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Romans 8:28 tells us “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Today, we see Elizabeth and Zechariah, righteous before God, having their greatest prayer answered and God working miraculously for their good. Not only is this miracle for their own personal good, but also for the good of the world! John comes on the scene as a blessed surprise, an unusual man born to unlikely parents. Ask yourself: “Am I comfortable with surprises? Am I open to God using the unlikely in my life for good, to fulfill His purposes?”


Elizabeth & Zechariah received a great gift and surprise with the pregnancy of John the Baptist! How can you be a blessing in suprise to someone in your life this week? Bake a dozen cookies (or purchase from the store) for a neighbor or coworker and invite them to join you at church on Christmas Eve!