,
Project Group, Clustering and Gap Analysis Working Group,
and the Interview Group are included in Appendix 2.
3.1 Project aims
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework was designed
for planning, promoting and supporting the personal,
professional and career development of researchers in higher
education. It would articulate the knowledge, behaviours and
attributes of successful researchers and encourage them to
realise their potential.
The framework would serve:
researchers – to evaluate and plan their professional
principal investigators and supervisors of researchers –
in their role supporting the development of researchers
researcher developers, trainers, human resources
specialists, careers advisors, senior managers and others –
in planning and providing support to researchers
policy makers, funders and other organisations – to inform
and reinforce policy and strategy relating to researchers
employers – to provide insight into the unique blend of
researchers’ skills and to enable exploration of
researchers’ potential benefits to the company as
3.2 Project scope
The scope for the framework development was to:
present the generic descriptors common to researchers
in higher education
seek to describe characteristics of anyone conducting
research in UK higher education
contain other activities related to research that may or
may not be undertaken by individual researchers within
higher education
recognise it is likely that as researchers progress through
their careers they will conduct research as part of a
portfolio of responsibilities in which research may or may
not be the main activity
use the language of researchers
be aspirational, yet realistic: identifying both the descriptors
of good researchers and how to progress to the next phase
within individual descriptors
make no judgement about the career choices researchers
make, but instead encourage researchers to strive for
excellence thereby improving their potential to achieve their
career aspirations regardless of what these might be
acknowledge that all researchers will be at different
positions in terms of their current development, activities
and aspirations so may be selective in how and why they
use it
attempt to anticipate how the research environment may
change over the next ten years through to 2020
avoid any link to performance appraisal, national or local
role profiles, job evaluation exercises or academic
promotion procedures.
4. Design and methods
The design employed an interpretive method, based on
a phenomenographic approach, using semi-structured
interviews and focus groups to collect the main data.
The analysis of the data was informed by a literature
review and involved the clustering of data under categories
derived from the data.
4.1 Phenomenographic approach
The guiding philosophy for the project was that the framework
be developed through a process of community consensus.
The detail of the framework should derive from researchers
and be agreed as relevant and appropriate by them and other
key stakeholders involved in research in higher education.
See membership lists in Appendix 2.
Thus a phenomenographic approach, associated with
education research with notable exponents, including Ference
Marton and Gerlese Åkerlind15, was adopted. This approach is
premised on the assumption that an individual will only
partially experience or notice a phenomenon and cannot
‘know’ the whole picture. By capturing and gathering a range
of (partial) viewpoints a fuller, collective, picture of the
phenomenon under investigation can be obtained. Therefore,
no single researcher could ‘know’ all of the qualities required
for being a researcher with respect to every kind or type of
researcher, let alone those in each discipline. However, it was
proposed that, if a broad spectrum of researchers’ views
were captured, it would be possible to identify the significant
details and important characteristics that may apply to any
researcher. It is an essential requirement of the method that
both similarities and differences are identified in interview
data. In this way, variation in understanding among the
interviewees and their perception of what is significant to the
phenomenon (of being a researcher) can be synthesised.

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
This is an interpretive method in which the framework rests
firmly on what researchers, in the first instance, recognise as
significant about themselves and later confirm as representing
recognisable perspectives on themselves as researchers
during the validation process. As will be demonstrated, the
robustness and applicability of the resulting framework owes
much to the wide variety of contributing perspectives and to the
iterative cycles of revision-checking-consultation engaged with
by the core group over the two year period of its development.
4.2 Semi-structured interviews and focus
Several sets of interview data were used for the project.
Initially the data from two independent research projects were
combined, reviewed and added to with further
semi-structured interviews and focus groups.
In 2008 the two independent research projects were
conducted by Glasgow Caledonian University16 and the
Faculty of Humanities at the University of Manchester17.
The projects shared the similar purpose of seeking to identify
the qualities required of researchers in higher education.
A unique feature of the research conducted by Glasgow
Caledonian University was that it had focused on leadership
qualities and the attributes likely to be required of researchers
in the future. The special value of the Manchester project was
that it had used a repertory grid system asking research
leaders to identify the qualities associated with outstanding
and under-performing researchers and/or academics,
providing in-depth understanding of the qualities using the
power of contrast. Both projects employed a semi-structured
interview technique. In spite of slight variations in purpose and
approach behind each project, both sets of interview data
yielded very similar results in terms of the researcher qualities
and attributes they identified.
