5 Overlooked Tips For Your Resume

The Digital Work by TeC
3 min readJun 19, 2021

Do you recognize that most of the Hiring Manager screens resumes instead of going through every single letter on them? It means that a bunch of resumes are deselected more and more in each day. Therefore, focusing on the top most important factors which represent who you are as a professional on a resume is a must.

Here are some resume writing tips that can help your resume stand out..

  1. Use a professional email address

Having a professional email address is essential, since it serves as your significant means of contact. Email addresses are often a frequent unexpected factor that creates an impact on a resume, which could possibly reflect how professional an applicant is. The use of an unprofessional email address can cut the odds by 67%. Therefore, if you haven’t already done so, make a change! Create an alternative by choosing a professional email provider like Gmail or Outlook. Don’t forget to use your name!

2. Choose an attractive font and a proper font size

If you want your resume to be easily readable and appealing to the reader, keeping your resume font size between 10–12 points is considerable. Apart from choosing the right font size, making sure that the resume has been written with a proper font is also important. Try using the fonts and size that will make your resume look more professional!

3. Always include a summary and objective statement on your resume

Not only a summary is important, but also your objectives which should be included in your resume to hook in a reader! By offering them your brief insight, where you’ve been, and where you plan to go next, it could confidently express why a company needs you! Keep in mind that some specific keywords could possibly fortunate your resume.

4. Tailor your resume to the job description

Once your resume appears to the recruiter, the first thing that will catch their attention is how the resume has seemed to match the position you applied for. You would prefer the reader to continue looking through your paper rather than discard it after their first skim. Therefore, including specific information that is corresponding to your job description is an essential task you should keep in mind. This could beneficially affect your resume and job application.

5. Rename your resume file properly

In order to make your resume easily identified, it is very important to rename your resume file properly. Apart from the word “resume”, you should include your name to make your resume stand out from the rest. This could increase the chance of getting your resume being seen! Even though it may not seem to be a big deal, it could definitely make differences between your resume getting selected for further process or not.

Small details can easily be forgettable when writing a resume, however, if you carefully follow these essential steps and make less to zero mistakes, your resume could be a great indicator of your performance as a professional.

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The Digital Work by TeC

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