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Inspired by …. offers a glimpse into the artist’s creativity and world.

L I S   C O S T A 
The works of Colombian artist Olga de Amaral truly fascinate me, because they are full of inspiration for the contemporary art world. 

In this work “Poblado L”, the beauty of craft, art and design come together, weaving natural fibres and turning them into surfaces rich in details, through the casting of the geometric and organic shapes.  

Her boldness in enriching the work with such a bright colour as gold makes it so beautiful, also transmitting transgression, opulence and strength.


about Lis's works

Lis’s works are paper sculptures. Working with a thick sheet of paper and a scalpel, Lis patiently cuts out sections of the paper, carving and raising them, allowing volume and textures.



Layers emerge offering shadows and movement. Her works are mainly white, only using the paper to create the forms.


Simple at first sight, almost imperceptible, her works on the contrary, are rich, detailed and complex. 

Petals, leaves, flowers and organic shapes emerge from the paper in waves and swirls. Everything emerges from that one sheet of paper.


It is all on the surface of the paper, how the thin cut out shapes overlap, almost like fish scales, confront each other, rest on each other, creating an illusion of movement.

Lately Lis has been experimenting with colour. She has started painting with watercolour, offering transparency and flow.

Like her inspirational Olga de Amaral, she has added gold paper in between the segments, emphasising the contrast and movement.


Her training in architecture and experience in design allows her to build the works, as if models or maquettes for a larger landscape. 

Lis started carving paper trying to recreate different shapes, exploring both organic and abstract shapes, playing with lights and shades, achieving a light and delicate result.

Lis was born in Goiânia, Brazil. She attended Visual Arts at Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and then studied Architecture at UCG University the following year, where she graduated in 1985.

She returned to art in recent years and was involved in cultural associations that allowed her to work creatively and to show her first works. 

Lis has moved to Bologna, Italy, in 1991.  She has been exhibiting with jaggedart since 2018.


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