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姓名: 湯慧茹 Huey-Ru Tang

Soprano: Huey-Ru Tang

1984義大利國立米蘭G. Verdi音樂學院聲樂演唱博士,1996獲國家文藝基金會補助前往義大利Castellanza音樂研究所進修。啟蒙於許秋苳老師,師事曾道雄教授、A. M. Castiglioni 教授。

1991-1993和成文教基金會出版《吾鄉吾土.台灣名謠交響詩系列》1-3集 CD、DVD;1993台北愛樂管弦樂團出版CD,為亨利.梅哲指揮赴比利時演出布里頓《藍葆隨想曲-Les Illunations de Rimbaud》實況錄音;1995亞洲作曲聯盟出版CD,收錄許常惠《白萩詩五首》無伴奏清唱曲,國家音樂廳實況錄音;1996上揚唱片公司出版專輯唱片《浪漫的夜曲-羅西尼之歌》。



Graduated from the “Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi di Milano” in 1984.  During her studies, she often represented the conservatory when performing works of the Baroque and Classical periods with the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory Orchestra in Italy and other countries such as Switzerland and Germany.

After returning to Taiwan in 1984, she continued to perform in Taiwan and other Asian countries as well as in the US, France, and Belgium. In 1996 she was awarded a grant from the National Culture and Arts Foundation and returned to Italy to l’Accademia di Perfezionamento Musicale “Città di Castellanza” for one year of further study. 

In 1995, she went on tour with the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Henry Mazer. She performed Britten’s Les Illuminations de Rimbaud, Op.18; the recording of the Antwerp concert was released on CD by the strings orchestra.  In 1996, she published a CD of Rossini’s Les Soirées musicales.

She currently serves as a professor of vocal performance and Italian Diction in Department of Music at National Kaohsiung Normal University.