The datasets from these two projects were brought together
by the Clustering and Gap Analysis Working Group convened
by Vitae in June 2009. An initial analysis revealed some gaps
in terms of disciplinary and demographic coverage. These
areas were identified and a new interview structure (see
Appendix 3) was constructed for Vitae that combined
questions from the Glasgow Caledonian University and
University of Manchester projects. Subsequent interviews of
targeted senior researchers from the University of Reading,
the University of Southampton and the University of Surrey
were conducted by the Interview Group who analysed the
data to bridge the gaps in coverage.
The primary data set was further added to by using two focus
groups of, approximately, 25 participants providing a final total
of over 150 contributors. The focus groups suggested the
main attributes required of researchers at different stages of
their career.
The final data set informed the fundamental structure and the
majority of the content of the Vitae Researcher Development
4.3 Analysis
An analysis of the full interview data identified similarities and
differences and noted any obviously omitted or ‘un-noticed’
topics/areas. So, for example, respondents frequently
mentioned the ability to analyse data as an important feature
of being a researcher, therefore this was noted as a
characteristic; but where respondents recognised, also, the
significance of analysing ‘datasets other than one’s own’, this
was categorised as a variation. The analysis resulted in over
1,000 characteristics and their variants being identified.
4.4 Clustering
Through an iterative testing phase, the characteristics were
clustered by the Clustering and Gap Analysis Working Group
into relevant categories according to type. It is important to
note that the vast majority of the clustering and the categories
within each cluster area had been determined by what the
profession counted as significant. This predominately centred
on the areas of: personal effectiveness, subject knowledge,
scholarly abilities and research approaches/methods/
techniques. Initially nine cluster groupings were established
which were later refined to eight and then finally to four
clusters or ‘domains’ as they came to be called, to make them
appropriately accessible to users. Again by repeated, iterative
analysis, information within each domain was further refined
into sub-domains (12 in total – three per domain) and each
sub-domain was refined into descriptors (63 in total) following
feedback from the sector.
To differentiate stages of development the descriptors were
initially arrayed across five phases of career development
from entry level to the most senior level. Working across the
five phases, descriptors from the data were positioned under
the most relevant phase and additional descriptors elaborated
from the original data, secondary data and the input of
experts from the various groups and teams involved. Each of
the 63 descriptors contained between three to five phases of
development, representing distinct stages within that specific
descriptor. Thus the resulting phases of individual descriptor
development were not necessarily coincident with the stages
of researcher career development. For instance, a person in
the very early stages of their career may have already
developed some particular skills/attributes (such as ability to
persevere) to a high level whereas an established researcher
may never have needed or had the opportunity to develop
some skills/attributes (such as technical IT skills). This gave the
framework a range of flexibility as well as depth of content to
take account of disciplinary, professional and personal
16 ‘The Glasgow Caledonian University Researcher Skills Map Project’, 2008, Professor Bonnie Steves and Calum Webster, Glasgow Caledonian University and ‘Glasgow Caledonian University generic leadership
framework’, 2007, Webster, Glasgow Caledonian University
17 The ‘Academic competencies project’, 2008, Dr Maria Nedeva, University of Manchester and Dr Julie Reeves, (now) University of Southampton

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
4.5 Literature and expert reviews
Two literature reviews were undertaken which surveyed a
large number of competency frameworks and skills lists from
both the education and corporate sectors. The first literature
survey18 identified existing relevant skills, attributes and
competencies based on definitions of research and the role
of researchers. The second survey19 explored existing
competency frameworks and their development, looking at
both the academic literature and relevant example
frameworks for researchers, related occupations and for the
corporate/commercial sector. These frameworks and lists
(including those well known in institutions, such as the Joint
Skills Statement20, Irish Universities Association’s PhD
graduate skills21, JNCHES role profiles22 and University and
College Union (UCU) promotion criteria for academic and
related staff23) were examined for key similarities and
differences in comparison with the embryonic Vitae
Researcher Development Framework. All the primary data
characteristics, or ‘descriptors’ as they came to be labelled,
were cross-referenced with secondary data from the literature
In addition, expert advice was sought on a number of areas in
the framework to provide a more complete picture of the skills
that need to be developed by researchers, particularly looking
into the future. These included areas such as: information
management, career management, enterprise and
entrepreneurship, teaching, public engagement and policy
(see Appendix 2). This process refined the structure and
content, however, it did not fundamentally change the nascent
framework, which was then prepared by the Advisory Group
and Project Group for wider consultation within the sector.
