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Lusting after the woman trying to steal my job is stupid. Sexting with her? That’s a game-changing fumble.

Emma Crawford became enemy number one the second she stepped foot on Blue Mountain Farm. She might think I’m just a dumb jock, but I know she’s a stuck-up wine snob who believes she’d be a better exec than me.

She can take my position over my dead body.

But with her ridiculous curves and fearless smarts, she’s becoming one giant distraction just when I need to prove my worth most.

Lucky for me that I have a secret internet sext partner to blow off steam with. My nightly dirty chats with V scratch all the itches Emma gives me.

Emma and V couldn’t be more different—except it turns out they’re the same person.

Just when I thought this scenario was enough of a disaster, I’m falling for the co-worker I can’t touch and can hardly stand.

Even a hotshot player like me can see this is a game we’re both gonna lose.

SOUTHERN HOTSHOT is a full length, STANDALONE small town novel. Coming December 10 to KindleUnlimited!

322 pages, Paperback

First published December 7, 2020

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About the author

Jessica Peterson

32 books2,611 followers
Jessica Peterson writes romance with heat, humor, and heart. Heroes with hot accents are her specialty. When she’s not writing, she can be found bellying up to a bar in the south’s best restaurants with her husband Ben, reading books with her adorable daughters Gracie and Madeline, or snuggling up with her 70-pound lap dog, Martha.

A Carolina girl at heart, she fantasizes about splitting her time between Charleston and Asheville, but currently lives in Charlotte, NC.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews
Profile Image for Drey.
167 reviews1,000 followers
February 16, 2021
5 Stars!

... An extraordinary story at the mountains.

This author. This story. Why haven't I read any of her books before? This kinda book is hard to miss. I've already downloaded the first book that I skipped (I regretted it), and I can't wait for the third book. Money can't buy how I freaking loved this one!

Note: This is an enemies to lovers romance.

Samuel and Emma's love-story isn't entitled as the "greatest story of all time." It is neither Shakespeare's work nor Austen's. It is Peterson's, and it's her personal masterpiece! I'm really glad I'd found another talented author who reminded me why I chose to read romance stories.

“I’m not letting you go without a fight.”

This story was all about Samuel and Emma, and Blue and Lady V. They were the same person, but in a different world. In the real world, they were rivals. But friends with online benefits in the virtual world. Of course, they hadn't had an idea that Samuel was Blue and Emma was Lady V.

Emma was hired as a sommelier in Blue Mountain Farm. Samuel was the director of the food department that she's situated. Both of them were culinary-related workers, so they were paired to lead the program. Samuel was threatened by Emma because of competition. He did everything to make her quit and leave Blue Mountain Farm.

This hate eventually turned to something special, a feeling he denied after someone he loved and trusted abandoned and backstabbed him. But later on, he realized that Emma wasn't the enemy. She was the real in his world full of dreams.

"We haven’t started eating yet, but I’m already full.
Full of love.
Full of gratitude.
Full of this bone-deep contentment I’ve never experienced before."

I loved the conflict between Samuel, Hank, and Emma (again, I can't wait for Hank's story!). I also loved the setting. The vivid descriptions of North Carolina's Highlands, it made me feel like I was really there. This story is an absolute 5 stars from the beginning till the end!

Overall, I so much loved this book. One of my top favourites this year! By the way, don't forget to read the extended epilogue, it will surely warm your heart. I extremely recommend it!

Happy Valentines!

"I promise I won’t let our story end without a happily ever after, okay?”

Profile Image for Jessica Peterson.
Author 32 books2,611 followers
December 11, 2020
Hey y'all! SOUTHERN HOTSHOT is now LIVE and FREE with KU! I'm so damn proud of how Samuel + Emma's standalone story turned out. I'm pitching it as YOU'VE GOT MAIL meets PRIDE AND PREJUDICE with a seriously sexy twist. It's hot, snarky, and a lot of fun. The audiobook will be narrated by the fabulous Jason Clarke and Virginia Rose, coming in 2021!

Be sure to join my Facebook reader group, The City Girls, for exclusive excerpts and updates!


Profile Image for READ ME ROMANCE.
585 reviews149 followers
November 28, 2020
If you like your books with serious heat, plenty of swoon, and all the feels, then read Southern Hotshot as soon as humanly possible! Jessica Peterson is a real-life sweet southern girl, but what goes on in her imagination as she pens her brilliant novels is mind blowing! I started this book on Thanksgiving Day and my family thought my face was red from being in the oven, but it was not. It was from the STEAM coming right off the pages as I was sneaking in the bathroom, the garage, and my bedroom closet to read a few pages every chance I got!

