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Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Treatment and Use of Sewage Effluent and Sludge for

Irrigation: A Review
F.G. Ngasoh1, A. A. Ahmadu2 Herbertson G. Lingbuin
Department of Agricultural and Bioresources Engineering, Department of Agricultural Education,
Taraba State University College of Education
Jalingo, Nigeria Zing, Nigeria

Abstract:- Irrigation with sewage effluent has potential rate has caused farmers to search for alternative sources such
benefits to farmers which cannot be over emphasised. as the use of wastewater due to its availability (see Fig. 1)
But continual irrigation with wastewater over a long and the nutrient found in it.
period results to accumulation of heavy metals which
perils the growth of plants and overtime affect the
groundwater as well quality, and also impact human
health through the transfer of diseases pathogens when
used to irrigate vegetable crops. This paper reviewed the
treatment and use of sewage effluent for irrigation to
sustain agricultural production. The research indicated
that there are two sources of sewage effluent; point and
non-point sources and there are three basic methods of
treatment technology which includes wetland method,
treatment plant method and land application method. It
further noted that in the treatment of sewage sludge and
effluent, the following irrigation water quality should be
taken into consideration; pH, salinity level, SAR, CEC
level, BOD, COD, TSS, TKN, TP and other heavy metals
Fig 1: Freshwater extractions for agricultural use in the year
concentration in the water to minimize the
2000 and countries reporting the use of wastewater for
environmental and health impacts imposed by the use of
irrigation [5]
sewage effluent and sludge for irrigation.
As the freshwater get scarcer, world health
Keywords:- Sewage Effluent, Sources, Treatment, Irrigation
organisation in 2004 reported that an estimation of more
than 10% of the world population consumes foods irrigated
with wastewater [2] and projected global water demand
I. INTRODUCTION from 2000 to 2050 as presented in Fig. 2. The Figure
indicates that out of the total global water demand, irrigation
Rain-fed agriculture has been the major practices
consumes approximately half of the demand. Also taking
carried out around the world with the aim of increasing food,
into consideration the trend of irrigation water used as
fuel, and fibre production, but its focus tends to fail during
presented by Siebert & Doll, [7] in the past decades (Fig.3),
dry season [1]. This failure in archiving the rain-fed
the demand for irrigation water increases as time goes on.
agriculture is perhaps augmented by irrigation practices.
Therefore, need for additional sources is global concern.
Research has indicated that just about 1% of the total
freshwater on the globe is used by human and for enterprises
and the rest percentages are accounted by irrigation of
agricultural land. Irrigation of Agricultural land being the
major consumer of the global asset, [2], [3] reported that it
accounts for four fifth of the total freshwater set aside for
human use. Another researcher reported categorically that
irrigation is accounting for 70% withdrawn freshwater and
90% consumptive use of the water [4].Therefore, irrigation
has improved the economic and standard of living in
semiarid and arid regions via increase in income and
providing sundry new opportunities for economies
development [3]. However, irrigation done with only
freshwater reduces the resource as other uses compete
alongside due to increase in human and animal population,
and enterprises that require the use of water. This dwindling Fig Error! No text of specified style in document.2:-
Global water demand in 2000 and 2050 [6]

Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
soil and groundwater are been affected on the result of long
term use of the wastewater on agricultural land for
irrigation. Secondly, health impacts- wastewater contains
pathogenic microorganism such as virus, bacterial and
parasite which cause disease to human due to variability in
the compositions [14]. Variability in composition of
wastewater components causes the imbalance and post risk
to the soil and ecosystems, plants, animals and human
beings (See Fig. 4 & 5). The composition of the non-
pathogenic components in wastewater vary over time, sites
and regions; it is necessary to monitor wastewater quality
regularly and come up with maximize benefits while
minimizing consequence of these negative impacts to make
wastewater irrigation sustainable [15]. Irrigation especially

