

May is here, and with it Mental Health Awareness month! Elroy reminded me that sometimes I can be a bit hard on myself, and that it is important to focus on the things we've been able to achieve, the wonderful people in our lives, and the inner demons we are able to conquer! #ConquerYourBattlefield


Enchanted Isles
Role-Playing Game...

My childhood collided with my adulthood recently. In the growth of the Enchanted Isles RPG that Thomas J. Bellezza and I are working on for BBR Productions, I now get to witness my childhood best friend and adulthood best friend working side by side (metaphorically at the moment)!

Programmer Chris Bauer has jumped on board to help develop the app that goes along with the game. Knowing Chris for over twenty years, I'm psyched for the opportunity to embark on a nerdy, creative, and fun business venture with him! That and to have an excuse to hang out every week.

Work Together, Grow Together, Rise Together...

The reality of how convoluted a governmental bureaucratic system is didn't hit me until I started sifting through the legal instructions laid out by New York State on how to register a nonprofit. It took a few days to organize everything and then read through. It might be a lot of steps (and a lot of waiting) but it's all 
worth it to get the ball rolling on the Team Rise Together organization! 

I loved the idea of Team Rise Together when Thomas J. Bellezza first told me about it. Entertainers congregating in order to work together, grow together, and rise together! Nearly ten years later, I'm happy to see that this brilliant brainstorm is growing into a formally registered entity to educate entertainers as they grow in their career!

Heavy Metal Beast...

The EP that Chris Wirsig and I worked on is finally streaming! Having this out to share with everyone is a personal milestone for me. Prior to writing this with Chris, I hadn't worked in a fully collaborative manner with another person since before I moved to Los Angeles. Since moving to the West Coast I had played music that other people had written, and composed on my own. Admittedly, I'd felt 
intimidated to let the creative juices flow with another person. I'm glad Chris brought up the idea to write together and brought me back out of my bubble. Even more importantly, I'm glad that I got to create some fun jams with my friend!

Friends on the Battlefield...

As this Angels on the Battlefield album comes together, I'm beyond humbled that friends have been offering to get involved. In addition to Thomas' guidance in composition and recording, my friend William 
Liermann (Voodoo Kungu, Northwind Wolves) jumped on board to help out with the drum tracks! One of the most reliable musicians I've ever worked with, and practically a human metronome, William adds quality, joy, and good humor wherever he goes!

That, and Elroy really enjoys the vegan treats William brings him.

Mental Health Awareness Month...

Mental health is something I personally brushed aside for quite a long time. There were difficulties I faced because I didn't explore my feelings properly, or communicate to others how I was feeling. It wasn't until these last few years that I've become more outspoken about my personal experiences. I didn't realize just how much my own anxiety, or witnessing the struggles of those in my life, had been affecting me.

May is dedicated to bringing awareness to those every day struggles we have within ourselves, and witness our loved ones going through. This is a reminder that you are never truly alone, even through your unique circumstance. We are in this life together.

There are some links on my website with information about anxiety, depression, and borderline personality disorder for anyone that might be struggling, have anyone in their lives that might be struggling, or that just want to educate themselves. 

What ever your situation, remember that you are strong enough to conquer any battlefield!


I've compiled a list of mental health resources and information. For those looking for some information, or a way to connect with a professional!

What is the point of life if life itself is not fulfilling your existence | Be more than A Dream 


All inclusive production company with a missions to help entertainers bring reality to their dreams!

Angels on the Battlefield
Guitar Playthrough


Thomas J. Bellezza's home on the Internet! He knows a thing or two about the number three!


The magnificent and talented Elliot Vernon (Alestorm) has put out an EPIC solo EP!


My good buddy Lars Deutsch has been working with pop sing Amiena to produce an album! This is one of their heavy hitting next single.


The god of all existence... and his progressive doom metal band. Spotify



Conquer your battlefield on Spotify!
Epic | Instrumental | Metal
Conquer your battlefield!
Copyright © 2020 JD McGibney Productions, Inc., All rights reserved.* Guitarist/Session Musician/Adventurer

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Thomas J. Bellezza

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