I have given every book in this “Southern” series 5-stars and I don’t dish them out lightly. I read about 300 books a year and Jessica's are some of my very favorite reads as her characters are always people I can relate to. They’re real and honest, searching for something more and willing to do the work to get there. They have smarts and ethics, and know how to laugh at themselves and not always take life so seriously. The family is there for each other through think and thin, being supportive, setting each other straight, and asking for forgiveness.

Southern Hotshot can absolutely be read as a standalone, but I do encourage you to read the others, especially Southern Seducer as it introduces readers to the Beauregard family where John Riley Beauregard otherwise known as Beau and the CEO of Blue Mountain Farm, an exclusive resort set in the mountains of North Carolina, and his childhood friend, Annabel, a newly single mom, who reaches out to him in her time of need.

In book #2 of the North Carolina Highlands series, it’s Beau’s younger brother Samuel’s turn to have his world turned upside down, and it does when he meets Emma Crawford who comes to work on the Farm. A seasoned sommelier she is hired to work side-by-side with Samuel as he is in charge of all restaurant operations. I love how he is a bit wounded and vulnerable, and not able to trust her intentions. But with the Farm becoming a well-know escape to many, he realizes the resort must be competitive and step up their game.

I just love how Emma takes charge and is so very passionate. She truly is perfect for Samuel in every way but so much is at risk for these two if they start a romantic relationship as it’s his family’s business and she finally landed her dream job. They can’t deny their insane electric chemistry, and I love, love, love all of their flirty banter. It comes with such ease for these two that it’s a wonder the smoke detectors didn’t go off when they were working!

They each have been communicating with someone they are interested in via an Internet chat room, and it is there where their honesty is revealed, along with their super steamy sexual preferences! This story is so beautifully written and I just adore that I learn something in every one of her books. If you are a wine lover and/or foodie, you will especially enjoy Southern Hotshot. From the flavors of the wine, to the way the meals are expertly prepared and served, to the beauty of the resort and their homes overlooking the majestic mountains near picturesque Ashville, NC, you will feel as if you are right there with them.

There are some serious family dynamics that take place in Southern Hotshot including the introduction of Lindsey, Emma’s sister, who recently had her own heart broken, as well as Samuel’s younger brother, Hank, who hurt him deeply.

Samuel’s entire family is featured in this book, and there is more to come as Hank will be our hero in book #3 Southern Sinner (love the name it’s so fitting!) Hopefully, Rhett, who plays for the NFL, and their sister, Milly, who works at the resort as the wedding/event planner will also have a book of their own. I hope to also read more about Lindsey because I really, really liked her and she deserves to be happy, too! Maybe she can be Blue Mountain Farm’s attorney?

I especially love the chapter on the luncheon hosted for Executive Chef Elijah Jackson of Southern Charmer, and his brother-in-law and sexy as F farmer, Luke Rodgers, of Southern Player. Ahhh the memories...

So much happens in this fabulous book and not one detail was left to question. Samuel and Emma are true soul mates with so much in common including their love of family and wanting to please others, drive and passion for the hospitality industry, as well as their kinky bedroom turn-ons. It wasn’t always easy and that’s what I love most about Jessica’s books; they pull on your heartstrings, make you laugh, cry, and swoon, and take you on a journey.
Profile Image for Quinn's Quippy Quotes.
1,337 reviews138 followers
November 4, 2020
We haven't started eating yet, but I'm already full.
Full of love.
Full of gratitude.
Full of this bone-deep contentment I've never experienced before.

THIS BOOK!!! It's been way too long since I've had a JP book, and this book is exactly what I needed.

Jessica, as per usual, does an amazing job describing this setting. I genuinely felt like a guest experiencing their first visit to Blue Mountain. The amount of detail she goes into to, not just the setting, BUT THE FOOD! The food, the wine, it's an experience in itself. I used to be a wine lover until my body turned 35 and decided wine was the devil. But this book makes me want to go for a tasting. If you're a wine lover, this book is totally for you!

Oh, wait, I haven't even got to the romance! Samuel is such a sexy, broody hero! I love how Samuel and Emma are basically the same person. They both are so passionate and driven, but completely alone. But loneliness is what brings these two together, and not the way you think. This book totally channels You've Got Mail. Waiting for them to figure out that they are each other's cyber pals....SO DANG CUTE!