5. Consultation and validation
5.1 Sector consultation
A major consultation with the higher education sector,
researchers and other stakeholders took place at the end of
2009 to review the draft framework. This was conducted via
two online surveys, several focus groups and through direct
email responses. A total of 242 responses were received to
the consultation. There were 151 responses to a general
survey, 72 researchers responded to a separate researcher
survey and there were 19 email responses. In total, 87
responses were on behalf of organisations (65 HEIs) and 74
were from individuals working in institutions or related
organisations (Appendix 4). To ensure that the Vitae
Researcher Development Framework had resonance with
employers in a range of employment sectors, a follow up
consultation took place with a number of employers.
Analysis of the consultation responses was conducted by the
Clustering and Gap Analysis Working Group in spring 2010
and the report of the consultation published24 in May 2010.
Overall between 60% and 80% of respondents to all questions
agreed or mostly agreed that the framework’s proposed
purpose, scope and structure were useful. There was strong
support that it would be valuable for supporting the
professional development of researchers. It was thought to
have wide relevance and applicability, and the empirical basis
was particularly beneficial in providing a credible, robust
framework with a sound structure.
One of the predominant concerns in the consultation
feedback was about the clarity of the messages around the
purpose of the framework, particularly the importance of
providing a clear rationale to different stakeholder groups on
its value and uses. To address this concern it was agreed to
develop a series of briefings25 on the Vitae Researcher
Development Framework for various stakeholder groups.
Another predominant concern was how the framework related
to stages of career development. The consultation version of
the framework had loosely linked the phases of the framework
to various stages of researchers’ careers from new researcher
to eminent researcher. The main concern was that this link
could imply that progressing through the phases of
development for all the descriptors would ensure promotion
(see also Section 4.4). This would not sufficiently recognise
that opportunities for progression in academia are hugely
competitive and subject to many external factors, often out of
the control of the individual. The Project Group and Advisory
Group decided that this linking added an unnecessary level of
complexity and the potential for misunderstanding the primary
purpose of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework,
which was to support researchers to improve their practice.
A further concern was expressed about the size and intricacy
of the framework, although it was recognised that it captured
the complexity of the research role and the wide range of
skills required. It was felt that a summary statement would be
useful to inform those not necessarily engaging with the
framework as a self-development tool. Subsequently the Vitae
Researcher Development Statement was devised,
summarising the main body of the descriptors, to fulfil this
purpose (see Section 6).
18 ‘Initial survey of the literature relating to the skills, competences and attributes of researchers’, Dr Anne Lee, University of Surrey, 2009
19 ‘Review of literature relating to competency frameworks for researchers’, 2009, Shaharazad Abuel-Ealeh, CRAC,
24 ‘Researcher Development Framework: Summary of the analysis of consultation responses’, Vitae.

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
In response to the consultation feedback the Project Group
sought further expert advice, particularly through the Advisory
Group, related to the areas of information management,
career management, enterprise and entrepreneurship, and
public engagement. Greater specialist input generated the
need for a sense of progression or more appropriately,
aspiration, to be built into the framework in a more consistent
and deliberate manner. To assist with this further refinement of
the framework, a ‘palette of terms’ (Appendix 5) was
produced to ensure consistency of the language and terms
used throughout the framework. These changes enabled the
link to career stages to be removed.
A revised version of the framework was published in
September 2010. September 2010 to January 2011 was
designated a ‘period of reflection’, allowing space for further
comments and feedback from the sector, individual
researchers and stakeholders. Over 300 comments and
suggestions were carefully considered by the Clustering and
Gap Analysis Working Group, of which 174 were closely
addressed to finally refine the content of the framework.
Notable positive responses included many that suggested that
the framework provided a rich, flexible, accessible and
portable tool for researchers, while responses widely
acknowledged it as practical and beneficial.
