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Course Creator Canvas - 12+ Notion frameworks to design your niche, course & offer | Product Hunt

Create your personal niche of one.

Get there faster with a map.

10 day plan

Create your course in 10 days with the easy to follow schedule.

Your Origin Problem

Every hero has a beginning. Let's get clear on the problem you solve and how that aligns with your origin story.

Your POV

Articulate how you see the world “differently” from other “experts” and why it matters for your customer, so you can avoid competing with other courses.

Customer Quadrant

Define who is the best customer for your course, who is not and how you will attract them.

Course Outline Builder

Get 100% clear on what you should teach, what your process is, and how to structure your course.

Top Outcome Finder

Position your course around a clear and measurable outcome that will capture the attention of your customer.

6F Messaging

Quickly design messaging for your course that is clear and persuasive.

Brand Your Ideas

Turn your ideas into branded solutions to quickly increase your authority.

Produce Your Course

Create your slides and record videos for your course with ease, even if you are camera-shy and not tech-savvy.

Course Pricing Matrix

Pick a price you feel confident about for your course.

Course Offer Design

Transform your ideas, research and POV into an offer your ideal customer can’t refuse.

Assemble Your Sales Copy

Bring all of your ideas and research together on your sales page to start monetizing your ideas.

👍Built in Notion

Brainstorm, outline, and build your course right inside Notion.

🧩 Save Time

Hit the ground running with easy-to-edit templates for your course slides, headlines, sales page, and more.

🪴Grows With You

Use the Course Creator Canvas (CCC) to create your first course or refine an existing one.

Create a simple outline

for your course.

Turn your course outline

into an offer people

can't resist.

Harness the infinite leverage of the internet.

Create your course outline today.


Get paid for your ideas. Not your time.

Create your niche, course, and offer in 10 days inside.

  • Your Origin Problem - Get clear on the problem you solve and how that aligns with your origin story.
  • Your POV - Articulate how you see the world “differently” from other “experts” and why it matters for your customer, so you can avoid competing with other courses.
  • Customer Quadrant - Define the best customer for your course and how you will attract them.
  • Course Outline Builder - Get 100% clear on what you should teach, your process, and how to structure your course.
  • Top Outcome Finder - Position your course around a clear and measurable outcome that will capture your customer's attention.
  • 6F Messaging - Quickly design messaging for your course that is clear and persuasive.
  • Brand Your Ideas - Turn your ideas into branded solutions to quickly increase your authority.
  • Updates - Access future updates to the Course Creator Canvas.
  • Free Course Review Call - Get your free 1:1 phone call to review your course idea so you can make progress faster.

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