This book was an absolute delight! I've been hopping from book to book, but this one grounded me. I can't wait for you guys to experience this book!
Profile Image for Jen (jensdreamylittlereads).
877 reviews104 followers
December 9, 2020
Southern Hotshot has everything you could want in a romance novel; witty banter, sexual chemistry, a hot growly alpha-male, and a feisty heroine. Plus plenty of swoon worthy and steamy moments!

Samuel and Emma were so fun to read. The banter between them was great. Sometimes verbal sparring that happens between characters in books is almost better than physical foreplay, and these two together were straight up fire. And that definitely translated into some insane chemistry and passion. It’s filled with the classic Jessica Peterson greatness, ensuring you’ll be hooked throughout. The chemistry between the characters is wonderful, the romance is steamy, and full of emotion . As always, there is plenty of humour to be found throughout, no doubt you’ll be giggling away!

This was another brilliant love story by Jessica Peterson. I love am loving the North Carolina Highlands series and it’s filled with all the things Jessica Peterson does so well and has left me eagerly anticipating the next book.
Profile Image for Kelly • Kell of a Read.
657 reviews201 followers
February 6, 2023
⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved Beau and Annabel’s story and was excited to continue the series with Samuel and Emma (oddly though, these are my niece and nephew’s names so I started out feeling a smidge uncomfortable with this pairing😂).

Overall, I liked this but it didn’t hold a candle to book 1. Lately, I’ve started to really appreciate characters who aren’t 21-years-old, so I was excited to read about a couple of thirty something adults. The excitement may have been a bit premature because adults or not, there was definitely still a lot of immaturity in this book. I really could have done without the cybersex and rolled my eyes at how unbelievably coincidental it was. Also, most of the *drama* felt incredibly forced.

Samuel starts out hating Emma… much professional! The guy is such a butthead with no reason other than he believes he is SO fantastic at his job (basically just buying expensive wine with his NFL money) that he couldn’t possibly benefit from working alongside an experienced sommelier.

When shit hits the fan, Samuel and Emma react to some minor conflict the way you might expect one to deal with an apocalypse. Everyone is so dramatic about a little bump in the road and ready to make some serious life changing decisions based on a minor case of hurt feelings.

The family dynamic is sweet and I love wine so I’m still going to say this is book was an overall win. I may skip Hank’s book, but I feel like there’s potential for a great story for the other two siblings, Milly and Rhett.
Profile Image for Lisa.
564 reviews20 followers
December 3, 2020
This is an ARC review. All opinions are solely my own.

WOW!! This may be one of the hottest books I have ever read.

Southern Hotshot by Jessica Peterson is book two of the North Carolina Highlands series. This series follows the Beauregard family on the Blue Mountain Resort. This book is concurrent with the first so it is not required to be read in order and I love this concept.

Samuel and Emma are destined to be intertwined. They start their relationship hating each other and if anyone doesn't see that they have an intense attraction and chemistry they are blind. I couldn't wait to see who was going to slip-up and break first.

The family dynamics are intense and pull on all the heart strings. The Beauregard family interferes hard and loves harder. The family sometimes makes the romance feel like the secondary aspect of the book and that is something that keeps me coming back for more.

I'm not sure where book three is going to take us but I want Jessica Peterson to know that I am ALL IN!!
Profile Image for Stephanie Rose.
Author 29 books2,885 followers
December 23, 2020
My favorite Jessica Peterson book, hands down. Samuel and Emma consumed me from the first page and at the last 30%, I couldn't move from my seat. This is enemies to lovers done so very right with well-developed characters and beautiful writing. I didn't read the first book, but there was plenty to entice me to go back and read Beau and Annabel's story. This is a MUST READ.
457 reviews12 followers
November 27, 2020
I loved Samuel and Emma’s story so much. From the beginning animosity to the perfectly sweet finish, it’s a wonderfully engaging story. Samuel and Emma are both strong, capable characters that become even better together. They have a combustible chemistry that’s evident even when they’re just talking about food and wine. And boy, do they set these pages on fire. They’re delightfully, wickedly, deliciously dirty. Absolutely perfect.
The author has created a world that just begs for you to jump in. Blue Mountain Farm is a character in itself; I wish I could book a cottage and enjoy Chef Katie’s menus. The Beauregard family is precious, and I can’t wait to read more of their stories. I absolutely love this series, and the covers are straight up gorgeous.
Profile Image for Rosie.
711 reviews30 followers
December 11, 2020
Jessica Peterson has blown me away with Southern Hotshot. After reading Southern Seducer, I knew that this series was going to be steamy and addictive, but that book one would be hard to beat with its powerful underlying message, but Samuel and Emma in Southern Hotshot wowed me. This is the definition of enemies-to-more, co-worker romance, they hated each other immediately because they knew that they would push the other out of their comfort zone, in the workplace and in the bedroom. This book was about how the right person can see right through your defences and also make you realise that you may have been lying to yourself about some things in your life.

