The Big Mysteries and Thrillers of Fall

Posted by Cybil on September 25, 2020

It’s time to turn your attention to something dark and twisty, to a story (or two or three) so engaging, the pages just fly by. In short, it’s time to lose yourself in an utterly engrossing new mystery or thriller.

To assist you in finding your next whodunit, we looked through our data to discover the most anticipated mysteries and thrillers through the end of the year. These are the books your fellow readers cannot wait to get their hands on, with new novels from some of the most exciting writers in the genre, including Tana French, Ruth Ware, James Patterson, and Louise Penny.

Which mysteries and thrillers are you reading? Share them with us in the comments!

Check out more recent articles:
The Big Books of Fall
Readers’ Top Histories and Biographies of the Last 5 Years
9 Books that Goodreads Editors Highly Recommend

Comments Showing 1-22 of 22 (22 new)

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message 1: by Megan (new)

Megan I'm almost done with When No One is Watching. It's pretty good but not my favorite so far this year. I do love the premise of it; it really makes you think about racial disparities in our country.

message 2: by Jayne (new)

Jayne My favorite mystery reads of Summer 2020 were:
1) "Pretty Things" by Janelle Brown
2) "A Good Marriage" by Kimberly Mccreight
3) "The End of Her" by Shari Lapena
4) "One in Three" by Tess Stimson

I read 2-3 books/week and all of my "favs" listed were "OMG!" amazing and took "mystery thrillers" to exciting new levels.

On the above "Fall Mystery" list, I have only read Wendy Walker's new book and I was disappointed. (I am a huge Wendy Walker fan and, therefore, had high expectations). Brad Parks and Gilly MacMillan also appear on this list and are two of my "must read" authors but I have not yet read their most recent books.

If anyone shares my "likes", please, please, please share your "must reads" with me.


message 3: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Megan wrote: "I'm almost done with When No One is Watching. It's pretty good but not my favorite so far this year. I do love the premise of it; it really makes you think about racial disparities in our country."
I just finished it and agree with you. I think it brings to light some very important issues, especially in today's climate. It was only a so so book for me overall though.

message 4: by Bloss ♡ (new)

Bloss ♡ Louise Penny ♡

Her books are wonderful!

message 5: by Glenda (new)

Glenda Nelms I'm looking forward to reading And now She's gone, don't look for me, the moonflower murders and goodnight beautiful. I have read Alyssa Cole's book recently, it was an interesting thriller with social commentary.

message 6: by Peggy (new)

Peggy Just picked up Louise Penny's latest from the library. I've read them all, and loved every one of them.

message 7: by Helen (last edited Oct 09, 2020 10:53AM) (new)

Helen Arutyunyants There is presently only one thing that makes me curious about this list of book - why do cover designers think that sans serif fonts go well with thrillers? I don't mean that's the worst choice of fonts, just curious. )))

message 8: by Jim (new)

Jim "Moonflower Murders" better exceed the shite that was "Magpie Murders", Mr. Horowitz!

message 9: by Becca (new)

Becca New Brad Parks??? How exciting!

message 10: by Sohnia (new)

Sohnia Omg The Dirty South by John Connolly needs to be on here.

message 11: by Maggie (new)

Maggie I am obsessed with John Marrs, I am on my 7th consecutive novel. He has a wonderful way of bringing his stories to a very dark and twisty ending. Check him out.

message 12: by Maggie (new)

Maggie Aduol Wonderful. Looking forward to reading most of these books.

message 13: by Susan (new)

Susan Hamilton Just finished True Story by Kate Reed Petty. Very original! Also liked He Started It by Samantha Downey.

message 14: by Pam (new)

Pam Megan wrote: "I'm almost done with When No One is Watching. It's pretty good but not my favorite so far this year. I do love the premise of it; it really makes you think about racial disparities in our country."

I am having a hard time getting into this book. So many great books this year. Is it worth pushing through? thx!

message 15: by Karen (new)

Karen My TBR list just got even longer.

message 16: by Louis (new)

Louis Del Let’s not forget Mary Higgins Clark last book “ piece of my heart” out nov 17!!! She will live on in her work forever!!

message 17: by Marie (new)

Marie Piry Just finished reading Green Haven, a novel by Luca DiMatteo. I just couldn't put it down. I had to know who did it. Every chapter comes back to mean something in the end. A wonderful read.

message 18: by Cassie (new)

Cassie Krueger Helen wrote: "There is presently only one thing that makes me curious about this lost of book - why do cover designers think that sans serif fonts go well with thrillers? I don't mean that's the worst choice of ..."

Have you read Just My Type by Simon Garfield? I have never seen a book review comment on the font of the covers!!! Love it.

message 19: by Anusha (new)

Anusha Hi .Just want to translate one of these. Need your support.


message 20: by Erwin (new)

Erwin Wallpaper Need a film adaptation for that

message 21: by Shirley (last edited Feb 13, 2021 05:39AM) (new)

Shirley Helen wrote: "There is presently only one thing that makes me curious about this list of book - why do cover designers think that sans serif fonts go well with thrillers? I don't mean that's the worst choice of ..."

I think because san serif fonts draw attention. They make your brain think that this is something important and you need to stop and look again, therefore popularly used in thrillers or mystery book covers. Serif fonts or cursive fonts usually work where you want to highlight happy feelings, eg. romances or fantasy.

message 22: by Helen (new)

Helen Arutyunyants Shirley wrote: "I think because san serif fonts draw attention. They make your brain think that this is something important and you need to stop and look ag..."
It's so interesting to find out how different people's associations are. )) For example, for me these particular styles of sans fonts are strongly associated with boring and overly pretentious pop science books. )))) Like you know "1000 things you didn't know about your brain" and "1000 facts about everything" and "Succeed in your chosen profession in 1 day" ))))
Surest way not to attract my attention.
Besides, I suppose you have noticed as well that not only do they use sans fonts, but they use almost the same kind of sans fonts - with "o" being a perfect circle and so on... It wasn't so much the use of sans fonts , but the use of the same style of them that struck me. ))))

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