Buy Authentic Japanese Streetwear and Luxury Fashion from Kimono the Goat


Japanese street fashion has always been an embodiment of bold yet harmonious fashion choices. And with the recent rise in Anime, Japanese streetwear and luxury fashion have seen immense popularity in the US. With several Americans experimenting with their fashion choices, streetwear has gained a lot of traction in the market. Several brands have come up with their line of Japanese streetwear fashion clothing. They have taken inspiration from Anime characters and Japanese streetwear fashion models for their line of streetwear clothing.

But there are a few fundamental things that are still missing in this Americanized streetwear fashion. It is missing the actual essence of Japanese streetwear and that is bringing out the wild side of the wearer’s personality. The daring, risk-taking side of streetwear fashion is lacking in the current line. American brands are still playing quite safe when it comes to Japanese streetwear. Moreover, they are selling this version at sky-high prices that are not affordable to most people. This leaves a huge gap in the market for such Japanese streetwear fashion that is high-end, true to its essence, and at affordable prices. One of the brands that stand out for Japanese streetwear is Kimono the Goat.

Kimono the Goat is amongst the select few companies that are known to design and manufacture Japanese luxury streetwear clothing that is high- quality and has the essence of this specific fashion trend. The line of clothing from this brand is bold, daring, experimentative yet harmonious and systematic. The line of clothing offered by this brand has the true essence of Japanese streetwear fashion. And this has been possible because of the long-term vision of their lead designer and CEO Lychee Kimono.

Lychee Kimono was excited to see the rise of Japanese streetwear in the US but was disappointed with the design, quality, and pricing. She wanted to bring a clothing line that was high-quality, affordable and was authentic to actual streetwear fashion. And thus, Kimono the Goat was born that offers the finest quality of streetwear fashion at amazing prices.

This American streetwear online shop offers a complete range of tops, bottoms, and jackets. You can currently check out the specially curated Spring/Summer 21 Miami Zoo Collection for exquisite streetwear pieces. Each clothing piece is designed and manufactured using responsibly sourced materials. So, if you want to include high-quality Japanese streetwear in your wardrobe, make sure to check out the range of Kimono the Goat.

For more information, visit


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