Cloud Architecture Trends To Watch Out For In The Future

Marketing Team Cloud Security Expert - CloudCodes Software
  • February 5th, 2021

As we all know that the common and trending benefits of using cloud computing technology are business agility, efficiencies, scalability, and money savings. Apart from all these, the most important advantage of using the online platform is that ‘it does not demand any significant amount of capital investment upfront.’ In this CloudCodes post, we are going to update our regular blog readers with future cloud architecture trends. This will enhance their knowledge regarding online technology and enable them to enforce cloud security measures accordingly.

The Popularity of Cloud Computing and Cloud Architecture Trends

Nowadays the tech gaming pattern has completely changed! With the emergence of the internet overall platforms, the advancement in computing and product development procedures is now entirely digitized. Now anyone can use the globe’s best technology just while sitting in one place – either at home or anywhere else. Starting from small businesses to large enterprises, all firms are shifting their work from traditional storage architecture to off-premises storage locations. The technology of cloud computing relies on the hardware and software’s virtualization for its service-oriented infrastructure and multiple other add-on services.

Either you desire to backup, store, retrieve back information, create new apps and services, host blogs and websites, provide product on-demand, analyze the data for patterns, streamline audio and video, and assume predictions like never ever before, use of some of the primitive online services like SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS, is worthwhile considering. Furthermore, in the upcoming section, we would like to through some light on cloud architecture trends, which had shown a profound impact that cannot be seen by global users worldwide.

Future Cloud Architecture Trends

  • Consolidating 5G Has Issues – The integration of 5G cellular and cloud technologies could result in more capacity and operation on IoT (Internet of Things) machines. 5G technology comprises an architecture, which renders faster connections for the mobile service, enables network clients to upload large-sized video files more quickly, reduces the buffering time while seeing movies, and connect more electronic devices with the internet. But, take a pause! There are four major problems with this combination of cloud architecture and cloud computing trends.
    1. The first problem is a financial issue because it is too much expensive for a network to convert itself into 5G services.
    2. The second issue is associated with the political problems because US FCC has removed the regulations that provide internet neutrally.
    3. The third one also is a political issue where there is a battle in between U.S. and China. The purpose of this battle is to decide which of the 2 countries will prevail in 5G.
    4. The last and the fourth one is a health and environment-related problems. The wireless radiations coming out from 5G networks can lead to cancer among a large number of human beings.
  • Quantum Computing – After surveying the services offered by the biggest CSPs like Microsoft Azure Cloud, AWS, IBM, and GCP, it seems as if in the year 2021, these service providers are going to render bigger, enhanced, and brighter prospects. This point of quantum computing is actually a new topic for talks in today’s town, which is assumed to take place as a science material, mathematically, etc. Very soon, we will be capable of optimizing complex machines through human-like communication and develop better financial infrastructure.
  • Hybrid Cloud Security SolutionsThis point in cloud architecture and cloud computing trends is not new these days. Hybrid cloud infrastructure will conquer the enterprise world because of some common reasons like strength and freedom. After consolidating private as well as public cloud, customers can move data and application in to and fro motion without any complications. A hybrid platform ensures the transition risk and hence, reduces overall cost. For example – If someone desires to organize projects like email advertisement, then the public cloud platform is the best option for the same; But, if someone wants to carry private operations like financial report creation, a private cloud is a perfect place for him or her.
  • Artificial Intelligence Cloud – One of the most significant uses of AI is to create big data in large enterprises. Collecting the business intelligence, rendering a clear understanding of methods with which business works – are some of the important enhancements offered by this technology. In comparison with the traditional framework, artificial intelligence platforms perform operations in a more effective and intelligent manner. Following listed are the capabilities that can be seen in this cloud architecture and cloud computing trend:
    1. More effective, efficient, and faster method to integrate with data scientists.
    2. Automate the daily operation and hence, reduces the labor’s extra workload.
    3. Support the data governance standards to ensure data security all the time.

Observational Verdict

Several business owners are taking pride in overseeing each and every aspect of their enterprise. But, in some unfortunate situations, things can hamper productivity and the firm’s reputation in the marketplace. The occurrence of these unfortunate conditions turns cloud computing into a viable option. The cloud architecture and cloud computing trends are to change the working pattern in businesses and make it faster than ever. Still, it is essential for users of cloud infrastructures to be balanced with proper cloud security standards and backup measures to secure their data from data breaches or cyber-attacks.

