Franz Lohner's Chronicle - Leaps of Faith


An absent-minded man of mysteries, Franz Lohner relies on his bulging journal to keep track of occurrences, intrigues and arguments around Taal's Horn Keep. Sometimes his notes are even useful, believe it or not. The Franz Lohner Chronicles are extracts from that journal.


Saltzpyre only wants a bloody chapel building in Taal’s Horn Keep, doesn’t he? And there was me thinking only a few months ago that the man was losing his faith. If nothing else, these pilgrimages into the Chaos Wastes have definitely helped him double down on what matters to him. He’s even started preaching down in the village. No one shows up except for the local idiot and a couple of stray dogs – and he still needs to work on the whole ‘uplifting’ thing – but I suppose it keeps him out of what hair I’ve got left.

I blame Catrinne, I do. He’d not been the first fellow led astray by a pretty face. Though come to think of it, I’m not sure Saltzpyre’s really any the wiser to the torch she’s carrying, blinding though it is to the rest of us. Anyway …

Finally managed to get word to Grelda Thrangsdottir that I wanted a chat about hers and Bardin’s missing daughter, Hedda. The good news is that she took a manling poking around in her affairs rather well. The bad news is that she didn’t really have anything more to add about Hedda’s fate than I already knew. Seems the lass had cut ties with both parents in equal measure, which I suppose is equitable – even if it does make my life a lot bloody harder.

The only really clue Grelda had to offer was in her last letter from Hedda. Something about a search for “Skakgal”. It’s an unusual word, combining the terms for “gold” and “theft”. Unfortunately, khazalid leans heavy on context, and Hedda didn’t think to give any – or possibly Grelda was reluctant to provide it. Could be a name, a deed, a place … even an intent. Blow me if there’s any way to know for certain. Bardin just stared at the word for what seemed an age and a half, shrugged, and stomped back to his workshop.

Never mind, I shan’t let it be said that Franz Lohner is one to shrink from a challenge. I’ve a few favours yet to pull in down Barak Varr way, and one or two others a bit further afield. I won’t say they’re the finest minds in dwarfdom, but every little helps, as they say. I just wish there was something more to go on. It’s a cruel world, and folk go missing all the time – especially with all this recent upheaval. Wherever Hedda is, I hope she’s safe. And if she ain’t, I hope it was quick.

Skakgal. Hmmm.

Tuva J