6 Tips for a Successful Virtual Whiskey Wednesday

The chances are good that your old whiskey buddies have spread out across the country since college. No matter the reason, you might want to get together weekly to have a virtual whiskey Wednesday. You can class it up, have an hour of catching up, drink whiskey from custom whiskey glasses with a group logo, and have fun with your friends, no matter how far away they might be. Here are steps you can take to ensure your whiskey Wednesday is successful.

Custom Whiskey Glasses
Start with Logistics

The first step might be the trickiest. You need to decide on a day and time; Wednesday isn’t required. After you have a day of the week and a time where everyone can take an hour to sit down, you will need to decide which video service to use. Popular options include Google, Zoom, Skype, and FaceTime. Using a grid view lets you see everyone at once instead of just who is currently talking.

Keep the Group Small

A smaller group makes it easier for people to talk, creating a more intimate, tight-knit atmosphere. Having more than eight or ten people makes conversations a challenge, and it can turn into chaos. Plus, the larger the group, the more it can strain the network or individual group members’ connections.

Pick a Specific Whiskey or Cocktail

The big question: What are you putting in your group’s custom engraved glasses? You can choose a whiskey cocktail, like the old fashioned, gold rush, whiskey sour, or Manhattan. Alternatively, you can pick a specific whiskey you all have access to. This likely means that not everyone will get to enjoy a finger or two of W.L. Weller together virtually, but something more common is fair game. Plus, in custom engraved glasses, it will still feel like a top-shelf whiskey.

Dress Up

It’s easy to throw on a shirt like you just rolled out of bed for a virtual get-together. But for a whiskey Wednesday, it’s time to put in the effort. Wear a collared shirt and maybe a loose tie, or put on a blazer over a graphic tee. Try to class it up a bit to match the elegance of the glasses etched with your monogram, nickname, or group logo. After all, you are trying to impress your friends.

Plan and Lead the Conversation

After pleasantries, an hour can seem like a lot of time. Plan a few light subjects to discuss. What have your friends done for fun in the last week? What about movies and TV? It’s good to have someone who can keep conversation fun and moving, essentially acting as a moderator.

To Theme or Not to Theme

Finally, you can have theme nights. Thanks to modern technology, it’s possible to synchronize movies and have a virtual watch party to go with the whiskey. You can have a book club or combine video games and whiskey.

About Crystal Imagery

In 2000, making custom engraved glasses was a hobby for Eric Schuchart. The seed of Crystal Imagery started growing when he made deeply engraved gifts for his friends and family. The gift receivers raved about his work, and in 2013, Crystal Imagery was incorporated. Sherri Blum joined as a business partner and co-founder, and the company kept growing. The company expanded in three years from a modest garage to a full 10,000 square-foot facility. Crystal Imagery uses a unique deep carving technique that creates a 3D relief in the glass that you can feel. Traditional laser or rotary etching simply don’t compare. The method adds depth and shadow to glass products, more than a surface etching. Crystal Imagery’s products include personalized whiskey glasses, Glencairn glasses, Nick and Nora glasses, champagne flutes, decanters, flasks, and more. Add personalized elegance to your home bar or give a unique gift with Crystal Imagery.

Get custom whiskey glasses for your whiskey Wednesday at https://crystalimagery.com/


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