Mine Your
First Crypto
In Just 4 Hours

No equipment needed
No battery or CPU drainage
Fast and risk-free
Register with StormGain
Install the award-winning app or register on your desktop. Open your account in less than 5 seconds with StormGain's fast registration and get your +5 USDT bonus to your Miner account balance.
Activate Miner
Open the Cloud Miner section, tap "Activate", and automatically connect to our cloud servers. The process doesn't use your phone's or desktop CPU.
Get Coins
Into Your Account
Get your first crypto to your wallet in 4 hours. Trade it or exchange it to maximize your profit.

How long will it take to mine 1 Bitcoin?

It takes exactly 4 hours to get a single mining reward. After you've mined the equivalent of at least 10 USDT in Bitcoin, click the Withdraw button. We'll credit the profit as a trading bonus to your account in 72 hours.

Do I have to install any software to mine Bitcoin?

With StormGain, you can mine Bitcoin for free using your phone. All users who have an account can mine Bitcoin and trade it. If you don't have an account, you can still download the app from Apple's App Store or Google Play, register and start mining.

What are the loyalty program statuses? Do they affect my mining speed?

Your loyalty programme status is related to your trading volume and determines the mining speed available to you. The higher your loyalty status level and trading volume are, the faster you can mine.

What are trading bonuses?

A trading bonus is a virtual currency that exists exclusively on StormGain. It can be used to increase your available funds and improve your trading profits. That's why the higher your trading volume is, the faster you can mine.

What can I gain by mining Bitcoin with StormGain?

Mining free Bitcoin is a great opportunity for those who want to add funds to their accounts for free and then trade with them. Not only is it easy to do, but it also doesn't drain resources from your devices, resulting in positive pays for our clients.

Why Bitcoin miner legit?

StormGain is an app that offers free in-app BTC mining to use for trading on the platform, ensuring that this process is legitimate. StormGain is also a Member of the Blockchain Association of the Financial Commission, which provides a secure and completely reliable trading platform.

All-in-One Platform
StormGain is a trusted all-in-one crypto platform. Get everything you need to earn on crypto in one place.
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