5.2 Expert panel validation
As a final stage to the phenomenographic approach to
developing the framework, a validation process was
conducted by the Interview Group to confirm that the
framework represented what researchers recognised as
significant about themselves. The validation procedure
consisted of the engagement of an expert panel of 15
senior academics working across a spread of disciplines,
institution types and geographical location. There were five
representatives from each of: biological and biomedical
sciences; science, technology, engineering and mathematical
(STEM) subjects; and arts, humanities and social sciences.
Within these broad discipline groupings, one member
reviewed the full framework; the remaining four were given a
specific domain each to review in depth. Each member was
asked to address the following topics which were explored in
depth during the subsequent interview process (Appendix 5):
general relevance
consistency and balance
inclusion and exclusion
personal relevance.
The validation responses were extremely positive, with only
minor changes suggested. The language was deemed as that
commonly used in the academy and was professionally
appropriate. The structure and titles of the domains and
sub-domains were apposite, reflecting the content, while the
use and balance of domains and sub domains made logical
sense. Some confusion was noted about the use of columns
in the framework to represent phases of development.
However, most importantly, the panel recognised their own
development pathways and those of colleagues embedded in
the framework and, indeed, could identify areas in which they
could continue to develop. They also commended the
framework as likely to support the development of researchers
for the future and looked forward to using it as a professional
development tool for themselves and others.
The results of the validation panel were integrated into a
revised version of the framework along with input from the
Equality Challenge Unit to incorporate relevant changes to
language to aid accessibility and reflect on the Equality Act
2010. The visual presentation of the full framework took
account of feedback by designing it without columns and
incorporating a circular diagram to emphasise the
non-hierarchical nature of the domains and sub-domains.
6. The launch of the Vitae
Researcher Development
Statement and Vitae Researcher
Development Framework
Following the sector consultation and refinements to the
Vitae Researcher Development Framework content, the
Vitae Researcher Development Statement was created as
a strategic reference document for policy and strategy
development. Launched in July 2010 and endorsed by over
30 key organisations26, the Vitae Researcher Development
Statement provided an evolution of the Joint Skills Statement
(JSS)27 and replaced the JSS as the key reference statement
for the development of postgraduate researchers’ skills and
attributes and researchers employed in higher education.
A two-way mapping of the Vitae Researcher Development
Statement and the JSS was published28 to support the
transition from the JSS to its successor. The Statement
summarises the 63 descriptors in terms of ‘knowledge’,
‘behaviours’ and ‘attitudes’.

Page 10
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
The Vitae Researcher Development Statement contributes
to researcher training and development in the UK by
providing a strategic statement to support the implementation
of the Concordat to Support the Career Development
of Researchers29, the Roberts recommendations30 for
postgraduate researchers and research staff, and has
been incorporated into the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Chapter B11:
Research degrees.31
“We are delighted to endorse the Researcher Development
Statement. It is vital that we continue to support the career
development of researchers to ensure that the impact they
have on the economic and social wellbeing of the UK is truly
felt. RCUK encourages research organisations to use the new
Researcher Development Statement to underpin their
professional development programmes for students.”
Professor Rick Rylance, RCUK Champion for Research Careers
The final version of the full framework (the RDF) was
launched32 in April 2011. It has been adopted by UK HEIs, has
been included in the Research Council supported Doctoral
Training Centres/Partnerships and is attracting international
Summary and future developments
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework project was a
significant UK undertaking and has provided a major new
approach to researcher development to enhance our capacity
to build the UK workforce, develop world-class researchers
and build the research base. It has been developed by and for
researchers working in higher education as an aid to planning,
promoting and enhancing professional and career
development. The associated Vitae Researcher Development
Statement, endorsed by the UK higher education funding
bodies, Research Councils UK, Universities UK and other key
organisations, provides a policy reference for researcher
development strategies. Together with the full, operational
framework it supports the implementation of policy related to
researchers’ professional development in the UK.
The framework has been grounded in research and is based
on interviews and focus groups with experienced researchers
and additional advice from specialists and stakeholders. It has
been validated by an external independent advisory group of
experts. This has resulted in a framework that captures the
knowledge, behaviours, personal qualities and attributes the
higher education sector has identified, overall, as significant
for researchers, while the core of the framework has been
determined and defined by the research profession.
