Dear readers, we are happy to present the monthly newsletter, which will tell you about our organization activities done in May and June.



On May 2 and 8, within the framework of the online course "Introduction to Youth Work", a regular meeting֊discussion was held on the same topic. The meeting was leaded by Karen Terteryan, as an expert in the field of youth. We are grateful for your great interest.

On May 9 and 15, as part of the online course "Introduction to Youth Work", a regular meeting֊discussion on the topic "Abilities and Rules of Behavior of a Youth Worker" was held, which ended the cycle of online courses: The meeting was leaded by Anna Yeghoyan, as an expert in the field of youth. We are grateful for your great interest and fruitful meetings.



On May 20th we held the next online meeting in the frames of the long-term partnership project “Cities of YOUth: increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure” supported by the Erasmus+ programme.

In the meeting the youth workers of the project had the chance to raise their questions and get consultation from a youth work expert and traner, YIC board member Anna Yeghoyan.

On June 5th 2020 Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO held an introductory meeting with the 4 Armenian youth workers, the project team and the 24 participants of the local coaching sessions to be implemented in the frames of the long-term project “Cities of YOUth: increasing the role of young people in the development of tourism infrastructure”.

The project is supported by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. We would like to remind that the project is taking place simultaneously in five countries – Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Croatia and the Czech Republic.

Due to the strained healthcare situation caused by Covid-19, Gyumri “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO continues its activities through online means. Stay healthy and follow our updates!


On June 19 a meeting took place in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of RA which was attended by the Deputy Minister Artur Martirosyan, head of Youth Policy department Tamara Torosyan, head of the division of Foreign Relations Angelina Hovhannisyan, YIC president Artur Najaryan and Project manager Mariam Gharagyozyan.

During the meeting strategic directions of the organization, implemented and current projects were presented. It was discussed to cooperate in the frames of development of Armenian National Youth Policy, institute of youth work and youth-centred approach.

The introduction and recognition of open youth work model in Armenia with the joint efforts of State and NGO was highlighted which can greatly contribute to the professional recognition of the youth worker and the continuous development of the field.

Later the mission, activities and achievements of the Info Centre for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Programmes in Armenia were presented.

To see the full material, press  

The work of the "Gyumri Youth House" continues again on online platforms, as a result of which the center's thematic workshops, English speaking and Russian language clubs continue.

During the thematic weeks informative photos, videos and articles are constantly published.

The week of the Victories was entirely dedicated to the May Victories and the heroes, within the framework of which a live was carried out on YouTube with Argishti Mekhakyan, the son of the hero of the Artsakh liberation war, Mekhak Mekhakyan, a member of the National Assembly, YIC member.

The dance week ended with the publication of various dance styles, cultural dances and interesting facts about dance.

Within the framework of the International Museum Day, a number of world-famous museums with their history and cultural values were discovered.

May ended with a week of situational self-defense, where the rules of security and the art of self-defense were introduced.

In the final part of each week youngsters of ‘'Gyumri Youth House'' beautified the spring mood of May with their videos and photos.




The week of children's rights protection was entirely dedicated to the rights and responsibilities of children, as well as traditional childhood games. At the end of the week interesting memories were presented by children who celebrated June 1, 2019 at "Gyumri Youth House".

During the "Tour in Armenia" week the dialects of different regions of Armenia were welcomed and the sights were presented discovering beautiful and interesting places to visit in Armenia. The report of the center's first half activity was presented through a video and an infographics. We will come back soon with new and interesting ideas.
Have a great weekend.


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