The Science City| Paragraph On The Science City|

The Science City


  • The first in Bengal
  • Situated at the Eastern Bypass
  • To popularise science
  • Cost 60 crore
  • Many changes
  • Students visit with teachers
  • Some specimen dinosaurs, animals,
  • Stars, rockets
  • Teaching rationality

The Science City
The Science City
Kolkata has many places to be proud of. The Science City is one of them. It is a wonderful gift to the people of Kolkata. It is the first of its kind in the Eastern India. The Science City is situated at the Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, near Park Circus in Kolkata. To popularise and propagate science among the people this Science City was set up at a great cost. Since then the City has undergone many changes. It is now modernised with many more models. Students from different schools with their teachers pay visits to this place. There are many wonderful things displayed in this place.
The Science City
The Science City
Some of the scenes are fearful to the children. They can see animals running in the jungle. Models of dinosaurs make sounds to amuse the children. Flying of birds, stars and rockets are seen on a large screen. They seen to be lively. A man is seen sinking in soft sand. Of course the sets of scene are often changed. The knowledge of science will rid us of superstitions.

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