To ensure that all users, researchers and institutions benefit
from the rigorous approach that has led to the development of
the Researcher Development Statement and Researcher
Development Framework, some terms and conditions of use
have been established. These can be accessed at The aims of these terms
and conditions are to:
ensure all users benefit from the collaborative and rigorous
approach to development by protecting the integrity of the
RDS and RDF in their totality and the Associated Materials
ensure that the RDF and the Associated Materials remain
transferable so that researchers can use them throughout
their development
support the implementation of the RDF with a process that
can enable the RDF to be adapted with Vitae permission to
meet specific requirements
protect the RDS and RDF from inappropriate use.
Vitae encourages UK higher education institutions to make use
of the Researcher Development Statement and the
Researcher Development Framework and will be continuing to
develop materials to support researchers and institutions with
using the framework.
Vitae is currently working in collaboration with a number of key
organisations to develop a series of lenses on the Researcher
Development Framework. The purpose of a lens on the
Researcher Development Framework is to focus on the key
knowledge, behaviours and attributes developed by
researchers that can be used for, or acquired through,
particular contexts, such as teaching, leadership, enterprise,
information literacy or public engagement. Further details
about lenses on the RDF can be found at
The RDF Advisory Group, Project Group and Vitae would like
to thank all the individuals and organisations who provided
their ideas, inputs and comments on shaping the development
of the framework to ensure it meets the needs of the higher
education sector, other stakeholder organisations and
researchers themselves.
For further information about the Vitae Researcher
Development Framework visit:

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
Appendix 1:
Guiding principles for the Vitae Researcher Development Framework
Purpose of the framework
The framework primarily will be of use for:
researchers within higher education to evaluate and plan their own personal professional and career development
trainers, developers and careers advisors in the planning and provision of support for researchers’ development
managers/supervisors of researchers in their role supporting the development of researchers
institutions in making decisions about their strategic approach to development of researchers.
The framework will also be of use for:
non-higher education employers in identifying the benefits of employing researchers over non-researchers
people interested in training as a researcher or researchers looking to move into higher education from other sectors.
Scope of the framework
The framework presents the generic descriptors common to all researchers in higher education. Although it is based on the current
research environment within UK higher education, it also attempts to anticipate how this may change over the next ten years through
to 2020. It is expected that the framework may need to evolve in response to changes in the research environment and that relevant
organisations and groups may wish to translate it into more discipline specific language and context as appropriate.
Although focused on research activities, the framework also recognises other activities that may or may not be undertaken by
individual researchers within higher education beyond their research activity. The framework acknowledges that all researchers will be
at different positions in terms of their current development, activities and aspirations so may be selective in how and why they use it.
The framework addresses different stages of being a researcher including:
training to be a researcher, specifically studying for a doctoral level qualification
being employed to do research in higher education
becoming an independent researcher or research leader in higher education.
The framework is designed for researchers in higher education, but recognises that researchers move in to and out of this sector at
all stages.
Appendix 2:
Membership of the Vitae Researcher Development Framework Groups
Advisory Group
April McMahon, University Edinburgh (Chair)
Janet Bohrer, Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
Frances Burstow/Julie McLaren, Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Sophie Duncan, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Marie Garnett, Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK)
Sheila Gupta, Universities Human Resources (UHR)
Lesly Huxley, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (LFHE)
Clare Jones, Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS)
Sue Law/Helen Thomas, Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Duncan Mann, Vitae (to Nov 2009)
Janet Metcalfe, Vitae, CROS/PIRLs Steering Group, Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Thomas Papworth, Concordat Strategy Group, Universities UK
Jonathan Roberts ,Vitae (from Nov 2009)
Jane Thompson, University and College Union (UCU)

