What Are E-A-T, YMYL & Beneficial Purposes? Explained With Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines - SFWPExperts

E-A-T (expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness) is one of the popular key terms that every SEO company and professionals looking to improve. No matter how good and effective your SEO strategy is, if you fail to prove your expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness for the particular subject matter then google may never recommend your content or website to their searchers.

When it comes to determining the right SEO strategy for a website. Many SEO experts may go behind algorithms updates and basic SEO steps (on & off-page), but in reality, it is difficult to determine how google works? Google is very much mysterious in disclosing every detail about their work.

But every mystery includes some unidentified clue, same goes with Google.

In the year 2015 google launched a search quality evaluator guideline for their human rating team evaluating search result web pages. The guideline gave a brief insight into how Google works and what they look on a web page and how they identify the difference between high-quality web pages and low-quality web pages.

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Public Last updated: 2020-05-07 11:47:59 AM