[D09] Demo: Changes Announcement

News: Demo & Discord

Over the past months, our game has grown bigger and more ambitious, way beyond the initial concept of a plain highscore arena shooter. In fact, CACTUS has turned into a full singleplayer campaign, based on a linear level progression that is tied together by a story in a coherent universe.

And tell you what? We would really love to go further down this road, because we think that this type of FPS hasn’t received much love from the big players in the industry lately. We also feel encouraged due to inspiring examples in the indie scene that paved the way for a new FPS renaissance.

If we want to deliver this bigger game, we need a strong partner. And in the case of established publishers, that means we can’t publicly release the demo before negotiations took place. However, you’ll still be able to play it and be a part of its evolution.

Tap Here to join our newly founded Discord server. You’ll get behind-the-scenes content and a direct wire to our whole team. In addition, all members have a chance to be selected as testers, have influence on the course of development and be included in the credits (of course, you may freely choose between your real name or nickname).

We're looking forward to many new faces and enjoyable discussions.

So don’t be stranger and come say hello to us!

CACTUS Lizard Enemies
Me and the boys ready to test CACTUS.

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