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
Project Group
Rob Daley, Heriot-Watt University, Vitae Research Staff Development Advisory Group (ReSDAG), Impact and Evaluation Group
Terri Delahunty, Cardiff University, Vitae Hub Co-ordinator
Pam Denicolo, University of Reading, UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), Society for Research into Higher Education
(SRHE), Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Emma Gillaspy, Vitae (from May 2010)
Vivien Hodges, Vitae (from Jan 2011)
Clare Jones, University of Nottingham, Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS), Impact and Evaluation
Group (IEG)
Anne Lee, University of Surrey
Duncan Mann, Vitae (to Nov 2009)
Janet Metcalfe, Vitae, CROS/PIRLs Steering Group, Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Alison Mitchell, University of Strathclyde/Vitae
Maria Neveda, University of Manchester
Ellen Pearce, Vitae
Imelda Race, University of East Anglia
Kate Reading, Research Councils UK, Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Julie Reeves, University of Southampton, Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Jonathan Roberts,Vitae (from Nov 2009)
Bonnie Steves, Glasgow Caledonian University
Callum Webster, Glasgow Caledonian University
Sara Williams, University of Cardiff, Vitae Research Staff Development Advisory Group (ReSDAG)
Andy Wilson, Loughborough University, Staff Development Forum (SDF), CROS/PIRLs Steering Group
Clustering and Gap Analysis Working Group
Janet Metcalfe, Vitae, CROS/PIRLs Steering Group, Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Duncan Mann, Vitae (to Nov 2009)
Jonathan Roberts, Vitae (from Nov 2009)
Bonnie Steves, Glasgow Caledonian University (to spring 2010)
Julie Reeves, University of Southampton, Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Pam Denicolo, University of Reading, UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), Society for Research into Higher Education
(SRHE), Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Stephen Dorney, University of Southampton
Elizabeth Wilkinson, University of Manchester
Interview Group
Pam Denicolo, University of Reading, UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE), Society for Research into Higher Education
(SRHE), Impact and Evaluation Group (IEG)
Julie Reeves, University of Southampton, Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
Cindy Becker, Lisa Danqua and Maura O’Regan (Interviewers)
Julie Balcombe, Marina Sims and Vincent Denicolo (Transcribers)

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
Appendix 3: Interview structure
Interview preparation questions
In preparation for this interview, please consider the following questions:
1 What would you expect, in terms of knowledge, skills and capabilities, from:
a. the PhD/doctoral researcher
b. the post-doctorate researcher
c. the research leader?
2 What are the key skills required of researchers now?
3 What defines an outstanding researcher?
4 How do researchers demonstrate leadership?
5 The changing environment of the researcher: As you look to the future, what challenges will researchers face and what skills
might become more important in the next five to ten years?
Appendix 4: Consultation responses
Main survey (151 total responses)
77 on behalf of groups or organisations
10 organisations [Association of Graduate Careers
Advisory Services (AGCAS), British Council, British
Educational Research Association (BERA), GuildHE,
National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
(NCCPE), NUS, Rolls Royce, Scottish Researcher Career
Development Forum, Universities Scotland Research and
Knowledge Exchange Committee (RKEC), University and
College Union (UCU)]
2 international, including Eurodoc
1 research institute (Institute of Cancer Research, ICR)
63 HEIs (including duplicates ~5)
1 unknown
20 of 30 largest research active higher education institutes
(HEIs) provided organisational responses; 55% Russell Group,
57% 1994 Group.
74 individuals:
20 research staff (RS) (17)/postgraduate researchers
(PGR) (3)
18 unknown
3 international
1 company (QinetiQ/the Inter-Company Academic
Relations Group, ICARG)
32 academics and staff supporting researchers
Overall 70% with responsibilities/interest in both PGR & RS;
13% PGR only, 17% RS only.
Non-proforma responses
19 responses:
10 organisations; [British Heart Foundation (BHF), Europe
Unit, Equality Challenge Unit (ECU), Institute of Physics,
Intrapreneurship project team, Research Information
Network (RIN) (5 orgs), the Higher Education Academy
(HEA), 1994 Group, European Commission, UK Council for
Graduate Education (UKCGE)]
9 HEIs (including 2 duplicates)
2 Vitae Hub collaborative responses (16 HEIs)
Researcher survey
72 total responses:
18 PGR (9 in first year of PhD), including a group response
from 6 PGR
38 RS, including 2 group responses of more than 10 RS
12 research & teaching
2 teaching only
2 unknowns
38 HEIs represented.
Disciplinary split:
10% arts and humanities (A&H)
23% biomedical
10% biological
35% physical sciences and engineering (PS&E)
22% social sciences (SS)
Additional feedback from 10 non HE employers.

