Anton Chekhov | Biography Of Anton Chekhov | Anton chekhov works | Anton chekhov short stories | Anton chekhov article | Anton chekhov writing style | Anton chekhov quotes | Anton chekhov books | Anton chekhov plays | Anton chekhov education |

Anton Chekhov was a Russian physician, author and playwright. He is considered to be among the greatest writers of short stories in history. He was born on January 29, 1860 in Taganrog, Russia and he died on July 15, 1904 in Badenweiler in Germany. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is well known for his plays and short stories. He gave his readers insights into the lives of men and women of his time. Sometimes he laughed at their ways. But the laughter was always warm and gentle, and never meant to hurt, even as it made its point through gentle satire. He presented a realistic world in which he studied people's lives, in particular the motives and reasoning that were never out in the open, but always played just below the surface. He allowed the reader to sense the mood in little everyday details and whimsical patterns.
Anton Chekhov
Constantin Stanislavski, actor and theatre director, who went on to produce Choy's plays, observed: "Chekhov often expressed his thoughts not in speeches ut in pauses or between the lines or in replies consisting of a single word . the characters often feel and think things not expressed in the lines they speak." The Cherry Orchard, The Seagull, Uncle Vanya and Three Sisters are among his best Gooseberries and The Duel stand out among his short stories.

Together with Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy, Chekhov represents Russia's greatest writers. Henrik Ibsen (Norwegian playwright), August Strindberg (Swedish playwright and novelist), James Joyce (Irish novelist), Virginia Woolf(British novelist), Katherine Mansfield(short story writer from New Zealand). Eugene O'Neill (American playwright) and George Bernard Shaw (Irish playwright) were among the contemporaries of Chekhov.

Chekhov was a practising physician who first took to writing sketches of Russian life in newspapers and magazines in order to support his family.

The Proposal is a one-act play. It was originally written in Russian. It was first performed in 1890. The play uses farce to laugh at society that believed marriage would bring about economic stability. Nothing else mattered-not personal desires, likes or dislikes! The play has three characters. Lomov is in his mid-thirties. He c work himself up into extreme states of anxiety! Chubukov is in his seventies and worries about his wealth and his daughter! Natalya is twenty-five, spirited, proud and stubborn. The play is set in the rural countryside of Russia.

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