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Discipline & Consequences Boot Camp

less conflict, better behavior, more connection

Are you tired of constantly butting heads with your teen or tween?

Are you tired of backing yourself into a corner, lecturing, yelling, arguing, or punishing?




Hey There.

I'm Ann Coleman and I've been right where you are. It was bad. It was out of control. And I had no clue how to make things better. When I finally figured it out - holy cow, out lives changed!

Once someone pointed me in the right direction, I used my skills as an attorney (studying, questioning, researching, writing) and emersed myself in the science of parenting teens. That was almost 4 1/2 years ago and I've now helped scores of moms through social media and my podcast, Speaking of Teens.
Now, I'm here to help you avoid the mistakes I made and build a stronger relationship with your teen or tween, while decreasing the conflict.
You can enjoy your kid again!


Being less frustrated by your teen's behavior
Knowing what to do and say when behavior issues come up
Being able to disagree and find a peaceful solution
Less anger, resentment and rebellion
Less anxiety, confusion and self-doubt
More peace, connection and confidence 

I'm telling you, it's possible.

Just a few years ago our teenage son was spiraling out of control. His emotions were off the charts, our home was in constant turmoil, he was acting out in ways that got him in trouble at school, at home, and in the community.
But we figured out how to turn things around and find peace and connection with our son again. And so can you.

You can stop worrying.
You can have a better relationship with your teen.
You can find peace and connection again.
Their behavior can change.
I'll help you.


You will have new-found empathy for your teen which will allow you to manage your expectations and better regulate your emotions regarding their behavior.

You will have adjusted the power dynamic between you and your teen so they will have more space to grow.

You will have updated your overall discipline goals for your teen, so you'll be able to teach them the skills they need for adulthood.

You will have a step-by-step framework for setting rules and making decisions so you can keep them safe while also giving them age-appropriate freedom.

You will have a step-by-step framework for dealing with challenging behaviors and broken rules that will decrease reminders and "consequences."

You will better understand how to utilize consequences correctly, when and if they are needed at all.

For a Total Investment of $97 (Founder's Price)
Here's What You'll Get in the Boot Camp:

Weekly Live Q&A and Lifetime Access

We'll meet up virtually every week for 6 weeks for a live group meeting (or private if you prefer) so you can ask questions and support each other. Plus, you'll get access to the course from now on!

Learning Choices

Each lesson is provided in video, audio, and printable version to fit your learning style. Most lessons are no longer than 8 minutes and have downloadable pdfs to reinforce your learning and guide your practice.

Sections 1 & 2

In the first half of the course we'll focus on learning about your teen, shifting your mindset and grasping the secrets to teen discipline (without all the arguments and constant conflict.)  

Sections 3 & 4

In the second half of the course we'll focus on the steps for making decisions, rules, and consequences. It's as close as you'll come to a magic formula for working through these issues with your teen.

I've also built in these BONUSES

I don't want you to ever feel like you're not supported in this effort with your teens. I've got ya'!

Online Community

There's a community portal built right into the Boot Camp site. You can talk to me and other moms any time if you  have a question or just need some hand-holding or reassurance.

Printable Mind Maps

I KNOW how hard it is to remember what to say or do in the heat of the moment. Print out the mind maps, tack them up and let them show you the way any time you need them.

Emotion Exercise

It's far too easy to let emotion get in the way of our best intentions. I have an exercise that will help bring them to the front so you can slap them aside when you need to.

You Know What?
This Works Even Better If Both Parents "Get It".
Bring Them Along, (at no charge) PLEASE!

You can both access the lessons and the downloads. I want you to be on the same page if at all possible.
But even if that's not in the cards, it's okay. Scientific research shows that even if one parent is using
parenting "best practices", it can make all the difference in the world for the kids.

The Bottom Line is, this BOOT CAMP will...

Give you the tools, the mindset and
the confidence to discipline your teen while
enhancing your connection with them, so you can positively influence their life and their behavior and bring peace back to your home!


If, after you finish the BOOT CAMP and implement the strategies and tactics I teach you, if you don't see the changes you'd hoped for between you and your teen within 6 weeks of course launch, I will happily refund your money!

If you think the podcast is good...
you're gonna' flip over the boot camp!

 "I really, really find your podcast extremely useful. I have been to sessions with counselors and psychologists and have gained much more value from your podcasts and your great social posts (which I have shared with 
many other parents!)."

Speaking of Teens Listener

 "...I found your podcast episode 7, which I had obviously downloaded sometime in the past 'just in case.' Well, we are there now and this episode was perfect. I really needed the exact information you gave about the different options and how they work...I'm super grateful, 
thank you so much." 

Speaking of Teens Listener

 ", so much important information for caregivers of teens. Thank you again, for your support and for being an agent of help and hope for families struggling with their own teens. 
Sincerely grateful." 

Speaking of Teens Listener

 "Over the past three days, I have been binging your podcast, just finished with episode 14 and will get all caught up in a couple of days. It's wonderful what you are doing and what you are willing to give away for free. I just wanted to thank you! Warrior On!"

Speaking of Teens Listener


Don't let the power struggles take over your life. Learn to work with your teenager as a team and get their buy-in for the rules and boundaries. Discipline can be a peaceful, supportive, and cooperative endeavor, if you have the right skills. You can do this!