

Should you DIY or outsource? Here's how to decide on what's best for you.

We often have this mentality as kiwis that we need to do everything ourselves and take a DIY approach, but in an organisation this can eat away at your time and your team's time. If you and your team are spending more time on low value work when the high value work is not getting attention, your team falls behind. We can help you determine where it's worth investing your time in and where it's best to outsource.

Investing in outside expertise and letting your skilled staff do what's important is critical. While your employees manage high-value tasks, an outsource partner just fills in the blanks. Time is much more valuable, one of the biggest drains on your team's time shouldn't be worrying about back-office functions like receiving and processing a variety of paper and or PDF files that require data to be extracted, validated and uploaded into a variety of back-end systems.

One area we specialise in is outsourcing, in particular, forms processing (paper or digital). On behalf of clients both large and small we process invoices, licensing documentation, consent documentation, surveys, questionnaires, registration forms using best of breed scanning (capture) software and hardware.

We can get small or large jobs done quickly and efficiently with resources at the ready.  If you want to chat about your pain points with respect to any process then send a message or book a call with either Stephen or Kris, so they can help you come up with the best solution for your project or everyday task. 


We have a new website!
Our new website has been in the works for a few months, and we are so excited to show it to you. Go take a look 

Ā Mātou Tāngata

Our People

Desktop Imaging turns 25!
As a homegrown business, we’re proud of our 25-year history delivering digitisation solutions to our customers; from digitising paper files and microfiche to providing outsourcing solutions and workflow software to enable our customers to create digital workplaces.
We prefer to think of ourselves as 25 years young! and we’re excited for what the future holds. In preparing for the future, it’s always good to reflect on the past and any celebration wouldn’t be complete without a montage of past photos and videos.
We’ve had fun pulling this video together, reflecting on where we’ve come from and where we’re heading – we hope you enjoy it.
Ka mua, ka muri
Looking back in order to move forward
Desktop Imaging turns 25

ALGIM Conference - World of Change

We will be at booth 30 at World of Change ALGIM conference in Christchurch on the 21-23 November. Come and join our breakfast event too!

Breakfast workshop details:
Navigate your process improvement journey with confidence 
Get your roadmap to process intelligence and automation with Nintex

The workshop will give you a roadmap to process excellence, no matter where you are in your process improvement journey. During this session, you will walk away with the foundation for success and understand what tools you have available to simplify the journey.

Speaker Marcus Platt, Technical Channel Enablement Manager | Nintex


We are hiring for a Project Lead to join the Desktop Imaging Wellington team.
  • Use your project management skills to deliver excellent results
  • Mentor and coach team members to consistently deliver high-quality work
  • Use data to drive operational efficiencies and maximise productivity
  • Hands on role, exceed customer expectations.
Read more about the job here
Fun fact
Over half of all organisations agree that business process automation (BPA) minimises human error in the workflow.

Coming up

Do you have a question about a particular topic, or need assistance?
Let's talk!

Contact Us

32B Jamaica Drive, Grenada North, Wellington

Hours: 8AM – 5PM


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