A. Selecting a Template (Heading 2)

First, confirm that you have the correct template for
Fig 3:- Global trend of Irrigation water used [7] your paper size. This template has been tailored for output on
the A4 paper size. If you are using US letter-sized paper,
Further research indicated that approximately 330 please close this file and download the file
km3yr-1 of municipal wastewater is globally generated. This “MSW_USltr_format”.
would hypothetical findings can be sufficient to irrigate and
fertilize millions of hectares of land for crop production and B. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications
biogas to stream energy for millions of households [8]. The template is used to format your paper and style the
text. All margins, column widths, line spaces, and text fonts
Wastewater has over the years been of benefit to farmers,
most especially in integrated fish farming where the water are prescribed; please do not alter them. You may note
containing ammonia in fish pond is passed through cowpea peculiarities. For example, the head margin in this template
farm and resent back to the pond for continual usage [9]. measures proportionately more than is customary. This
Wastewater reuse for irrigation have been in existence since measurement and others are deliberate, using specifications
before the antiquity development (3200-1100 BC), that is, that anticipate your paper as one part of the entire
the Bronze Age [10]. It is therefore not a new concern. Other proceedings, and not as an independent document. Please do
benefits of wastewater recycle in agriculture includes not revise any of the current designations.
alleviating freshwater lack, provision of a drought resisting
source of water, provides nutrients (boycott fertilizer costs) crops with untreated wastewater exposes urban
increase water productivity and confers ecological benefits. residents to dangerous pathogens which include bacteria and
Wastewater is also more reliable than surface water and its parasites [6]. This paper therefore reviewed the Treatment
continual supply from treatments plants and community and use of sewage effluent and sludge for irrigation.
sources enables the farmers to cultivate multiple crops
throughout the year and raising cropping intensity and
output. Wastewater reuse and recycling of its nutrients in
agriculture can contribute towards climate change variation
and easing. An investigation showed that wastewater made
75 % of the fertilizer desires of a typical farm in Jordan.
From an economic viewpoint, wastewater irrigation of crops
under proper agronomic and water management practices
may provide the following benefits: higher yields, additional
water for irrigation and value of fertilizer saved [11]. On the
other hand, excess nutrients can also reduce crop
productivity, careful nutrient management is essential to
reduce fertilizer costs and prevent a reduction in crop yield
due to excess nutrients in wastewater [12].

 The effects of long term use of sewage effluents on the

Effects of wastewater on agricultural soil is mainly due Fig 3:- Wastewater entering a reservoir in Iran caused this
to the presence of high nutrient contents which often massive fish die-off [6]
contains high total dissolved solids (TDS) and other
constituent such as heavy metals which are added to the soil
over time [13]. Continual use of wastewater affects farmers
life in two ways; firstly it impact the environment, that is the

Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
quantity of water transpire by crop is directly proportional to
the crop yield. Therefore ECw must be at an acceptable level
to high crop yield. The total dissolved salt (TDS) in the water
is expressed in mg/litre. Eqn. 1 presents the relationship
between the ECw and TDS [18]