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
Appendix 5: Palette of terms
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Knowledge, knows
Basic understanding
Working towards
Skilfully competent in
Basic principles and
Detailed knowledge
Develops further
Deeper and consistent
Recognises significances
and importance
Thorough knowledge
Thorough understanding
Highly developed
Readily produces
Stimulates new
Makes connections
Understands implications
Creates new
Takes multi-perspectives
Understands whole
Growing knowledge of
own and immediate/
adjacent disciplines
Opportunities to
encounter other
Familiar with own
Spots opportunities in
other areas
Encouraged to engage
in inter-disciplinary
Familiar with range of
Identifies new trends
Developing reputation in
other disciplines and
non-academic domains
Leading voice in own
discipline – recognised in
other disciplines
Known advocate in
non-academic world
Renowned in range of
disciplines and in
non-academic world
Ability to recognise,
validate, summarise,
manage, take
responsibility for –
OWN work
Ability... for self and less
experienced researchers,
wider environment
For team/department
For department/institution
and discipline (nationally
- internationally)
Needs guidance, advice,
Sets example
Supports, encourages,
motivates, challenges
Welcomes and actively
seeks out guidance
May co-supervise PGRs
and advise PGTs
Acts as role model
Educates, guides,
advises, directs, trains
Supervises PGRs
Sets expectations
Builds capacity
Responds decisively
Determines outputs
Determines conduct
Exemplar - inspires,
encourages, coaches,
Being made aware of
impact of research to the
economic, social and
environmental well-being
of individuals and nation
Exposed to international
dimensions of research
Developing awareness of
and ways of enhancing
knowledge economy
Engaging in activities that
impact on society,
welfare, cohesion,
security and/or
Engaging in international
aspects of research
Contributing to health
of disciplines and global
Actively seeking
international dimensions
(networks, funding,
Delivering highly skilled
researchers for academic
and non-academic
professions. Contributing
to evidence based policy
making and enhancing
the work of practitioners
Actively building
international dimensions
High impact on
the economy
International renown
Isolates, adapts, absorbs,
appropriates, applies,
creates, responds, tests
(own work – with help)
Establishing -
appreciates, identifies,
improves, clarifies,
agrees, initiates, designs,
implements, attuned,
sustains, formulates,
flexible, initiates, rigorous,
accurate, delivers,
adapts, balances risk,
independent, contributes
to, acts
Establishes - combines
and justifies, explores,
champions, impartial,
facilitates, co-ordinates,
delegates, flexible,
prioritises, organises,
balances, monitors,
measures, evaluates,
manages, acts, explains,
ensures, empowers
Established - drives,
directs, anticipates,
shares, creates,
innovates, contributes,
assesses, reviews,
defends self and
department, quality
assures, tailors,
manages, persuasive,
Influences, consults,
defines, shapes,
determines, challenges,
visionary, authoritative
continued on page 15

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Persists, growing
personal resilience
Perseveres, self-reliant
Resilient - builds support
structures for self
Coaches others
Realises potential
Independent - maintains
support structures, builds
for others
Advises all staff
Exploits for dept.
discipline, others and self
Adheres to
Appreciates need for
Acts on agreed
Produces some
Makes best use of
Engages with
Evaluates own
Pro-actively seeks
Understands context
(high standard) for
Conducts advanced
importance of
Identifies new
Aligns programmes with
Aware of
Sets out clear
Produces regularly
Communicates key
Aligns department/
discipline with
Accepts responsibility
Produces selectively
Finely honed work,
Drives change
Sets policy
Willingness, enthusiasm,
motivated, engages
Effectively manages self
Takes responsibility
for self
Motivates, delegates
Responsible for self
and others
Developing strategic view
Praises, supports,
Takes strategic view
Shaping strategy
Growing awareness
of own abilities
Shows consideration
for others
Mindful of impact of own
behaviour and work
Learning additional skills
– strives for excellence
Confident of own skills –
actively seeks continuous
(individual – for self and
others?) improvement
Comfortable with skills
Actively encourages
improving culture
Supports peers and
Respectful, sensitive
to others
Developing management
skills – training in
leadership issues
Effectively supports and
assists with the
development of less
experienced researchers
Alert to needs of others
Managing and
developing leadership
Actively developing local
staff and colleagues
Invests in others
Care of team
Managing and leading
Systematically managing
and nurturing others
Developing the discipline
– nationally (perhaps
internationally). Invests in
organisation. Care of
Developing policy,
Learns with help of
feedback, advice,
guidance, direction
Welcomes feedback,
advice, guidance,
Actively seeks feedback
advice, guidance,
direction on self and
Actively seeks feedback
advice, guidance,
direction on
team/department and

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The Vitae Researcher Development Framework and Researcher Development Statement:
methodology and validation report
Vitae®, © 2012 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.
