Witnesses to killing of Darcy Allan Sheppard By Michael Bryant

Here are two actual witnesses to the killing of Al Sheppard. Their testimony matches other witness accounts and not the speculation put forward by Bryant’s PR firm Navigator Ltd.

Eyewitnesses to a killing by a motorist in Toronto from Mess Media on Vimeo.

2 Responses to Witnesses to killing of Darcy Allan Sheppard By Michael Bryant

  1. […] Witnesses and video evidence showed that Bryant deliberately rammed his car into Sheppard knocking him to the ground. Witnesses also described Bryant as intentionally speeding the wrong way down Bloor Street, mounting the curb and crashing Sheppard into a fire hydrant and mailbox before fleeing. […]

  2. How much evidence do we need to prosecute some of the upper class and members of the Toronto Police Force? So far we have Michael Bryant, The member of the Toronto Police that Gunned down the 17 year old kid on a streetcar, and now we have a security guard that shot down two people in a MacDonald’s on Danforth Ave> What was he even doing carrying a gun, do we all have to go armed to get a big mac if it is past midnight?

    Steven D Briggs

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