Bio-based Paints & Coatings are Garnering Significant Popularity due to the Eco-friendly and High Durability of these products


Bio-based Paints & Coatings

Rising Environmental and Health Concerns Requires the Use of Bio-Based Coatings for Many Applications. It has been seen that with an increase in the demand for bio-based synthetic paints & coatings, the paints industry is gradually cutting down on the usage of hazardous or polluting substances. This has led to a considerable reduction in the instances of fatal industrial accidents.

As a result, the companies dealing in the manufacture of paints & coatings have also taken several steps to minimize their exposure to these chemicals. The use of Bio-based Paints & Coatings are environment-friendly and do not emit any airborne pollutants. Moreover, they are capable of providing high durability, as compared to the regular paints.

A new kind of thermosetting polymer, Acrylate is found to be extremely useful in the paints & coatings market. It is derived from organic compounds such as nylon, silicone, polypropylene, polyethylene, and several other compounds. This is extensively used in the paints & coatings segment because of its inherent property such as water resistance, thermostability, resistance to heat, chemical resistance, and elasticity, etc. Other than all these, the most important feature of Acrylate is that it does not require any catalyst for synthesis.


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