When Emma is hired to be the new sommelier at Blue Mountain Farm, the Director of Food Samuel, and part owner of the resort, should be the person to welcome her with open arms. But that’s far from the case, he sees her as a threat, as someone who could come in and take his home and career away from him, all with a sweet smile on her face. But Emma isn’t like that, she’s desperate to be taken seriously in a job that people don’t and tries her hardest to prove to Samuel that she’s there to be a partner, not to stab him in the back. Samuel doesn’t believe it, having been hurt in the past, and the only person he can let his guard down with is a woman he’s met online, who’s introducing him to sides of himself he didn’t ever dream of. She shows him how to let his guard down, and be honest for once, something he takes into the real world and tries with Emma. Their attraction is sky rocketing, and they begin to work well as a team professionally, but Emma is aware of how the staff may see her if she begins a relationship with her boss. Even though they are versions of themselves they’ve never been before when they are with each other, will Samuel and Emma risk it all for a chance at happiness?

Samuel had been hurt deeply in the past and never really let himself recover. Instead he continued through life, throwing himself into his new career whilst never facing the hurt, which is why he was so anti the hiring of Emma because it felt like history repeating itself. But she was different to what he expected, and forced him to face reality, bringing out a new sides of him that he didn’t know existed, and although the woman online taught him how to open up, he used his new found ability to be honest with Emma, which meant she opened up in return.

Emma has struggled with her identity, knowing she was following her dream, but it seemed like everyone around her thought it was a bad idea. And with Samuel, although he initially highlighted her insecurities as a way of pushing her way, in the end, he was the only one she felt real with because he could so easily see behind her mask. I adored her dominant side, I have never read a book where the heroine is the alpha on occasion in the bedroom, and woooo there’s something about a petite and feisty woman bringing a hulking ex-NFL player to his knees that is just highly enjoyable. Their dynamic was different to what I expected, and it was refreshing, which I think is why I appreciated this story as much as I did!

To put it simply, this couple were hot. They pushed each other to their limits, not afraid to call each other out on their BS, but they also brought out different sides of each other. As they began to settle into the flow of teamwork, there was just something so sexy about the dance they did when serving guests together for the first time in the restaurant (Hi Charleston Heat boys, nice to see you), it was almost like foreplay. They could read each other without even trying, and complimented each other, with Samuel bringing the food knowledge and Emma the wine. They were the perfect partnership, both intimately and professionally. I found myself grinning throughout these scenes, it’s hard to describe because it just showed how they worked as a couple, just the right amount of push and pull.

Jessica’s writing brought the whole thing to life, describing every scene and conversation so well it felt like I was there. The drama was on just the right level, but it proved that you should never be afraid to discover new sides of yourself, or to let your guard down, even after past hurt, because it might just be the best way to heal. I am thoroughly enjoying this series, and I am ready for Hank’s book next, because that man deserves a hell of a woman to sweep him off his feet!

*I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.*
470 reviews5 followers
November 27, 2020
This! This book is what you need in your life right now. Want to escape the world we are living in for a little while? Escape to Blue Mountain Farm and the Beauregard family!
This book is everything I wanted it to be and so much more! Samuel and Emma have some rocky roads to travel but they get there in the end.

"We need to celebrate the small things when the big things get overwhelming." from Southern Hotshot
This line resonated with me so hard. Right here, right now, things can get so overwhelming! I have to remember to celebrate the small things everyday. Today, I am celebrating this wonderful book!
Profile Image for Laura.
1,446 reviews16 followers
November 28, 2020
There’s times when you read a book that just leaves you speechless. That’s how I feel at the end of Southern Hotshot.

I could not put this book down today and once I started, I needed to see how it was going to end so I read it in one sitting. Emma and Samuel are absolute fire together, both when they’re fighting and when they’re not. I loved the personalities of these two so much that I seriously couldn’t get enough.

This family is amazing and I’m loving the journeys they’re all taking to get to HEA. This book had me laughing and shedding a few tears but it’s made me really excited to see which Beauregard gets their HEA next!
156 reviews
December 9, 2020
In Southern Hotshot, the second book in the North Carolina Highlands series, Emma the sommelier and Samuel the retired football player foodie clash and compete over who's in charge of what at the restaurant at Samuel's family's resort. 

