Free PowerPoint Templates On Trial Or Any Membership Plan

Choose from the free PowerPoint Templates collection to create impactful presentations. Our free presentation templates are available via our Trial Plan, which allows you to explore and access selected premium templates for
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Technology Roadmap PowerPoint Template helps individuals and businesses communicate their technology strategies, milestones, and future innovatio....

Free Business Roadmap 28 Presentation Template Use this Free Business Roadmap 28 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations i....

The 30 60 90 Day Planning PowerPoint Template serves as a resource for establishing objectives and structuring your strategies for a fresh job or....

Free Product RoadMap 21 Presentation Template Use this Free Product RoadMap 21 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in ....

A flowchart is a diagram of the separate steps of a process in sequential order. The Flow Chart PowerPoint Template is an effective tool crafted ....

The 30 60 90 Day Plan For Executives SmartArt PowerPoint Template is a slide tailored for executives to show their objectives and strategies duri....

The SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template is an excellent tool for presenting the analysis’s findings, and you can use them during the study. T....

SWOT analysis examines both internal and external factors, that is, what’s going on inside and outside your organization. So, some of these....

Check out the SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Template, a tool that helps you gain deeper insights into your business. SWOT represents Strengths, Weakne....

The 30 60 90 Day Marketing Plan template graphically highlights the key goals over a 90-day timeframe. This template helps prepare marketing lead....

SWOT Analysis Google Slide Template The SWOT Analysis Google Slide Template offers a visually engaging framework for conducting a SWOT (Strengths....

SWOT Analysis 15 PowerPoint & Google Slides Template Our SWOT Analysis 15 PowerPoint & Google Slides Template can be used by professional....

How to get Free PowerPoint Templates on SlideUpLift?

Our trial offer allows you to download PowerPoint templates free for 2 days.

Post 2 days, in case you don’t cancel the trial subscription, it will automatically upgrade to our lite plan. It’s a fantastic way to experience the quality and versatility of our templates before committing to a membership.

You can cancel your trial membership anytime by visiting your membership page.

Product Pricing

How Can I Sign Up for Trial Offer To access Free Presentation Templates?

Simply sign up for a trial plan on the website, and you’ll gain immediate access to our selected free slideshow templates library. This library stays free for only 2 days. Choose any template from the trial selection and start customizing it for your presentation.

In case you liked the trial with our free ppt templates, you don’t need to do anything. You will be auto-upgraded to Lite Plan after 2 days. In case, you do not wish to continue,  you will need to actively cancel the membership so that it doesn’t upgrade to Lite Plan.

Can I Customize The Trial Templates?

Absolutely! Our free slideshow templates are fully customizable, allowing you to adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your presentation needs and personal style. You also get certain points when trying our AI-based editor. However, you can enjoy full access to the AI-based editor only with our unlimited membership. You can also request us to edit your templates.


How Often Do You Add New Templates To The Collection?

We update our library every week with new free presentation templates. We ensure that you have access to the latest designs and trends. Keep coming back to the trial library to check out the latest additions. We can also send you notifications about new additions if you subscribe to us.

What Benefits Do Trial Members Receive?

Trial plan members can enjoy unlimited access to our entire trial collection of high-quality free PowerPoint templates for a limited timeframe of two days. They can also try out our AI slide editor, which helps customize content and edit a PowerPoint design free of cost.

However, users with a trial membership can only play around with our AI Slide Editor’s features. Downloading these modified free PowerPoint templates is only possible with an unlimited membership. Using the trial offer will give users an insight into the features and functions of our services before making a purchase.

What Happens After The Trial Period Ends?

After the 2-day trial period, you’ll be auto-upgraded to the Lite plan if you do not actively choose a specific membership plan to subscribe to for continued access to all our templates. This includes the free PPT templates collection. Alternatively, if you wish not to continue, you can actively cancel the trial membership before two days.