Reading | Paragraph On Reading | Paragraph on reading in 150 words | Importance of reading | Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on reading | Essay on benefits of reading | My reading habits essay | Short speech on reading | Importance of reading | Essay wikipedia | Merits of reading |



  • Make a man perfect
  • Increase our knowledge, intelligence
  • Gives pleasure, peace, teaches morals, mottos, selection on taste
  • Students should read great life, books on national and international affairs
  • Bad books avoid
  • Habit from boyhood
  • Best friend
  • Lasting pleasure

"Reading makes a full man'. Reading makes a man perfect. It increases our knowledge and wisdom. It sharpens our intelligence. Above all, it gives us pleasure. All of us should develop a habit of reading. Whenever we are in a mood of sadness, reading of a good book will give us peace of mind. A good book must be read well because it has lasting influence on our life. It teaches us morals and mottos of life. Selection of books depends on one's taste. Students must read the lives of great men.

They should read those books and magazines which increase their wisdom and knowledge of national and international affairs. Only good books can give us a good career in life. Bad books spoil our character. If character is lost, everything is lost. So the habit of reading good books should be developed from boyhood. Books are our best companions. They are our never-failing friends. They never let us down. No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure lasting.

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