The sassiness, the steam and the submission along with the cast of characters and dirty puns will have you devouring this book faster than Emma devours the moist cornbread. Yes, I said, "moist".

This is a standalone novel but special appearances by intriguing characters from the first book and the Charleston Heat series will make you want to read their stories as well.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,554 reviews
November 26, 2020
Oh how I loved Samuel & Emma’s story! Samuel & Emma captivated me from the first page and wouldn’t let go until the last.

I love a great enemies to lovers story and Jessica Peterson deliveries! I absolutely adored the banter between Samuel & Emma. I loved that Emma would not back down. I love a strong heroine and Emma is definitely a strong woman. Samuel was swoon worthy. Samuel & Emma were imperfectly perfect for each other.

I am loving this series and I hope that there is more to come in this series. I don’t want to leave these characters and their world behind.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.
Profile Image for Jaime.
585 reviews
December 10, 2020
Whoa! This book is incredible! Jessica Peterson never fails to bring complete honesty in her books! Samuel and Emma are seismic - everything is felt and vibrating around them.

What I love about this new series is delving into the complexity of life, love and family. The Beauregard family
is dynamic and I adore them. Life isn’t perfect. It’s not supposed to be - I felt this book in the bones. I finished with tears in my eyes.
Profile Image for alexa | bookishbabez.
178 reviews31 followers
March 19, 2022

I forgot how much I love Jessica Peterson's books and her characters 😍 which is weird because this is the ninth book I've read by her and I will continue to read all the books she decides to publish.
I sat down and literally read this book in a day. That's how much of a fun, cute and easy read this was.

This is book two in the North Carolina Highlands series.

I am crazy about the Beauregard siblings. They're all so damn sweet and you feeeeeeel the love and loyalty they have for each other.

So this story is about Samuel Beauregard and Emma Crawford.
Samuel is a former NFL player, who now works at Blue Mountain Farm, which is owned by his family. Emma is a sommelier and was hired by Beau to help Samuel, much to his dismay. He hates that Beau thinks he can't handle the job alone, so therefore he takes it out on Emma.

Emma is strong and confident in what she can do at Blue Mountain Farm and well, so is Samuel. What they don't realize is how much better they can be at their jobs, if they just work together. Watching their tension build and build until it eventually explodes was my favorite part. I was always wondering who was going to be the first person to give in 😏

Also, can we talk about JP's way of writing about southern food. This series along with her Charleston Heat series always has a way to leave me dying for some cornbread, shrimp and grits... anything 😫 SPEAKING OF- I love how my babies Elijah Jackson (ofSouther Charmer) and Luke Rodgers (ofSouther Player) made an appearance. It's so cute how Jessica connects the two series with these little scenes.

Okay, off to go read about Hank and Stevie!

TROPES: enemies to lovers. workplace romance.
POV: dual.
HEA: yessss!
Profile Image for Emily  T.
351 reviews15 followers
March 3, 2021
How do Jessica’s books keep getting better and better?! She is the master! Southern Hotshot is no exception!

Samuel and Emma are such an amazing couple together! This enemies-to-lovers is so spot on and you feel the tension immediately. Samuel is weary of Emma for his own reasons, but Emma doesn’t back down. Emma is an absolute badass that I want to be! Her desire for more in her life is something every person can relate to. The way Jessica creates her characters and flips the script is just incredible. They are strong and vulnerable at the same time and have so many layers that we get to see. And Samuel...swoon! Where can I find him?!

There is just so much amazingness in this book and my feelings were all over the place! Jessica is easily one of my favorite authors, and her books never disappoint 💙
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,419 reviews204 followers
December 10, 2020

Amazon / Amazon Worldwide

Emma's new position at Blue Mountain Farm seems to be in jeopardy as soon as she steps foot at the fancy resort. Seems the CEO's younger brother, Samuel, who's in charge of restaurant ops, is not happy someone's there to what he thinks is steal his job. The fact that she's absolutely gorgeous wasn't what he was expecting, and it's not helping the state of his mind (or body) at all. Will he ever realize that Emma's there to work WITH him? What about when their attraction takes over their good sense and they can't resist each other any longer? It's risky getting involved and they know it. It could either be the end of both their careers, or the best thing to ever happen to them.

