Peter Ning ✍️ more than words’ Post

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Be memorable to get more business by showing your expertise | Communication mentor + Writer: copy, content & storytelling | Practical marketing, branding advice

😲 Will I be able to breathe? Like lots of people, you’re confused and worried. Here’s help from an ex-scientist, ex-product manager for PPE and writer. Face up to the 5 Facts of Life (with facemasks or coverings). 1) 😷 Covering your mouth & nose isn’t natural. That’s why you pull it down or away from your face. No one wants or likes to be suffocated. 2) 🥼 The science has been consistent unlike the political advice. Sneeze speeds & air flows just alarm. Masks only work when trained people wear quality products. 3) 📕 Quality counts Certified face masks are quality checked for face size with proper air inlets & outlets. One size fits all means a key standard has been reduced with less protection. Home made face coverings provide minimal protection to the user. 4) ⚕️ Protect the NHS. Supply and demand has meant the public are encouraged to use lower quality or home made products. 5) 📉 Easing the Lockdown As social distancing becomes impossible, face masks or coverings take the strain by protecting other people. Are you being forced to make do with second best & home made. How have you coped and do you get help from your employer? Read a simple guide of face masks, on LinkedIn at #ppe, #science, #bestpractices, #coronavirus, #crisiscommunications

Graeme Honeyborne | Chartered Accountant & Finance Professional |


Ensure the quality has the appropriate air inlets and outlets. This advice requires masks to the correct standard


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