𝐸𝐶𝑤 (𝑑𝑆𝑚−1 )𝑋 640 = 𝑇𝐷𝑆 (𝑚𝑔𝑙−1 ) Eqn. 1

Limitation Electrical TDS Remark

for use conductivity (mg/L)
Excellent 0.25 – 0.60 160 -380 No problem
Good 0.75 480 Normal
Fair 0.76 – 1.5 486.4- 960 Trace
Moderate 1.5 -3.00 486.4 – Leaching
Fig 4:- Soil irrigated with untreated Sewage effluent 1920 required at
higher range
 Irrigation water quality standard
Severe >3.00 >1920 Good drainage
Before buttressing on wastewater treatment, the
needed and
requirements for irrigation water quality should be well
sensitive plant
understood to determine the level of treatment. It is therefore
may have
the major water quality standards that farmer needs to obtain
difficulty at
good quality of food especially vegetable and fruits. Soil
scientist and hydrologist examines the quality of irrigation
Table 1: Guideline for salinity hazard of irrigation was based
water based on the following criteria; pH, salinity hazard,
on conductivity
sodium hazard, alkalinity, other ions like sulphate, nitrate,
Source: Moderated [16]
chloride and boron, and microbial pathogens [16].
Crop 0% 10% 25% 50%
 pH 2
This is the measurement of the acidity or alkalinity of ECw
water. Different acceptable pH ranges has been reported by Barley 5.3 6.7 8.7 12
different authors [1, 2, 16, 17]. These variations are Wheat 4.0 4.9 6.4 8.7
dependent of the crop tolerance. In the most recent research, Sugarbeet3 4.7 5.8 7.5 10
pH of 6.5 to 8.4 is an excellent range for irrigation water. Alfalfa 1.3 2.2 3.6 5.9
Below 6.5 renders the environment acidic and above 8.4 Potato 1.1 1.7 2.5 3.9
results in alkalinity [18]. Alkalinity is the summation of the Corn 1.1 1.7 2.5 3.9
quantities of carbonates (CO3-), bicarbonates (HCO3-) and (grain)
hydroxide (OH-) in water. It is expressed as mg/l or meq/l Corn 1.2 2.1 3.5 5.7
[19]. The concentration of HCO3- and CO3- results to high pH (silage)
buffering in the root zone by making Ca and Mg produce Onion 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.9
soluble ions, and can be neutralized by the addition of acid Dry beans 0.7 1.0 1.5 2.4
[16, 20]. Table 2: Actual yield reduction from saline water of certain
 Salinity Hazard Sources: [16] ECw= electrical conductivity of the irrigation
This is one of the most impelling water quality water in dS/m at 25oC: 3Sensitive during germination
monitors on crops productivity. Researcher tabulated salinity therefore ECw should not exceed 3dSm-1 for garden beet
hazard based on electrical conductivity ECw as presented in sugar.
Table 1 [16]. As a result of the concentration of Na, Mg, Ca,
and SO4, electrical conductivity of water (ECw) should not be  Sodium Hazard
more than 0.5mS/cm [17, 20]. This is because 1.15dSm-1 This is a problem caused by the presence of large
ECw hold roughly 2000 pound of salt from every acre foot of amount of sodium contain in irrigation water. Any water that
water [16] which is close range with the result obtained by is in this condition is known as sodic water. Its pH value
[17] at Montana state University. Hence, when the ECw is ranges between 8.5 and 10 [2, 21]. It is expressed in sodium
higher, the ability for plant to compete for ions in the soil adsorption rate (SAR). Grey-water (effluent from bathroom,
solution will be less even when the soil is wet, which kitchen and other domestic uses) is most often sodic. This
eventually results in low yield from irrigated agriculture land. type of wastewater therefor posts risk of high sodium content
Table 2 presents the actual yield reduction when certain crops to crop grown as a result of the breakdown in soil structure if
were irrigated with water of high ECw at Colorado state used for irrigation. SAR is expressed as the ratio of sodium to
university [16]. The researcher further noted that there are square root of calcium and magnesium average as presented
other factors such as soil type, salt type, irrigation and in Eqn. 2 [16, 18, 21]
management which mitigated the yields from farm. But the

Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
𝑆𝐴𝑅 = 2 concentrated water for irrigation should be checked to

determine the kind of crop to be irrigated with.