Grumpy, broody Samuel and vivacious, passionate Emma make for a striking pair. Opposites but perfectly complementary in every way, especially in the bedroom. Damn but their chemistry is SMOKIN! Their individual kinks are not what I expected, but I seriously love the way the way they were with each other. These brothers are amazing and I cannot wait to get my hands on Hank's story next.

ARC via Valentine PR for an honest review.

Review / Release Blitz: Live Through Books Blog.

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Profile Image for Paulette.
667 reviews19 followers
December 7, 2020
Good wine and fantastic Southern food ignite the senses and let you experience tastes and the passion of all good feelings you may have never known existed. So do Emma and Samuel!
This book will not only Whet Your Appetite and give you an appreciation of food and wine but it’ll have you salivating and feeling the heat that is simmering between Emma and Samuel that is about to come to a boil.
There is so much to be digested in this story. We learn it is not just about the finished product. It’s mostly about the creating, the ingredients, the preparation, the love, the blending of the right elements, the care the experiments and the trial and error to come up with just the right creation...the dish that keeps you coming back for more. This relates to both food and relationships. They don’t come easy.

Sometimes relationships just like certain foods and wine are an acquired taste. Something you hate as a child you grow to love the older you get. You just have to let yourself try again and trust that your senses have evolved. There’s a lot going on in this book, so much to feel. You’ll laugh, love, pant and devour. You won’t want to walk away.
I don’t do spoilers. What I will say is if you’ve read the first book in this series you’ll be happy to know you’ll be revisiting with them as well as others from other series. This is a standalone but once you meet them I think you’ll go back and read the author’s catalogue of books.

This author always makes me hungry for food I never really thought too much about. Then I read her take on it and I develop a serious passion to try the dishes. Her description of the places where she writes about are ethereal and I want to go. I swear I have a travel log of places to visit from Jessica Peterson’s books.

There’s so much I want to say about the story but you need to read this for yourself. I can’t wait for the next book in the series. I know I’ll probably have to lose five pounds before I read it so I can fit in my clothes when I’m done. Thank goodness I don’t need a passport to travel the United States but I do have my I.D. because I already know I want to go on a vacation there. It’s not just fabulous stories, it’s the whole enchilada. Great now I want Enchiladas and Samuel! Thanks, Jessica!
Profile Image for Carly Wilson.
596 reviews41 followers
December 9, 2020
‘Southern Hotshot’ is the second book in the North Carolina series by Jessica Peterson. I absolutely love all of Peterson’s books as her descriptions are always on point, and she has an unbelievable way of building tension and creating deep character connections.

In Southern Hotshot, Samuel is forced to feel threatened by newcomer wine sommelier Emma. He is fearful of her replacing him in his job, and outperforming him in her expertise, and he hates feeling threatened. He is known to be tough, an ex-athlete who is driven and stern, but there’s something about Emma that gets under his skin and makes him want to open up and show a less abrasive more submissive side.

Emma is driven, she is confident in her abilities and is heavily reliant on securing her new position as sommelier. She is excited to get stuck in, and unfortunately in doing so, rubs her boss up the wrong way. Samuel seems to loathe her; and she wants desperately to get him on side so they can work as a team. But Emma can be direct, forward and it doesn’t always work in her favour, and it doesn’t help when there’s something about Samuel that drives her insane.

I absolutely loved the change in power dynamics throughout this book. Emma is very alpha and dominant in her sexuality as seen in her online chat exchanges with the mysterious Blue. She knows what she likes, what she wants, and knows that she can perhaps push too much, but needs to prove herself.

Samuel is used to always being strong, and if anything, he wants to at times be able to take his foot off the accelerator and slow things down. So when he gets talking to dominant V online, he is relieved to be able to sit back and allow someone else to take control. But unfortunately he struggles to allow this in his day to day, and Emma has a way of weakening him.

The romance is hot from the start, and you cannot help but be completely and utterly entranced in their romance. It is the perfect enemies to lovers read, and will have you wanting more.

Amazing and well constructed read, and worth every one of the 5 stars.
Profile Image for Nicole ReadingBetweenTheSheets.
889 reviews38 followers
December 9, 2020
Oh man! If you want a book that your significant other wants you to read every night before bed….welllll….here ya go! To say this book is hot is an understatement! HAHA

The great thing about Jessica Peterson’s romances is that they aren’t just hot, they have a fantastic storyline, incredible characters, and pull out all the emotions…and Southern Hotshot confirms this. Emma and Samuel’s story is an incredible enemies-to-lovers/workplace romance storyline. This second book in the North Carolina Highlands series is such a well written story that you will not want it to end. The descriptive words the author uses are breathtakingly beautiful…

This wine, it’s a whole mood. Makes me think of warm summer nights, cool water running over creek bottoms, the smell of fluffy lemon pancakes.