Appendix 6: Validation interview questions
Those questions relevant to participants focusing on a particular domain are given in standard type and those peculiar to those
responding about the total framework are in bold.
General relevance
i.e. Does the general title of the domain encompass a range of characteristics you would expect in the description of a researcher?
Would you recognise it as appropriate? Have we divided the characteristics into appropriate sub-domains? Does the heading convey
what is in the sub-domain? Is the content of the descriptors what you would expect?
Overall, is the level of detail sufficient? If it is too much (or too little) would that cause a problem?
Does the RDF encompass all of the characteristics you would expect in the description of a researcher? Do they seem
appropriate to the role? Have we divided the characteristics into appropriate domains and sub-domains?
Overall do the sub-domains with their descriptors fit together?
Overall, is the level of detail sufficient? If it is too much (or too little) would that cause a problem?
Appendix 7: Select bibliography
‘Growing and developing as a university researcher’. (2008). Åkerlind, G. Higher Education, 55, 241-254.
‘Variation and commonality in phenomenographic research methods’. (2005). Åkerlind, G. Higher Education Research &
Development, 24(4), 321-334.
‘Review of literature relating to competency frameworks for researchers’. (2009). Abuel-Ealeh, S.
(07 July 2011)
‘Doing Developmental Phenomenography’, Qualitative Research Methods Series. (2005). Bowden, J. & P. Green (Eds). Melbourne,
Victoria: RMIT University Press.
Joint Statement of the Research Councils’ Skills Training Requirements for Research Students (JSS) (2001)
‘Initial survey of the literature relating to the skills, competences and attributes of researchers’. (2009). Lee, A.
-Oct-2009.pdf (07 July 2011)
‘Learning and Awareness’. (1997). Marton, F. & Booth, S. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
‘Set for Success: The supply of people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills’. (2002). Roberts, Sir G. (24 June 2011)
‘Clarifying the use of competence and competency models in recruitment, assessment and staff development’. (1995). Rowe, C.
Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol27: 11, 12-17 Vitae (2011)
The Vitae Researcher Development Framework; (24 June 2011)
‘Glasgow Caledonian University Leadership Development Centre Workbook’. (2007). Webster, C. Glasgow Caledonian University
i.e. Is the structure of the sub-domain appropriate?
Is the sub domain structure across the framework
appropriate? Are the phases recognisable? Do the
descriptors across the phases progress sensibly?
Consistency and balance
i.e. Do the descriptors seem balanced within each
sub-domain and across the domain/s overall? Is the content
of descriptors balanced across the phases?
Have we used appropriate vocabulary? Does it reflect the
professional realm of research? Are there any terms that need
i.e. Do the descriptors develop appropriately across the
phases of a research career?
Inclusion and exclusion
i.e. Are there any important descriptors that we have omitted?
Are there any that you feel are inappropriate? If so, why?
Personal relevance
Do you recognise yourself in this section of the framework?
Would you be comfortable describing yourself in these terms?

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Vitae®, © 2012 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited
Vitae is supported by Research Councils UK,(RCUK), managed by CRAC: The Career Development
Organisation and delivered in partnership with regional Hub host universities.
Vitae works with UK higher education institutions (HEIs) to embed professional and career development in the
research environment. Vitae plays a major role in innovating, sharing practice and enhancing the capability of
the higher education sector to provide professional development and training for researchers.
Our vision is for the UK to be world-class in supporting the personal, professional and career development of
Our aims:
build human capital by influencing the development and implementation of effective policy relating to
researcher development
enhance higher education provision to train and develop researchers
empower researchers to make an impact in their careers
evidence the impact of professional and career development support for researchers.
For further information about the range of Vitae activities go to or contact
Vitae c/o CRAC, 2nd Floor, Sheraton House, Castle Park, Cambridge, CB3 0AX
ISBN: 978-1-906774-37-0