The high sodium content problem can be reduced in the  Sulphate

water if calcium and magnesium are higher [18]. The author Sulphate (SO4) concentration in irrigation water can
noted that increase in the sodium absorption in irrigation cause harm to crops through accumulation of salts in the soil,
water may result to increase in pH in the soil and decrease in unlike boron which has fertility benefit to crops [16].
micronutrients availability. A researcher presented a standard Therefore the concentration of SO4 should be less than
for sodium hazard based on SAR value as indicated on Table 0.7mmol/litre in irrigation water [20].
 Chloride
SAR Sodium Hazard Comment Chloride is very essential in plant though in less
of water quantity due to the fact that it causes harm to sensitive crops
1-10 Low Use on sodium if the concentration is high [16]. The authors pointed out that
sensitive crops high concentration of chlorine and sodium can lead to
such as avocado burning of leaves, therefore it can be reduced by night
10-18 Medium Amendment (such irrigation. The United States environment protection agency
as gypsum) and (EPA) reported that 250mg/L is the recommended standard
leaching are for chlorine concentrated water for both irrigation and human
required consumption [24].
18-26 High Generally
unsuitable for Other parameters such as Biochemical Oxygen
continuous use Demand (BOD5), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), total
>26 Very high Generally Phosphorus (Total P), and total Nitrogen (Total N) are to be
unsuitable for use analysed to determine the quality of wastewater erstwhile to
Table 3: The sodium hazard of water based on SAR value irrigation use. Trace elements found in wastewater includes
Source:[21] arsenic, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, lead, selenium,
etc.[25] With frequent applications of sewage effluent for
Residual Sodium Carbonate - Important information to irrigation use, these trace elements tend to accumulate in the
note is residual sodium carbonate (RSC). It defines the soil surface and overtime becomes part of the soil milieus.
variation between bicarbonate and dose of Ca and Mg in They could also be accumulated in crops to a level that it
meq/litre [18]. It is calculated using Eqn. 3 [22]. For become detrimental to the health of humans, domestic
irrigation water to be considered as good for use, the value of animals, and wildlife that consume those crops. [26]
RSC should be less than 1.25 meq/litre and it is termed
harmful for irrigation if it is more than 2.5 meq/litre [18]  Wastewater and Composition
The definition of wastewater can only be well
𝑅𝑆𝐶 = (𝐶𝑂3 + 𝐻𝐶𝑂3 ) − (𝐶𝑎 + 𝑀𝑔) 3 understood if the term water is comprehensively understood.
Water is a compound that consists of molecules of hydrogen
Soluble sodium percentage - is the percentage of and oxygen. It is said to be waste when it constitute
sodium in irrigation water over the total elements in impurities such as metabolic waste either from home or
Meq/litre. It is presented as in Eqn. 4 [22]. According to US industries influenced by either human and/or animal
salinity laboratory, the standard value for soluble sodium activities [27]. The amount of water consumed per person per
percentage is ranging from 40% to 60%, any value above this day determines the amount of wastewater generated [28]. For
will result to breakdown of the soil physical properties [23] instance in breweries, to brew a bottle of beer which is 0.75
litre, nearly ten litres of water is required [29]. If 10 litres of
𝑁𝑎 water is required to brew a bottle of beer, it signifies that 9.25
𝑋 100 4 litres (92.5%) of the water become wastewater which is
termed as industrial effluent. However, the significant
 Other trace of elements found in irrigation water difference between clean water and wastewater is the
percentage of physical, chemical and biological properties
 Boron present in the water. The composition of wastewater varies
The presence of boron in irrigation water perhaps can with its source.
be useful to some plants. But the imbalance of boron (B)
concentration in irrigation water can cause toxic reaction to  Sources of Wastewater and sewage effluent
crops, and therefore renders it unfitting for use [21]. The There are basically two different sources of wastewater
venomousness of B concentration can even occur at less than and sewage effluent: point sources and non-point sources.
1.0 ppm [16]. Another finding shows that when more than
670µgL-1 is found in irrigation water, sensitive crops will 1. Point sources
indicate damage, therefore maximum limit should be Point sources of wastewater are discrete and
750µgL-1 for sensitive plants [24]. However, the use of boron identifiable sources. This sources is divided into domestic
and industrial. The domestic sewage effluents are those ones

Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
from residential areas and business; pollutants such as faecal Faced with these risks incurred from different
and vegetable matter, grease and scum, detergent, rags and wastewater sources countries seeking to improve wastewater
sediment, while industrial effluents on the other hand are use in agriculture should pursue the following key objectives;
those from textile, food processing, radioactive waste, large Minimize risk to public health, minimize risk to the
amount of sediment with high temperature, mining and environment, improve livelihoods for urban agriculturalists
refineries or companies. The type of pollutants found in the and integrate wastewater into the broader water resources
wastewater depend on the source of the wastewater. Because management context [42].
of their size, these sources are generally easier to collect, but
harder to treat (e.g., their chemical content can vary  Methods of treatment and use of sewage effluent
tremendously). There are different types of wastewater or Municipal wastewater consists of suspended and
sewage depending on the source from which it is generated dissolved solids, both organic and inorganic, and includes
from domestic dwelling; black-water and grey-water [30]. large numbers of microorganisms. Wastewater treatment is
Sewage generated from this sources, contain 99% of water in provided to minimize the detrimental effect to the receiving
it and remaining 1% is what qualifies to be wastewater. The environment, by achieving the following; removal of any
black-waters are generated from toilets while grey-waters are floating matter and grit, reduction of suspended solids, oil
those ones generated from homes with the exception of toilet and grease, reduction of dissolved organic matter and
source: contaminant here depends on the household utilities nutrients and reduction of microorganisms [43].
[31]. Research indicates that some parameters that defined
the quality of domestic sewage as the presence of solids, In selecting the type of wastewater treatment process, a
indicators of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus and best practicable treatment approach is utilized whereby the
indicators of faecal contamination. But the most common effluent limits are based on the use of established and proven
elements found in wastewater generated from this source that treatment technologies. Wastewater lagoons, activated sludge
when used for irrigation it imperils the some crops’ growth process, and rotating biological contactors are examples of
are antimony, chloride chromium, cobalt, fluoride systems allowed for municipal wastewater treatment in
molybdenum, selenium nitrogen and phosphorus [32]. When Alberta. The treated effluent may then be discharged to either
agricultural land is continually irrigated with sewage water, land or water. Methods of land application for the treatment
the presence of some heavy metals gets accumulated on the and/or disposal of wastewaters generally include irrigation,
soil crust which eventually become toxic to some plants that high rate irrigation, rapid infiltration, and wet lands disposal
may not tolerate the added amount [33] and eventually [44].
damage the soil by rendering it unfit for crops growth. For
instance, the amount investigated metals in the wastewater a. Wetland method
and sewage effluent presented on Table 4 was generated for This is a natural wastewater treatment technology. It is
just a week. It is either the required amount of metals in the also known as reed bed. A constructed filtering system
soil for crop growth is increased or decreased [34]. planted with wetland vegetation such as reed canary grass
with a distinct filter and wastewater flow way [45, 46]. The
2. Non-Point Sources wastewater flows through the wetland vegetation which must
They are diffused and generally occur from water be permeable enough to mitigate the problem of clogging.
runoff. Because they are spread over large areas, they tend to The flow is either horizontal or vertical depending on the
be more difficult to control, and in recent years they have purpose for which the system is designed. During the process
gained greater attention from researchers. They are divided of the wastewater flow, purification takes place by linkage of
into agricultural, urban, and atmospheric sources. physical, chemical and biological processes [39]. It denotes
Agricultural sources Include farms, which can contribute the biological treatment stage of wastewater treatment plants.
fertilizers, pesticides, soil erosion, and plant and animal It may also be used for secondary and tertiary treatment of
wastes to water run-off. Collectively, they usually constitute effluent from mechanical-biological treatment plant [40].
the largest source of pollutants to water, and the erosion
contributions are being worsened by the deforestation In this method of treatment of wastewater, organic
occurring in various parts of the world [41]. The true compound are removed from the wastewater by microbial
possibility of the problem from urban sources is still not very aerobic and anaerobic respiration; colloidal particles can then
well understood, but it is clearly a major contributor. Urban be removed from the wastewater by filtration, sedimentation
sewage effluent could be generated from runoff from streets or adsorption. However, de-nitrification do not take place.
and parking lots during precipitation that may contain motor Phosphorus is removed by gluing phosphorus to the filtering
oil and gasoline. Atmospheric sources includes air pollution material and bacterial is significantly minimized too [46].
contributed during precipitation (e.g., acid rain). However, it
is a typical example of the multi-media role of wastewater The treatment wetland with horizontal flow are
pollution. [41]. Therefore, sewage effluents from any of the designed using Eqn. 5 which is derived from kinetics
aforementioned sources need to be monitored before equation of the first order for removal BOD5assuming piston
embarking on irrigating agricultural land. Though the flow;
consequences wastewater and sewage effluent used for
irrigation on crop depends on the crop type and level 𝑄 𝐶 −𝐶 ∗
𝐴 = − ( ) . 𝐼𝑛 ((𝐶0 ∗ ) 5
tolerance. 𝑘 𝑖−𝐶 )

Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Where: practices [49]. This is to curb the problems incurred by usage
Ci: inlet BOD concentration, (mg l-1) sewage. In some States public control is exercised by State
C0: outlet BOD concentration, (mg l-1) officials, and in others, educational and advisory action is
C*: background BOD concentration, (mg l-1) taken but without enforcement of specific regulations. City
A: surface area of the constructed wetland filter (m2) and county officials have certain powers in controlling
KBOD: rate constant of pollution depletion (m year-1) sewage-irrigation practices, independently or in cooperation
with the State. Effective regulation, where the irrigated area
b. Land application is extensive and the Irrigators are numerous, may require
This method is based on the controlled application of frequent inspections. The complete reclamation of sewage to
wastewater to the surface of the soil such that as it permits a point at which the effluent is suitable for use on any and all
through, it is been treated by the physical, chemical and crops eliminates the necessity for control over its use, but
biological processes. This method is grouped into three; these increases the necessity for supervision over operation of the
includes overland flow, slow rate and rapid infiltration [8]. plant which produces the effluent. The tendency of
Most arid western state have used this method for the regulatory bodies is toward increasingly high standards of
treatment of sewage effluent for agricultural irrigation. It has use of effluents in irrigation. The possibility of polluting
gone viral today as one of the common methods employed in ground waters by extensive applications of sewage under
the treatment of industrial effluent [28]. This is the cheapest favourable conditions may be inferred from the findings of
of all the method of wastewater treatment, nevertheless, it has several investigators. The spread of pollution and the limits
potential impact on the crop that may be grown and water of spread under conditions in which the experiments were
sources (groundwater and surface water) [2]. conducted have been demonstrated. The quantity of initial
pollution, character of the soil, and location and direction of
c. Wastewater treatment plant flow of the ground water appear to be the important factors.
The wastewater treatment plant is an advanced Where effluents have been rendered safe this danger is
treatment technology which further stabilize oxygen removed and the effluents become available for augmenting
demanding substance in the wastewater. It may involve underground water supplies for subsequent use [28].
physical-chemical separation techniques like flocculation,
membranes for further filtration process, ion exchange and The suitability of effluents for irrigation depends on the
reverse osmoses [47]. Any degree of controlling pollution chemical as well as the bacterial constituents. Excessive
can be accomplished to any desired level, if these processes salinity affects the growth of sensitive plants; excessive
are employed. This treatment method is not only aimed at proportions of sodium produce unfavourable soil conditions.
having water for irrigation purpose alone but also for urban, Small quantities of boron are toxic to many plants, and have
landscape, industrial cooling and processing, recreational given concern in some sections in southern California. Where
uses and water recharge [48]. the proportions of salts in a municipal water supply are
increased as a result of industrial wastes to a point at which
II. CONCLUSION the water becomes hazardous for irrigation, separate disposal
of the industrial wastes is necessary if the effluent from the
Sewage is looked on as an asset in various areas domestic sewage is to be used on crops. Sewage is one form
because of its possible use as a supplemental irrigation water of return flow after diversion of water for beneficial use.
supply. Sewage irrigation, from the outlook of western
agriculture, is an effect of sewage disposed. It is not The courts in some States adhere to the public-
synonymous with sewage disposal. Therefore, irrigation with ownership theory of return flow, which means that return
this particular water supply, in areas in which irrigation is waters from irrigation (unless appropriated from a different
important or essential to agriculture, is an agricultural watershed from that in which the water is put to use) are not
problem. Sewage effluents from treatment plants are used for the private property of the appropriator; while those in other
irrigation of crops in most communities. With several States have sanctioned the appropriator's right to recapture
important exceptions sewage from the largest western cities return flow under certain circumstances. So far as municipal
is not now being diverted directly for irrigation. This use of waters appropriated from streams in the public-ownership
sewage in some areas has been discontinued for various States are concerned, it would appear that new uses of
reasons. In some communities, sewage is diverted from sewage from such municipalities for irrigation, before being
municipal effluent and channels into treatment plants. Areas discharged into stream channels, will be largely confined to
now irrigated with sewage taken directly from outfalls or the sewage return from water brought by the cities from other
treatment plants range from 1 or 2 acres to several thousand. watersheds. Such extensions of sewage irrigation practices as
The use of sewage effluent for irrigation has proven beyond may occur within the near future are expected to be in the
every doubt to produce higher yield in agriculture field of supplemental irrigation, although some new
production. It usage depend on the soil texture contained in enterprises in orchard areas are probable [50]. The cost of
as coarse soil texture has proven to better garbed to sewage sewage to individual farmers so far has usually been low.
effluent irrigation [25]. Locally grown crops around However, the cost of sewage to farmers for irrigating crops
community are therefore irrigated with wastewater, otherwise which require treatment of the effluent beyond that now
it has to be treated before use. Western States, particularly required of the city under public-health laws will doubtlessly
those in which sewage effluent irrigation is important, have involve payments by the farmers for part or all the cost of the
formulated policies for the regulation or guidance of such added treatment. The cost of effluents for future irrigation, in

Volume 5, Issue 10, October – 2020 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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