Moto Learning Doujou

To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. I will share Speaking & Writing activity for improvement of your Japanese.

#1-1 Karaoke Practice + Learning Japanese by Song + Writing Activity: 1st part of the Song“ロビンソン”


Karaoke & Learning Japanese

こんにちは。I am Japanese. To study English, I am teaching Japanese in English. 

I have started to use Japanese songs as learning material for my English exercise and for someone learning Japanese or want to practice Karaoke

Intentionally, I will introduce “Not New Songs”. This is because, you can easily find out many new songs with translation on Official Channel in YouTube but it is difficult to find out about relatively old songs. I will introduce popular songs amongst Japanese or little unknown but masterpiece. 


Today, We will see the first part of lyrics of ロビンソン. The name of band is スピッツ. Lyrics Writer and Composer is 草野正宗 (くさの まさむね)


Instruction, How to practice?


1, Check meaning of each word in lyrics and also Grammar Explanation at below .

(Some websites do not make contract with JASRAC, copyright management organization, while other websites such as はてなblog, and YouTube make the contract, so I will introduce lyrics in those websites. )

2, Check my Interpretation of lyrics or translation at below .

Sometimes, writers intentionally omit some words such as Subject or Object in lyrics. In this situation, I try to imagine and interpret meaning of lyrics, Like I said, I am learning English, so there could be many incorrect and unnatural explanations or translations in English. Sorry about this.

3, After listening to original song, it is good to practice Karaoke. That might be also effective as Japanese exercise. 

(Sometimes, the key of original song is high or low. in this situation, try to adjust the key by Karaoke machine.)

4, If you are learner and want to learn more Japanese, try Writing Activity. To improve language, output such as writing, and speaking is necessary. 


Writing Activity

(W1) I will pick up some words from the lyrics. Choose one word from the below “Word List” and make a sentence by using the word. Please refer to the below ④ Example sentences.


(W2) It is good to ask your Japanese friend or teacher to correct your sentences.


(If you have a difficulty to find out someone to correct your sentences and want to ask me to correct your sentences, check my “Moto Writing Doujou”.)


“Word List”

1,―を 追いかける
2,―を ぶらさげる
3,―を 作り上げる
4,―を 離す



④Example Sentences


I chose 1 & 3 and wrote example sentences like this.


1, 公園でジョギングしていると、野良猫が私を追いかけてきました。可愛かったので撫でてあげました。


3, ミラーさんの趣味は大きなプラモデルを買って、何ヶ月もかけて作り上げることです。


If you add explanation and English translation, it will be helpful to understand and correct your sentences more accurately.



The first part of Lyrics & Interpretation

I just try to practice Karaoke(笑).


This time, we will see the first part of song and next time, I will post the second part. I put the lyrics into [ ] which are cited from “Masamune, Kusano. (1995). Title of song: ロビンソン. Title of album: ハチミツ. Record Label: ポリドール”. I put vocabulary meaning, my grammar explanation and interpretation of lyrics into <>.


[新しい         季節は]

[Atarasii         Kisetsu wa]


<新しい=new,   季節=season>


[ なぜか ]

[ Nazeka ]


<なぜか=for some reason>


[ せつない  日々で ]

[ Setsunai   Hibide ]


<切ない = to be sad inside, 日々=every day>

<I think we can put です as predicate to indicate the end of this sentence. However, instead of です, で indicates the sentence still continues to another sentence like “conjunction”.>


[Atarasii Kisetsu wa Nazeka Setsunai Hibide]

<For some reason. I was feeling sad inside in the new season.>


[ 河原の   道を ]

[ Kawarano  Michi wo ]


<河原=riverside, 道=road>


[ 自転車で     走る君を ]

[ Jitensha de    hashiru kimi wo ]


<自転車で=by bicycle, 自転車で走る=to cycle>

<走る is a Dictionary form, so it shows “Relative Pronoun structure” to add additional information to Noun=君.>


[ 追いかけた ]

[ Oikaketa ]




[Kawara no Michi wo Jitensha de Hashiru Kimi wo Oikaketa]

