Future of Augmented Reality: How It Goes From Here

Augmented Reality (AR) is fast becoming one of the digital space’s most exciting technologies. Although often eclipsed by virtual reality (VR), AR is expected to take market share from the lion. According to one estimation, the AR market will be worth between $70bn and $75bn by 2023, while the VR is expected to be worth between $10bn and $15bn. Consumers appear to agree with those statistics. Research by augmented reality experts found that most (70 percent) said they expect AR to exceed VR in revenue terms. When asked when this would happen, 81 percent forecast it would be in five years. AR’s current applications include product visualization, virtual attempt, wayfinding, improved information, and training. But in terms of infrastructure and experience, what does the future hold for the technology?


Learning of the Blog

  • What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
  • History of AR
  • The Future of Augmented Reality
  • Where are we going from here?
  • Conclusion


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What is Augmented Reality (AR)?

AR technologies can provide rich contextual user experiences in ways that weren’t possible before. An augmented reality program lays virtual 3-D objects into a 3-D environment in real-time. To put it another way, AR is to superimpose images, audio, and other objects on top of the world. It is worth distinguishing AR from the gamification or virtual reality. Virtual reality is an environment generated by computers, a complete simulation of the real world, sometimes called an imaginary world. An AR system only supplements a portion of the environment and is intended to coexist with the real world. Note also that the definition of AR is not limited to the mere sense of sight. It can incorporate other human senses such as hearing, touch, and smell that may lead to users’ richer experiences.


History of AR

AR has been around for as long as most people realize. The FoxTrax system, which was used to highlight the hard-to-see hockey puck as it moved around the ice, is an early example you might remember from TV. Even earlier, while watching the evening news, you may remember seeing AR. AR was used to indicate the reporters’ names or the location of the scene during a news broadcast. In addition to television networks, film production studios have done similar things with graphics for decades.


The Future of Augmented Reality

It’s conceivable very soon that you’ll be clocking in, checking email, and creating a task list all with your hand wave. Investments in workplace AR applications are in full swiftness. A recent economic research study predicts that expenditure on augmented reality in corporate training will double well over $200 billion each year through 2021. This financial explosion is attributed to AR’s recently realized potential to help companies perform more effectively and efficiently across various sectors. Some future predictions about Augmented Reality are:


  • The Close Link Between AR and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence is essential for Augmented Reality operations. AR allows the labeling and identification of objects from a visual point of view of the viewer.


  • AR in Teaching and Training

The field of education comprises both the training and teaching technologies. Any information or data may be passed on to a learner in real-time by using AR technology. These systems provide a better sense of vision and remove the objects and hazards that ultimately lead to best practice.

  • AR welcoming Extended Reality (XR)

Extended reality is a mode in which we can digitally alter reality. XR consists of the reality of the mind, of the virtual reality and the augmented reality. All of these realities are unique in their origin and purpose.


  • The AR Market Paving the Way for Modernized and Innovative Solutions

With the rapid advances in the AR field, many ideas that have been discarded from the market are now reappearing all over again just because of the use of superior technologies and trends in augmented reality. For example, issues faced in designing indoor navigation such as scenery positioning, beginning and ending points, marks, etc. are now appearing back with high speed to be solved and released into the market. With the aid of augmented reality, such technologies will be improved and polished over time. The market always remains accessible to those who use the augmented reality in their ideas.


Where are We Going From Here?

As more marketing of augmented reality takes hold, consumers are most likely to abandon their desktops and laptops for better inclusion. This is hopeful news for companies that want to tap into the market and use social media platforms to attract their target audience. Imagine using AR glasses at a business or social gathering and getting the nearby guest’s public information. You would know their names, their occupation, and other essential information and facts. The possibilities are endless, and few retailers seem to take advantage of this technology until now.

Most shoppers (51 percent) think retailers fail to take full advantage of all the new technology available and do not provide a quality shopping experience compared to what they might be offering. While AR is a significant benefit for consumers, it is also a powerful brand-building tool for business. Half the customers (50 percent) say they would be more likely to shop with a brand that offered them access to visualization technology. So we’re looking to a future where the industry will have to adapt to the technology again to avoid being outdated.



Many technology experts consider AR as it is seen to be gaining success in almost every field it is used. With the aid of Augmented Reality solutions, almost any problem can be solved readily. When it comes to application development using augmented reality, it is so bright that it provides such excellent opportunities to enjoy user experiences. By including augmented reality, we can bring more progress in multiple fields, especially considering the future of increased development of applications.