Samuel Beauregard, a former NFL player, is a broody, hard headed, driven partial owner of the Blue Mountain Farm, who is in charge of restaurant operations. He is good at what he does, but doesn’t want anyone to intrude on his work…

…enter Emma Crawford, the extremely impressive sommelier, brought in by Beau (Sam’s brother introduced in book 1). She is positive and upbeat. She knows her stuff. And is up for a good challenge.

And then, just like that after a night of incredible sex and vulnerable truths, I’m head over heels for the woman I swore I’d always hate.

Throw in the super-hot chats that Lady V has with her “clients”, the cameos by Eli from Southern Charmer and Luke from Southern Player, some humor, and an incredible setting…and you have this flaming hot 5 star read!
Profile Image for Bex_Book_Revieux.
741 reviews55 followers
December 3, 2020
6 SHINY, SEXY Stars for Jessica Peterson's Southern Hotshot!!

Returning to Blue Mountain Farm in the Carolina Mountains and the Beauregards is like coming back to a family I've missed, and can't wait to get to know better, and Jessica does not disappoint with Samuel and Emma!

The opening chapter is hot, HOT, HOTTT, and it just keeps getting better from there! I love the description of Samuel, from the lavender suit, the Patek Philippe watch (can watch p*rn be a thing?), the ice blue eyes, and that hulking build, standing next to Beau letting Emma know that as far as he's concerned she's not needed OR wanted at Blue Mountain Farms.

Emma's conservative dress, the little pencil skirt, kitten heels, modest bun, everything shouts conservative, submissive, subdued -- until she opens her mouth, and lets everyone know, she didn't come to Blue Mountain to play second fiddle to anyone, much less the arrogant food director, Samuel.

This book is a beautiful enemies to lovers story that is not at all one-sided, Emma and Samuel are both giving as they get. Emma has worked her tail off for the coveted position of Sommelier, and she is not letting any spoiled football player keep her from getting to the spot she's been working 10 years to finally get.

As Samuel and Emma begin working together, Samuel can see how good she is at her job... and other things! Emma makes Samuel want to live out loud, in color, to stop hiding, but man that's hard. He's been burned so many times, how does he know he can really trust her, or even himself? He wants Emma so bad, but how does he get her without doing the ONE THING Beau specifically said not to do?

There are SO many things that combine to land this book in my top 10 for 2020! Southern Hotshot has EVERYTHING we've seen Jessica Peterson write SO well, family, food, women that are just completely bada$$, HOT SEX (HOLY WOW, the SEX y'all!), and love in all its forms.

Y'all, if I could give this book more than 5 stars, I absolutely would, and I cannot WAIT to see what's next for the Beauregard family!!
Profile Image for Comfy Couch Book Reviews.
634 reviews45 followers
December 11, 2020
I can't believe how much fun I had reading Southern Hotshot, I love Jessica's books but this one was something special as it brought back happy memories of my long career in wine. I was so proud of Emma realising her dream to become a top Sommelier in what is very much a man's world. She was so determined to be the best living and breathing wine.

Samuel is determined not to like her before he even gets to know her, feeling threatened that she might have more wine knowledge than him? He is determined that their business partnership is not going to work. I got such a kick out of Emma talking about wines and her ideas to bring fabulous but mostly unknown and cheaper wines into the restaurant. Samuel on the other hand is nonchalantly opening bottles of thousand dollar Screaming Eagle.

Wow all kinds of fireworks going off here but most explosive is their attraction to each other but how hilarious was it as we watched them having some really hot and sexy cyber sex with no idea who the other one was. I was on pins and needles the whole way through the book to see what would happen when they met in person.

Besides the fun in this story it also has a more serious side as Samuel struggles to deal with past hurts and his relationship with his brothers and it is good to see him realise that he is loved and supported and that Emma compliments his talents and is not in competition with him.

A super gorgeous story set in gorgeous cabins in the snowy mountains with wonderful friendly people, great wine and incredible food, what more can you ask for. Let yourself be swept away to this magical place unfortunately only in your mind for now until we can travel again.
Profile Image for Sharon Moritz-rosenthal.
2,199 reviews26 followers
December 9, 2020
I received a free ARC copy of this book from the author prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This is book 2 in the series and easily stands alone. It stars Samuel and Emma who were both seen at the end of book 1 but this story starts at the beginning when they first meet so it easily stands alone and you don't miss anything if you have not read the first book.