<I was chasing you who were cycling on the riverside road.>

<I interpreted that Subject1 in this whole sentence is “わたし” but it is omitted. The Object2 of the whole sentence is “河原の道を自転車で走る君を=Relative Pronounを” that requires Verb2 “追いかける and its Taform is 追いかけた. In side of Relative Pronoun, Subject is 君, object is 河原の道を that requires Verb2 走る.> 


[ 思い出の  レコードと ]

[ Omoideno Rekoodo to ]


<思い出の=memorable, レコード=record>


[ 大げさな   エピソードを ]

[ Oogesana   Episodo wo ]


<大げさな = exaggerated, エピソード = episode>

<Structure is “Noun1 と Noun2 を”. Particle を indicates this part is Object.>


[ 疲れた      肩に   ぶらさげて ]

[ tsukareta    katani  burasagete ]


<つかれた= tired, 肩=shoulder,

ぶらさげる=to hang something.>

<Teform of ぶらさげます is ぶらさげて indicates the sentence continues.>


[ しかめつら まぶしそうに ]

[ sikametura mabusisouni ]


<しかめっつら or しか目面=frown face,

まぶしそうに=Person looks dazzled.>


[Omoideno Rekoodo to, Oogesana Episodo wo, Tsukareta Katani Burasagete Sikametsura Mabusisouni]

<While you looked dazzled, you put the memorable record and exaggerated episode on your tired shoulder.>

<There is no subject so I guess subject might be you or someone.>


[ 同じセリフ  同じ時 ]

[ Onajiserifu   Onajitoki ]


<同じセリフ=same line, quote, 同じ時=same time>


[ 思わず   口にする    ような ]

[ Omowazu  kuchinisuru   youna ]


<思わず=without thinking, 口にする=put into words.>

<People can use ような when adding more information by using example to explain something. Dictionary form 口にする comes before ような.>


[ ありふれた  この魔法で ]

[ Arifureta     Konomahoude]



この魔法で by this magic>


[ つくり上げたよ ]

[ Tsukuriagetayo ]


<つくり上げる=build up, 

Taform is つくり上げた.>


[Onaji Serifu Onajitoki, Omowazu Kuchinisuru youna,

Arifureta Konomahou de, Tsukuriageta yo]

<I/We built up (my/our country) by ordinary magic that is like we put the same line into words at the same time.>

 <This was really tough to translate. The latter part tries to explain what type of magic and the magic is like “we say same line simultaneously”.>


[誰も    触れない 二人だけの   国]

[Daremo  sawarenai  futaridakeno  kuni]


<誰も=Nobody, 触る=touch,

二人だけの国= the country for just the two of us>

<触ります→さわれますPotential form→さわれるPotential in Short Form→さわれない Potential in Short Form Negative that modified 二人だけの国.>


[君の手を          離さぬように]

[Kiminotewo         Hanasanu youni]


<君の手=your hand  離す=let go of.>

<離さぬ means 離さない. Plain Style/Short Form+ように means intention of Subject, try to do. So, “I try not to let go of your hand.”>


[Daremo Sawarenai Futaridakeno Kuni Kiminotewo Hanasanu Youni]

<Nobody cannot touch our country. I won’t leave you.>


[大きな  力で    空に   浮かべたら]

[Ookina chikarade Sorani  ukabetara]


<大きな力=great power,

空=sky, 浮かべる=float, fly>


[ルララ  宇宙の  風に  乗る]

[Rulala  Uchuuno kazeni  noru]


<ルララ=just hamming like, 

宇宙=outer space, 風=wind, 乗る=ride>


[Ookina Chikarade Sorani Ukabetara Rulala Uchuuno Kazeni Noru]

<We fly the country for just the two of us by great power and it rides the space wind.>


We will see the second part net time.





Masamune, Kusano. (1995). Title of song “ロビンソン”. Title of album “ハチミツ”. Record Label “ポリドール”.


作詞:草野正宗, 作曲:草野正宗, 1995年, 曲名:ロビンソン, アルバム名:ハチミツ, レーベル名:ポリドール 



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Japanese Songs & Karaoke List