
Archive for the ‘Newspaper’ Category

Bryant walks

In cycling, Michael Bryant, Newspaper on May 29, 2010 at 3:31 pm

Attorney General, Michael Bryant, driving a convertible Saab, crossed paths with Darcy Allan Sheppard, a bike courier.  Sheppard died after slamming into a fire hydrant while hanging onto Bryant’s car.

Here’s the thing that slays me – Bryant kept his foot on the accelerator while Sheppard hung onto the car, and, in a panic, he drove into oncoming traffic.  If it was anyone else driving that car, they would’ve gotten at least a dangerous driving conviction.  But not Bryant.

We don’t know what really happened that started the altercation, Sheppard isn’t alive to defend himself.  We have Bryant’s explanation of events, and the numerous stories and a few pictures of Sheppard being aggressive with another driver.  When I first read those stories and saw those pictures in the Star, I admit I thought that perhaps Sheppard was maybe a little deserving of his fate – he sounded, and looked, like a mad-man.

And then I read the article in Now Magazine I didn’t know that Sheppard’s actions involving other motorists should  have little or no bearing.  It should be about whether Bryant’s actions that night were justified.  I don’t think they were.  I think Bryant should’ve stopped the car instead of running away and hiding behind his, obviously very effective, PR firm.

If Bryant is still considered a possible candidate for politics in this country, as Coyle suggests in his article in the Star, then we’re in serious trouble.

This entire case stinks.  I’m just so disappointed, disgusted, and sad.

Where ARE all the women?

In Afghan War, Newspaper, PM, Women on May 21, 2010 at 6:34 pm

Apparently the issue of female researchers being completely shut out of federal funding is only full front page news when Stephen Lewis voices his disgust. (Where are all our women MPs and leaders? Why aren’t they speaking out?)

Fun Fact: The Toronto Star originally ran this story on page A6 on the same day that the front page was splashed with images of Harper rocking out with Bryan Adams (May 19).

Here’s the thing about the funding – apparently there are very few women in senior positions in science research, hence the funding was given to all men.  Why there are few women in senior positions isn’t entirely explained, but there are guesses about women having to raise families and the highly competitive arena.  I guess there’s no need to address these underlying issues…

One other thing that nobody is talking about is where the research grants are going toward – interestingly enough most of them for water, arctic and oil sands research.

So from all this we can surmise that Stephen Harper is systematically sabotaging women’s status – from removing the word “equality” from the Status of Women mandate, promoting the idea that feminisim is dead and that women’s issues have been solved, and the latest move toward anit-abortion sentiments – and that he’s desperately looking for oil in the arctic, at a time when we should be moving toward environmentally sound choices.  Why isn’t this stuff being discussed in the media?

In other news, regarding Canada’s exit strategy for Afghanistan, I noticed this caption in the Toronto Star on A8:  “Exit plan flexible if election called” – I guess if a new government were to be formed in a snap election, this “could result in an adjustment in Canadian Forces direction”. Huh –  does that mean one of the parties is thinking that all this talk about exit strategy is just talk, and they actually mean for us to stay there? Scary stuff, considering that exiting Afghanistan was one of the promises that Harper made when he took office.  But I guess we know what promises are made of in our PMO, don’t we?

Why is the press so upset about a publication ban?

In Newspaper on May 20, 2010 at 5:12 pm

Tori Stafford was 8 years old when she was abducted and murdered, her body found months later.  The story made headlines for months last spring, sordid details of drug abuse and small town gossip keeping the story alive.  The murder trials are currently making their way through the courts.  The Toronto Star has been openly expressing its opposition to a highly restrictive publication ban imposed by Ontario Superior Court Justice Dougald McDermid.  We don’t know why  there is a ban exactly, but we can certainly guess.

Publication bans are usually used when the safety or reputation of a victim or witness may be hindered.  Bans are also commonly used in cases when the crime involves minors or is sexual in nature.

I’m guessing, as most Canadians are, that the crime was sexual in nature, otherwise why the ban?

The question is this: do I really need to see and hear proof that Tori was sexually molested and then murdered? Is this really in the public interest to know? How about Tori’s family? Do they need these details to be front page news?

The media’s outrage has nothing to do with the truth, or getting it accurate or right. It’s about losing the opportunity to splash a scandalous and illicit headline.  It’s about the bottom line.

If The Star really felt strongly about publication bans, why didn’t they run a front page editorial arguing against the publication ban of the Gomery Inquiry and the sponsorship scandal?

I guess old white guys stealing money from the public purse was not in the public interest, but the details of Tori’s  murder is.

Read the Star article here

Harper rocks out?

In Newspaper, PM on May 19, 2010 at 3:55 pm

What’s with the front page of the Toronto Star today?

Just above the fold, below the headline of yet another Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan, there’s a photo of Harper “rocking out” (i.e. playing the piano) with Bryan Adams and a second photo with his arm wrapped around Chad Kroeger of Nickelback  (worst band ever).  Am I supposed to be convinced that Harper has  swapped his sweater-vest for rock n roll?

Aside from how ridiculous this entire story is, why is it front page news exactly?–bryan-adams-jams-with-stephen-harper