Vorgeschlagene Ressourcen


Sell from anywhere to anywhere with International.

Setting up transit time for your flat shipping rates

Learn how to set up transit time for your flat shipping rates and display them to your customers at checkout.

EU tax reference

General summary of EU tax regulations and rates.

Supported POS hardware

Choose supported hardware to meet your Shopify POS needs.

International domains

International domains can help you sell in specific countries or regions by creating shopping experiences in local languages and currencies.

International transfers of personal data

Learn about how Shopify manages international transfers of personal data.

Shopify Payments FAQ

Find answers to common questions about Shopify Payments.

Consumer protection laws

When you sell products through Shopify, you need to comply with the consumer protection laws and regulations that apply to your business. Consumer protection laws promote consumer rights and public safety. These laws and regulations depend on the region where your store is located and the region where you sell.

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