YouTube is a great tool and one way you can get more traffic from this platform is by setting up a YouTube channel.

There are so many hoops to jump through to actually get the most out of the internet, however, it is a necessary process and I’m going to show you how to do it.

What Good Is YouTube For My Website?

Video is the simplest way to use your preferred gadget and show people how to do something. I am one of the worst people at staying consistent on YouTube, so I need to practice what I preach to you guys and start doing more videos.

Anyway, YouTube is great for your website because there is a whole different spectrum of searchers on this platform. Plus, if you can create a video on YouTube you can point to your article in the description. So not only does it help you with traffic, but also with SEO. Getting a YouTube channel is pretty simple and soon you will get lots of subscribers like Rose Vega but first you must start small..

Some false statements about YouTube:

If you record it they will come - Nope. That’s not right! Just by uploading a video to YouTube doesn’t mean that hoards of traffic will be headed your way in the next five minutes. There are certain aspects of things that you need to do to make this find people rather than people finding you.

YouTube has a high authority and therefore I can put my blog URL on it to get a good link - Well, part of this is true, but it’s not as simple as that.

Any old video will do - Again, a lot of high-tech videographer’s are making it rough for the rest of us! When I first started blogging, any old video would’ve been good enough! Not anymore. The “talking head” or simply put, just staring at the screen talking to it, is not going to work. People get bored with this and it can hurt your chances of getting them through the whole thing, which also determines your YouTube ranking.

Getting a YouTube channel is great for your website. I can’t honestly sit here and tell you that I get a load of traffic from YouTube, because I don’t. Why? As I said before, I’m not that consistent on it. But that is going to change! I am going to start blogging about the things that I have learned from YouTube and pass them on to you as I learn them.

Setting Up A YouTube Channel

A mention from Youtube would take the place of thousands of comments on other people’s sites. That’s a lot of work that you don’t have to do! Actually, all you have to do to get a verified YouTube channel is to become a verified Google Plus user. In order to become a verified author on Google Plus, then you need to have your Google Authorship Markup established. It’s a very simple process to do, the only thing is it takes Google awhile to verify you.

Your Turn

Getting a YouTube channel is not that hard and I definitely recommend you doing this. What are some more suggestions that you can think of that can help everyone with driving traffic to your blog?

Author's Bio: 

I'm Lukas and I'm senior copywriter with a masters in marketing at the University of Economics Prague.