This is very different from the first book or any other romances I have read in the last few years and I give the author praise for trying something very different. Emma is the alpha in this story, meaning she likes to be in charge sexually. Its something I have not read before. And Samuel is fine with being the submissive. Not in real life but sexually and it worked for me. Samuel is straight but he is a bit flamboyant in his clothes and he loves to take care of his family and those he loves. And he is so confident in himself that he is fine letting his partner lead sexually. He was definitely a very different lead character than I have ever read.

This is also very much a hate to love type of romance with two characters who dont like each other when they first meet but they both work together and so they have to learn to work together and learn to appreciate the other skills.

This was a really well written and explored relationship and I really enjoyed it. At times I felt things moved slowly but its a southern romance so well things move slower in the south too.

Profile Image for Veronica Ticker.
901 reviews56 followers
February 24, 2021
(audiobook) This book was hotter than a volcano! There weren’t many intimate scenes, but there was so much tension between Emma and Samuel all along that it combusted my headphones.

It was hot, but it had flesh too. Foodies and wine lovers, you’re gonna enjoy this book. And it isn’t just a background. Food and wine induced beautiful scenes that helped shaping the characters and their interactions.

Though the whole premise was an extremely convenient coincidence, it was a believable enemies to lovers story. I could see their relationship evolve bit by bit–like themselves. Characters’ arcs were well defined, and the side characters had a real role in the story–especially Samuel’s brother and Emma’s sister.

As for the narration, it was perfection. The sexy chats were recorded as a duet, which made them even sexier, but the rest of the book is in dual narration. Yet, because both narrators are talented, the various voices, the accent, and the emotions were delivered amazingly well. It added some depth to an already intense story. Scorching hot and emotional, that’s an audiobook you don’t want to miss.


- Series: North Carolina Highlands #2 (can be read as a standalone)
- Hashtags: #small town romance #enemies to lovers #workplace relationship #sexting
- Triggers: mild powerplay
- Main couple: Emma Crawford & Samuel Beauregard
- Hotness: 6/5
- Romance: 4/5
- + Samuel accepting to be submissive, that’s hot
- – not a fan of hate sex
Profile Image for Michele McMullen .
2,364 reviews78 followers
December 14, 2020
Southern Hotshot checked off all my boxes when I fall in love with characters and their story. I love the enemies to lovers trope and this one was all that and more! We have Emma and Samuel who have fabulous witty sarcastic banter, so much sexual tension and a fabulously fun and loving supporting cast.
Sam is a retired football player that has come back to the family ranch/ business to manage the restaurant and expand the wine cellar. His brother decides that they need a sommelier. May I introduce the lovely and sassy Emma Crawford. The moment she walks in the door Sam sees her as a threat but the more time he spends with her the more enthralled he becomes. Emma knows that being attracted to her stoic, grumpy boss is wrong but she just loves to push his buttons and take him out of his comfort zone! Get ready to watch this couple battle the world of wines and navigate the waters of undeniable attraction!
~~Michele McMullen ~~
Profile Image for Kari Hansen.
10.4k reviews87 followers
December 10, 2020
Samuel has transitioned from his career as a professional football player to handling the beverages and cuisine at the family owned Blue Mountain Farm. Hiring Emma due to her knowledge of wine was not Samuel’s choice and now that he is forced to work with her, he is beginning to like it even less.

Emma is determined to succeed in her career and at this job as she knows that she has education and experience to ensure it happens. She isn’t about to back from anyone or anything and that includes her new boss so it is only a matter of time before the sparks fly.

Working together Samuel and Emma may think that they know each other but they are about to find out that they don’t really know each other at all. The chemistry between them radiates off the pages and though they had their obstacles they prove that they are the perfect match both personally and professionally.
Profile Image for Read.Review.Repeat Blog.
5,303 reviews97 followers
December 9, 2020
"Can I say steamy??? Yes this book is definitely that - but boy is it so much more.
Great storytelling with some fantastic characters. Book 2 features Samuel & Emma. They are so very similar and it takes Samuel a little longer than Emma to realize that. When that happens the story really takes off from there in my opinion.
I loved the sense of family and how Emma easily slotted in - like she had been there a lot longer than she actually has. Honestly there must have been a whole lot of research done for this book and it definitely shows.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book."
Displaying 1 - 30 of 251 reviews

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